

单词 thwartly
释义 ˈthwartly, adv. Now rare.
[f. thwart a. + -ly2.]
In a thwart manner.
1. Transversely, crosswise, obliquely. Also fig.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. D iv b, The seconde bone of the heade in the hyndre parte..is enclosed by a commyssure thwartly in maner of a greke lettre called Lampda.1654Z. Coke Logick 181 Indirect Solution, is when we answer indirectly, and thwartly to the Syllogism proposed.
2. In the way of opposition or contrariety; perversely; ‘crossly’.
1554W. Kethe in Goodman How Superior Powers, etc. (1558) 235 Sith man then in iudgeinge, so thwartly is bente To satisfie fansie, and not true intente.1581Rich Farewell (Shaks. Soc.) 172 She answerd hym thawartly.a1646J. Gregory Terrestr. Globe Posthuma (1650) 266 Som few Spanish Geographers..reckon the Longitudes quite contrarie, from East to West, but which was thwartly in it self, and, in the proof, inconsiderably don.1914Hardy Satires of Circumstance 192 Then grinned the Ancient Briton from the tumulus treed with pine: ‘So, hearts are thwartly smitted In these days as in mine!’




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