释义 |
▪ I. † ˈfretish, ˈfretize, v.1 Obs. Also 6 fretissh, freatish, 6–7 frettish, -ize. [f. frediss- lengthened stem of OFr. fredir, freidir (Fr. froidir), f. freid (Fr. froid) cold.] trans. To chill, benumb. Only in pass.
1523St. Papers Hen. VIII, IV. 52 Many of their horses loste and fretished. 1535Ibid. IX. 147, I could get neither bread, drink, nor fire..till I was fretisshed. 1581Mulcaster Positions xliii. (1887) 265 That foolish fellow was fretished for cold. 1607T. Walkington Opt. Glass 58 Reviving those remote parts, which without his influence woulde otherwise be frettisht with a chilnes. Hence ˈfretished ppl. a.; ˈfretishing, vbl. n., a weakness in a horse's feet, the result of a chill, the pinching of a shoe, etc.; ˈfretishing ppl. a., becoming ‘fretished’.
1581Mulcaster Posit. vi. (1887) 48 Daunsing..strengtheneth weake hippes, fainting legges, freatishing feete. 1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 292 Of the fretized, broken, and rotten lungs. 1610Markham Masterp. ii. lxii. 322 If the horse be foundred through the straitnesse of a shoo, which..is not a founder, but a frettizing which is a degree lesse then foundring. 1617― Caval. viii. 8 Nowe if his Horse haue beene formerly foundred or frettised vpon his feete. 1639T. de la Grey Compl. Horsem. 38 We prick the two Toe-veines which do help Frettizing. ▪ II. † ˈfretish, ˈfretize, v.2 Obs. In 7 frettish. [Connected with OF. fraitis (Godef.), said of capitals of columns, and app. rendering ‘quasi in modum retis’ in 1 Kings vii. 17. Cf. fret n.1, v.2 If this be a pa. pple., the Eng. vb. is prob. ad. OF. *fraitiss-, *fraitir. If it be an adj.:—L. type ? *fracticius, the Eng. vb. is prob. formed upon it.] trans. = fret v.2 Hence † ˈfretized ppl. a., † ˈfretizing vbl. n.
1579–80North Plutarch (1676) 36 The fretised seelings curiously wrought. 1601in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 260 Payde also vnto Cobbe for frettishing the gallerie and the great chamber 30l. 1606Breton Sydney's Ourania ii, In purple robe with starres yfretized. Ibid. xvi, A Carkanet..Fretized with Carbuncles. 1626T. H. Caussin's Holy Crt. 85 This..beautiful embowed frettizing of the heauenly Orbes. a1693Urquhart Rabelais iii. lii. 429 Angiports..frettized and embowed Seelings. 1703T. S. Art's Improv. i. 43 Frettized work. |