

单词 hacking
释义 I. hacking, vbl. n.1|ˈhækɪŋ|
[f. hack v.1 + -ing1.]
1. a. The action of the verb hack; chopping, hewing; mutilation, etc. hacking off, out: see quots.
c1440Promp. Parv. 222/1 Hakkynge, or hewynge, sectio.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. iii. ii. (1651) 96 Why doth scraping of trenchers offend a third, or hacking of files?1842–76Gwilt Archit. Gloss. s.v., Taking down old plastering from a wall or ceiling is called ‘hacking off’.1881Young Every Man his own Mechanic §1693 The removal of old glass and putty from a sash-frame is termed ‘hacking out’ in the trade.1892E. Reeves Homeward Bound 266 There was a lot of horrid hacking and butchery.
b. Football. See hack v.1 2 b.
c. [After G. hackung; cf. F. hachement.] Massage with the edge of the hand.
1890A. Kellgren Ling's Syst. Man. Treatm. 25 Tapotement means hacking or beating.1893A. S. Eccles Sciatica 64 Thorough rubbing, kneading, hacking, and passive movements are practised.
d. The use of a computer for the satisfaction it gives; the activity of a hacker (hacker n. 3). colloq. (orig. U.S.).
1976J. Weizenbaum Computer Power & Human Reason iv. 118 The compulsive programmer spends all the time he can working on one of his big projects. ‘Working’ is not the word he uses; he calls what he does ‘hacking’.1984Times 7 Aug. 16/2 Hacking, as the practice of gaining illegal or unauthorized access to other people's computers is called.1984Sunday Times 9 Dec. 15/2 Hacking is totally intellectual—nothing goes boom and there are no sparks. It's your mind against the computer.
2. Breaking of a note; ‘mangling’ of words or sense: see hack v.1 6 and 7. Obs.
1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) i. lix. 101/1 It were better to say goddes seruyce without note than with note and hackynge of the syllabes and wordes of our prayers.1676Marvell Mr. Smirke 6 Having avowed that he had scann'd the Book thorow, this hacking and vain repetition being just like it.
3. concr. (Usually hackin.) A large kind of sausage or mincemeat pudding which formed, in some districts, part of the ‘cheer’ on Christmas day.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 159 Thus shall we sort out eternity into as many kinds and lengths, as the Darbyshire huswife does her pudding when she makes whitings and blackings, and liverings and hackings.1674–91Ray N.C. Words 142 A Hackin..farcimen.16..Aubrey MS. (N.), The hackin must be boiled by day break, or else two young men must take the maiden by the arms, and run her round the market place.1878Cumbld. Gloss., Hackin..a pudding of mincemeat and fruit—used till lately for the family breakfast on Christmas day.
4. Arch. (See quot.)
1842–76Gwilt Archit. Gloss., Hacking in walling, denotes the interruption of a course of stones by the introduction of another on a different level, for want of stones to complete the thickness.
5. attrib. and Comb. hacking-block, -stock, = hack-log, -stock; hacking-knife, -tool: see quots.
1592Hacckinge stocke [see hackstock s.v. hack-].1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 422 A Hacking-out Tool is an old broken knife, ground sharp on its edge.1827H. Steuart Planter's G. (1828) 46 The lopping and hacking method.1842–67Gwilt Archit. §2226 The hacking knife is for cleaning out the old putty from the rebates where squares are to be stopped in.1877Holderness Gloss., Hackin-block, a block of wood for chopping meat upon.
II. ˈhacking, vbl. n.2
[f. hack v.3 + -ing1.]
1. The action of the vb. (esp. in sense 3).
1879[see hack v.3 4].1881Encycl. Brit. XII. 198/2 For hacking purposes a double bridle is almost invariably used.
2. Special Comb. hacking coat, jacket, a sports coat suitable for use when riding, often tailored in a tweed with vents at the side or at the back; hacking length, the length of a hacking jacket.
1948‘E. Crispin’ Buried for Pleasure vi. 38 He wore jodhpurs, riding-boots, a violent check hacking coat, and a yellow tie.1954New Yorker 13 Nov. 168/2 A jacket with a center vent and four buttons, or a hacking coat with side vents and slanted flap pockets, is from $125 to $135.1954Irish Digest Nov. 40 Resplendent in cloth cap, tweed hacking jacket, [etc.].., Huston squires it happily among his beloved Irish.1959H. Hobson Mission House Murder ii. 11 My Harris tweed hacking-jacket.1965Punch 22 Dec. 933/3 Leo McKern's irascible Baron is a splendid comic creation, wrapped in a loud-checked hacking jacket (checks any larger and they wouldn't have fitted on to the material).1966Guardian 27 July 6/4 Jackets are hacking length.
III. ˈhacking, ppl. a.
[f. hack v.1 + -ing2.]
1. That hacks, wounds, or slashes.
1612W. Martyn Youth's Instruct. 39 These hacking fencers, impudent stage players, beastly drunkards.1808Scott Let. to C. K. Sharpe 30 Dec. in Lockhart, Lay hold of..any other new book you like, and give us a good hacking review of it.1864Pusey Lect. Daniel i. 9 That hacking school of criticism, which hewed out the books of Holy Scripture into as many fragments as it willed.
2. hacking cough, a short, dry, frequently repeated cough. Also hecking, q.v.
[1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. ii. ii. 55 It was called an Hectick fever; because (saith he) of an hecking cough which ever attendeth that disease.]a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Hacking-cough, a faint tickling cough.1835Sir G. Stephen Search of Horse vi. 90 The hacking tone of chronic asthma.1880M. E. Braddon Just as I am xxvii, I have had a hacking cough ever since last September.
Hence ˈhackingly adv.
1611Florio, Alla recisa, cuttingly, hackingly.




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