

单词 thinking
释义 I. thinking, vbl. n.|ˈθɪŋkɪŋ|
[f. think v.2 + -ing1.]
The action of think v.2
1. a. Thought, cogitation, meditation, mental action or activity, etc.: see various senses of the verb. high thinking, idealistic opinions on or attitudes to social, moral, or religious questions; good (or nice) thinking: an expression of approval of a neat, ingenious, or well-thought-out plan, explanation, observation, etc.
a1300E.E. Psalter xviii. 15 [xix. 14] And thinginge of herte mine, Ever mare in sight þine.1382Wyclif ibid., The swete thenking of myn herte in thi siȝte euermore.c1460Ashby Dicta Philos. 16 Bethink in the nyght of goode ordennance, And in the day execute thy thynkyng.1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. ii. 31 Has Page any braines? Hath he any eies? Hath he any thinking?1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. ix. §1 Thinking..signifies that sort of operation of the Mind about its Ideas, wherein the Mind is active.1802Wordsw. Sonn., ‘O Friend! I know not’, etc., Plain living and high thinking are no more.1885J. Martineau Types Eth. Th. I. i. i. §3. 159 Thinking is the very essence of mind, as extension is of matter.1910J. London Let. 5 June (1966) 307 Bourgeois circles where he expected to find refinement, culture, high-living and high-thinking.1959Manch. Guardian 11 Aug. 5/2 For all the high thinking that goes with a branch of the United Nations Association and with folk dancing..there is not much sign of hard living.1968Listener 26 Dec. 848/2 Marc's Trendy Ape saw the final disappearance of high thinking in our new Bloomsbury before the onslaught of the Colonel's cry: ‘Good thinking!’1974L. Deighton Spy Story xx. 214 ‘They might be security police holding your friend Remoziva in custody.’ ‘Nice thinking, Pat,’ said Schlegel.1977D. Bagley Enemy ix. 65 ‘We need to keep in his good books.’ ‘Very good thinking,’ said Ogilvie.
b. pl. Thoughts; meditations, courses of thought.
1382Wyclif Isa. lxv. 2 A puple..that goth in a wei not good, after ther thenkingus.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) ii. 192 b/2 So oryson with fastyng casteth out..the foule thoughtes & vayne thynkynges.1548Udall Erasm. Par. Luke v. 70 The secrete thinkynges of theyr hertes.1601Shakes. All's Well v. iii. 128, I am wrap'd in dismall thinkings.1812Southey Lett. (1856) II. 283 Put together all your recollections and memoranda, I will put together my gleanings and thinkings.1840Dickens Old C. Shop viii, All these sayings and doings and thinkings..affected him not in the least.
c. spec. Imagination, fancy; idle fancy. rare.
c1420Chron. Vilod. 1702 Þe sweuene Of þe tweyn appullon þat fellon from þe tre in to þe water in his thenkyng.1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) i. iii. 23 These wordes..be not made for no thynge and with thynkynge.
d. With various constructions: see the verb.
there is no thinking, one cannot or need not think.
1638Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. II.) 111 There is no thinking therefore to deceive you by a shew of good.1669R. Montagu in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 436 Without her ever thinking of it.1849Clough Dipsychus ii. ii. 195 My pleasure of thought is the pleasure of thinking How pleasant it is to have money.
2. The holding of an opinion or opinions; judging, mental viewing; opinion, judgement, belief; phr. to ( after, in) my thinking = in my opinion.
c1410Master of Game (Digby MS. 182) Prol. 13 What shalbe in euery sesoun moste durable and, to my thynkynge,..oftenest most desportfull of all games.1490J. Kay tr. Caoursin's Siege of Rhodes (1870) ⁋10 That hyt was impossible, after hys thynkyng, to fynde in all the world such instruments of werre.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, v. v. 114, I heare a Bird so sing, Whose Musicke (to my thinking) pleas'd the King.1599Dallam in Early Voy. Levant (Hakl. Soc.) 11 In my thinkinge it seemed not to be above 3 myles.c1775Burke Addr. to King Wks. IX. 177 In..opposition to the..confirmed sentiments and habits of thinking of an whole people.1879B. Taylor Stud. Germ. Lit. 143 Frauenlob, the last, and, to my thinking, the poorest of the Minnesingers.
3. attrib. and Comb., as thinking-material, thinking-party, thinking-place, thinking process, thinking-room, thinking-substance; thinking-box, colloq. (a) = think box s.v. think v.2 18; (b) a study; thinking-cap (see cap n.1 9, and cf. considering-cap, considering vbl. n. 2 b); Thinking Day, 22 February, the joint birthday of the first Chief Scout and Chief Guide, kept by members of the Girl Guides Association for thinking of other Guides all over the world; thinking distance, the distance travelled by a motor vehicle from the time when the driver first decides to stop until the time when he begins to apply the brake; cf. stopping-distance s.v. stopping vbl. n. 7; thinking-machine, (a) a person whose thinking consists (merely) in mechanical response to symbols; (b) colloq., an electronic computer; thinking-out [f. vbl. phr. to think out s.v. think v.2 15], the activity of reaching an understanding or a solution of (some problem) by a process of thought; thinking part (Theatr. colloq.), a part in which the actor has no words to speak, a silent part; thinking-shop (humorous), a building or institution for study, as a university; thinking-through [f. vbl. phr. to think through s.v. think v.2 17] = thinking-out above; thinking-time, -while, time to think, a short space of time.
1911‘Sepharial’ Kabala of Numbers I. vii. 75 The *thinking-box of a scientific man [sc. Newton].1915Galsworthy Bit o' Love I. 10 He'm in his thinkin' box.1951N. G. Annan Leslie Stephen i. 29 Stephen wanted to appear..as an athlete who incidentally owned a competent thinking-box.
1874Coues Birds N.W. 527 Startled in his retreat while his *thinking-cap is on, he [the bittern] seems dazed, like one suddenly aroused from a deep sleep.1903Daily Chron. 21 Jan. 5/4 It is satisfactory to know that the Post Office Department has its ‘thinking-cap’ on.
1927Girl Guide Gaz. Feb. 33/1 At the World Conference in America it was suggested by one of the French delegates that there should be an international ‘*Thinking Day’, on which the Guides of all our different countries should remember each other.1977Guider July 327/2 The colours of the Retford Unit of Ranger Guides were dedicated on Thinking Day this year.
1947Highway Code (recto rear cover), Think in terms of overall stopping distance... *Thinking distance = Distance travelled before driver reacts.1980J. W. Hill Intermediate Physics iii. 20 The Highway Code shows that for a car travelling at 70 m.p.h...the ‘thinking distance’ travelled is 70ft..before the brakes are applied.
1943H. Read Politics of Unpolitical iii. 46 We teach them [sc. children]..to master abstract symbols and the processes of conceptual thought, and by the age of eleven or twelve we have produced a *thinking-machine of sorts.1948Blunden Shakespeare to Hardy ii. 47 His [sc. Francis Bacon's] danger was to turn himself into a thinking-machine.1950Mind LIX. 436 The present interest in ‘thinking machines’ has been aroused by a particular kind of machine, usually called an ‘electronic computer’ or ‘digital computer’.
1842Poe in Graham's Mag. Jan. 68/2 With the increase of the *thinking-material comes the desire..of abandoning particulars for masses.1971B. de Ferranti Living with Computer ix. 80 The amount of ‘thinking material’ in the brains of a number of fishes was doubled by transplantation from other fishes.
1934H. G. Wells Exper. Autobiogr. II. ix. 654, I was using my prestige and possibilities as an imaginative writer, to do the *thinking-out of this problem of human will and government, under fantastic forms.1946R. G. Collingwood Idea of Hist. 196 This thinking-out of the meaning of a concept is philosophy.
1890‘B. Hall’ Turnover Club i. 17 Then he uses this man to play *thinking parts, like the Bleeding Officer and the two armies.1898Daily News 12 Mar. 6/3 The great Benefit which is to be given to Nellie Farren next week at Drury Lane... Some of the most famous [actresses] are content with what are humourously called good ‘thinking’ parts.1908Greenroom Bk. 667 He made his professional debut in 1867 in a ‘thinking part’.
1897Q. Rev. Apr. 348 That remarkable series of reading-parties (or more truly of *thinking-parties).
1883Jefferies Story of my Heart 74 This..was a favourite *thinking-place.
1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 423 These kinæsthetic images..play only a small part in *thinking processes.
1862Thoreau Yankee in Canada i. (1866) 13 When every house..will have not only its sleeping-rooms, and dining-room, and talking-room or parlor, but its *thinking-room also.
1836–48B. D. Walsh Aristoph., Clouds i. ii, I am come To be a Scholar in the *Thinking-shop.1890Spectator 19 Apr., It turned Oxford into an aristocratic boarding-school from a democratic thinking-shop.
1884J. Tait Mind in Matter (1892) 99 The etherialised medium of force, which probably connects the brain with the *thinking-substance.
1971Listener 16 Dec. 838/2 An inadequate *thinking-through of what those fine phrases will mean in practice.
1667Dryden & Dk. Newcastle Sir Martin Mar-all v. i, I'll put you upon something, give me but a *thinking time.
Ibid. iii. i, As a whiff of tobacco..[used] in the midst of a discourse for a *thinking-while.

Add:3. thinking-aloud a. Psychol. = think-aloud adj. s.v. *think v.2 19.
1980Psychol. Rev. LXXXVII. 216/2 No distinction is made between such diverse forms of verbalization as ‘*thinking aloud’ protocols, retrospective responses to specific probes, and the classical introspective reports of trained observers.1989Lit. & Ling. Computing IV. 1/1 Thinking aloud data can give a valuable ‘window’ on the underlying mental processes.
II. ˈthinking, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. That thinks; having, or exercising, the faculty of thought; cogitative.
1678Dryden & Lee Œdipus iii. i, A thinking soul is punishment enough.1709Steele & Addison Tatler No. 111 ⁋1 What was the proper Employment of a thinking Being?1800Med. Jrnl. III. 281 According to the laws of the thinking faculty, the understanding and reason.1864Bowen Logic i. 2 The Thinking or Elaborative faculty,—i.e. the Understanding.
2. Given to thinking; habitually exercising one's mind; having special or well-trained powers of thought; thoughtful, reflective, intellectual. (Cf. thinker 1 c.)
1681Let. to Person of Hon. in Select. Harl. Misc. (1793) 461 To have an account of the sense of the thinking-men about the town concerning it.1799Mirror No. 16 ⁋3 Those moments of deeper pensiveness to which every thinking mind is liable.1837W. Irving Capt. Bonneville III. 225 The senior chief..was a thinking man, and a man of observation.
3. fig. Said of very life-like sculpture: cf. breathing ppl. a. b.
1732M. Green Grotto 57 The thinking sculpture helps to raise Deep thoughts, the genii of the place.
Hence ˈthinkingdom (nonce-wd.), a realm of thinking persons; ˈthinkingly adv., in a thinking manner, in the way of thought; with thought, consciously, deliberately; in (one's own) thought or supposition (quot. 1894); ˈthinkingness, thinking quality; thoughtfulness, intellectuality; the essence of a thinking being (quot. 1865).
1880Q. Rev. Oct. 415 Christendom..is far enough as yet from having been replaced by the Utopian *Thinkingdom (Cogitantenthum), to which one of the modern German apostles of materialism..looks forward.
1847Webster, *Thinkingly, by thought.1887M. Linskill In Exchange for Soul xlviii, Quite thinkingly he sent the message in his wife's name.
1673O. Walker Educ. v. 43 Contrary to that seriousnes and *thinkingnes requisite to prudence and gallantry of spirit.1838New Monthly Mag. LIII. 118 All men say..good things of the courage of Englishmen, the chastity of English women, the thinkingness of both sexes.1865J. Grote Explor. Philos. i. 140, I recognise two manners of existence,..thinkingness and thoughtness.




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