释义 |
† ˈeisell Obs. Forms: 2–3 aisille, 2–4 eisil, 3–5 aysel(l, -il, -ylle, (4 aycel, -zell), 4–6 aisel, -il, -ylle, (4 aissil, 5 ascill, ass-, asell(e), 4–7 eisel(l, -ill, eysell(e, -seel, -sil, -syl, -zell, 5 esylle, -zyl, (4 heysyl, 6 esile). [a. OF. aisil, aissil:—late L. *acētillum, dim. of acētum vinegar.] Vinegar.
c1160Hatton Gosp. Mark xv. 36 Fylde ane spunge mid eisile. Ibid. John xix. 29 Ða stod an fet full aisiles. a1225Ancr. R. 404 Þis eisil..þuruh fulleð mine pine. a1240Wohunge in Cott. Hom. 283 Nu beden ha mi leof..aisille. a1300E.E. Psalter lxviii. 22 [lxix. 21] In mi thriste with aysile dranke þai me. 138.Antecrist in Todd 3 Treat. Wyclif 133 Crist tasted eysel; and þei nolden non but goode wynes. c1420Pallad. on Husb. viii. 134 In this moone is made Aisel squillyne. c1450Myrc 1884 Loke thy wyn be not eysel. 1557Primer, XV Oos F iv, I beseche thee for the bitternesse of the Aisell and Galle. 1602Shakes. Ham. v. i. 299 Woo't drinke vp Esile, eate a Crocodile? 1620Venner Via Recta vi. 94 Eisell..is also a good sauce. 1634Harington Salerne Regim. 67 Summer-sauce should be verjuyce, eyzell or vinegar. |