

单词 undisturbedly
释义 undiˈsturbedly, adv.
[un-1 11: cf. prec.]
Without being disturbed; tranquilly, quietly.
1647H. More Song of Soul Notes 350 For infinite animadversion can discern all things unmixtly and undisturbedly.1683Cave Ecclesiastici Introd. p. lxxi, The Gentiles undisturbedly brought their Sacrifices..to their Images.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) I. 517, I expect..that the healed will accompany me as undisturbedly as the unwounded along our future progress.1842F. E. Paget Milford Malvoisin 94 She..slept as calmly and undisturbedly as the infant at her breast.1877A. Brassey Voy. Sunbeam xix, Ravens croak, and pigeons coo, as undisturbedly as if..in the deepest woodland solitude.




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