

单词 geometric
释义 geometric, a.|dʒiːəʊˈmɛtrɪk|
[ad. L. geōmetric-us, a. Gr. γεωµετρικός, f. γεωµέτρ-ης geometer. Cf. F. géométrique.]
a. = geometrical.
1630Dekker 2nd Pt. Honest Wh. C 1 a, Of Geometricke figures the most rare, And perfect'st are the Circle and the square.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. i. ii. 16 The overflowing of Nilus..required a Geometric Art for the Division of their lands, when the floud was over.1706W. Jones Syn. Palmar. Matheseos 57 In any Geometric Proportion, when the Antecedent is less than the Consequent, the Terms may be express'd by a and ar.1814Cary Dante, Par. xxxiii. 123 As one, Who versed in geometric lore, would fain Measure the circle.1837Whewell Hist. Induct. Sci. (1857) II. 422 The elasticity proceeds in a geometric series.1864Bowen Logic x. 339 Thus, the numberless properties of every geometric figure are reduced.
b. geometric jasper: ? some mineral with geometrical markings (obs.). geometric caterpillar = geometer 4. geometric spider, a spider which constructs a web of a geometrical form.
1681Grew Musæum iii. 291 A Geometrick jasper.1815Kirby & Sp. Entomol. I. 414 The nets of the geometric spiders are in favourable weather renewed either wholly, or at least their concentric circles, every twenty-four hours.1851–6Woodward Mollusca 138 They walk by contracting the space between their lips and foot, like the geometric caterpillars (Gray).1878Daily News 24 Oct. 6/4 The common garden or geometric spider is now to be seen abundantly.
c. Designating or pertaining to a style of English architecture preceding or corresponding to the decorated style (see decorated ppl. a. b).
1889Cent. Dict. s.v. decorated, The Decorated style has been divided into two periods: namely, the Early or Geometric Decorated period, in which the ornament consists especially of simple curves and lines and combinations of them; and the Decorated style proper.1899R. Glazier Man. Hist. Ornament 39 Decorated or geometric period.Ibid., The aisle windows with mullions and bold geometric tracery.1957Times Lit. Suppl. 25 Oct. 636/3 So far as architecture is concerned the book covers three periods, Early English, Geometric, and Early Decorated.
d. Designating a period, the ‘Geometric Age’, of ancient Greek culture lasting from c 900 to c 700 b.c., or objects belonging to that period, esp. the pottery, characterized by the use of geometrical forms in decoration.
1902Encycl. Brit. XXV. 572/1 In the remains of the Geometric Age we may trace the influence of the Dorians.Ibid. 572/2 (caption) Geometric vase from Rhodes.1939J. D. S. Pendlebury Archaeol. Crete vi. 319 The Geometric pottery of Crete never attained the high standard of the Attic school.Ibid. 323 The most probable dating for the end of the true Geometric Period is about 700 in the East, and about 750 in Crete.1950H. L. Lorimer Homer & Monuments p. viii, The salient features of the Late Geometric age with which the Early Iron Age terminates had become known..through the exploration of the Dipylon cemetery.Ibid. ii. 70 Vases in the shape of a pomegranate are fairly frequent in Greek Geometric art.




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