

单词 testis
释义 I. ˈtestis1 Obs.
Pl. testes |ˈtɛstiːz|.
The Latin word for ‘witness’: from its legal use (cf. teste2), occasional in English context.
In quot. a 1483 in Latin construction = cum testibus ‘with the witnesses’.
a1483in Househ. Ord. (1790) 67 The Soveraynes here may send it with the testibus under theyre seales into the Chauncerie.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. cci. [cxcvii.] 616 The charter..named in the ende many wytnesses of prelates and great lordes of Englande, who were for the more suretie testes of that dede.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 532/2 As the saide Edward Hall, your great maister and testis, was about the compiling of his storie.1611[see testifier].
II. testis2 Anat.|ˈtɛstɪs|
Chiefly in pl. testes |ˈtɛstiːz|.
[L.: etymology uncertain.
An assumed identity with testis witness (quasi ‘the witness or evidence of virility’) is rejected by Walde, who suggests connexion with testa, pot, shell, etc. In 16th c. Fr., however, tesmoing ‘witness’ appears in this sense: see Godef. s.v.]
1. = testicle.
a. in man and mammals.
[1693tr. Blancard's Phys. Dict. (ed. 2), Testes viriles, Mens Testicles.]1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Testes, the Testicles of a Male.c1720Gibson Farrier's Guide i. ii. (1738) 16 Next to the Yard, the Testes, or Stones properly take place.1807–26S. Cooper First Lines Surg. (ed. 5) 495 The formation of such adhesions between the bowels and testis before birth, may also sometimes prevent..its descent.1881Mivart Cat 241 Two glandular structures, the testes.
b. in other animals.
1841–71T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. (ed. 4) 445 In Crabs, the mass of the testis is exceedingly large.1870Rolleston Anim. Life Introd. 54 [In Birds] The testes are always retained within the abdomen anteriorly to the kidneys.1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. iv. 179 The testes and vasa deferentia generally have the form of two long tubes.1888Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 680 The testis [in Nematoda] is single; very rarely paired.
c. transf. The ovary in females. Obs.
[1693tr. Blancard's Phys. Dict. (ed. 2), Testes Muliebres.]1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Testes,..the Organs of Seed in Men and Women.1841Ramsbotham Obstetr. Med. (1855) 43 Previously to the time of Steno, who first asserted that they were analogous to true ovaria, they were called the female testes.
2. transf. pl.
a. The posterior pair of the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina, at the base of the brain in mammals.
1681tr. Willis' Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Testes, certain tubercles in the brain of a man and beasts, so called because like to the stones of a man.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Testes Cerebri, are the two lower and lesser Protuberances of the Brain.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 345 The posterior tubercles or testes are connected by the posterior brachia with the corpora geniculata interna.
b. The tonsils. Obs.
1776J. Collier Mus. Trav. 44 (Stanf.) There are other superfluities besides the testes and glands of the throat which obstruct the free course of the voice.




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