

单词 dornick
释义 I. dornick1|ˈdɔːnɪk|
Forms: α. 6 dornyx(e, -ixe, -ycks, -ickes, -yk(k)es, -ikes, -eckes, 6–7 dornex, darnix, 6–8 dornix, 7 darnex, (dorninx). β. 5 dornewick, 6 dornik, -icke, -eck(e, -ek, (dornyth, dernyth, 7 darnisle), 7–9 darnock, darnick, dornick, 9 dornock, darnak.
The name of a Flemish town (in French called Tournay), applied to certain fabrics originally manufactured there, and to their imitations or substitutes. a. A silk, worsted, woollen, or partly woollen fabric, used for hangings, carpets, vestments, etc. Obs. b. ‘A species of linen cloth used in Scotland for the table’ (J.).
(In sense b often spelt dornock, and erroneously referred to Dornoch in Scotland.)
1489Act. Dom. Conc. 131 (Jam.), xij cuschingis..and xij seruiotis of dornewick.1514Churchw. Acc. Kingston-upon-Thames in Lyson Envir. Lond. I. 230 Three yerds of Dornek for a pleyers cote.1527MS. Inv. Goods T. Cromwell (Pub. Rec. Office), ij olde qwyshyns of whyte and rede dornyx..a hangyng of dornyxe.1550–1600Customs Duties (B. M. Add. MSS. 25097), Dornickes with silke..Dornickes with caddes..Dornickes with woll..Dornickes with thred.1552Act 5 & 6 Edw. VI, c. 24 §1 The making of Hats, Dornecks and Coverlets..of late..begun..within the City of Norwich.1553Inv. in Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. i. 555 An olde white vestment of dornecke, with the albe.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1290/1 Over the third [loom was written] the weaving of darnix.1625–6in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) III. 349 For dornicks for the master's bed-chamber ixs.1851L. D. B. Gordon in Art Jrnl. Illustr. Catal. p. viii. **/1 Pattern-weaving..the twills and all its varieties—as dimities, dornocks..&c.
c. attrib. and Comb.
1530J. Symsoun Inv. in Liber S. Marie de Lundoris (Abbotsf. Club) 32, vij seruitors of dornyth werk.1652Woman's Univers in Montgomerie's Poems (1887) 294 The webster with his jumbling hand, And dornick champion naperies.1672Shadwell Miser i, A Darnock Carpet.1725Lond. Gaz. No. 6380/13 Darnick-weaver.
See dannocks, which in Forby's opinion ‘should rather be Dornecks’.
II. dornick2 U.S. dial.
Also darnick.
[Cf. Ir. dornog handful, small stone.]
A pebble, stone, or small boulder.
1840Daily Pennant (St. Louis) June 18 (Thornton), That ar man he tooks up a dornick, and made a heap of cavortins.1869‘Mark Twain’ Innoc. Abr. xxxv, Darnick from the tomb of Abelard and Heloise.1878J. H. Beadle Western Wilds xii. 185 He gathered a dornick, and was just drawin' back to send the strange dog where they's no fleas.1899Ade Fables in Slang 124 A big White House, with..white-washed Dornicks in front of it.1942C. Morley Thorofare ii. xxxii. 147 You should have threw a dornick at me the other evening and put me in my place.




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