

单词 unguentary
释义 ˈunguentary, n. and a. Now rare.
[ad. L. unguentārius, -a, -um (adj. and n.), f. unguentum ointment. Cf. It. and Sp. unguentario, OF. ung-, onguentaire.]
A. n.
1. A maker of or dealer in (perfumed) ointment; a perfumer.
1382Wyclif Exod. xxx. 25 An oynement maad with the werk of ungwentarye [1388 a makere of oynement].1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 64 b/2 He shal also take your doughters and make them his unguentaryes.1609Bible (Douay) Exod. xxx. 25 Thou shalt make the holie oile of unction, an ointment compounded by the arte of an unguentarie.1684tr. Agrippa's Van. Arts xc. 313 In stead of Alchymists, Cacochymists;..in stead of Unguentaries, Victuallers.
2. = unguentarium.
1911Sotheby's Sale Catal. Egypt. Antiq. 87 An Unguentary, shaped as a Gazelle with its legs tied together.
B. adj. Adapted for use in, suitable for, having connexion with, ointments.
1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 273 Which Hippocrates calls myrepsicum, that is, unguentary, from its suavity.1846Worcester (citing Gent. Mag.).1891Cent. Dict., Unguentary vase, a small vase for unguents.




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