

单词 unmeetly
释义 I. unˈmeetly, a. Obs. rare.
[un-1 7. Cf. OE. unmǽtlíc, OHG. (MHG.) unmâzlich.]
1. = unmeet a. 1 b.
a1400–50Alexander 321 A mouthe as a mastis hunde, vnmetely to shaw.
2. = unmeet a. 4.
1534More Treat. Passion Wks. 1316/1 Peter..thought it in hys mynde vnmetely that hys lorde and mayster shoulde weshe his feete.
II. unˈmeetly, adv.
[un-1 11. Cf. prec., and ON. úmátaliga, OHG. unmâzlîche (MHG. unmæ̂zlîche).]
1. Immoderately, excessively. Obs.—1
a1300Cursor M. 27763 O suernes cums care to strang And þat vnmetele lastand lang.
2. Unfitly, unbecomingly.
1596Spenser F.Q. vi. vi. 16 A faire Mayden..Vpon a mangy iade vnmeetely set.1611Cotgr., Induëment,..vnmeetly, vnfitly.1826Scott Woodst. xxviii, A benevolent smile..accorded not unmeetly with his glistening eyes.1864Neale Seatonian Poems 108 Tell, nor unrashly nor unmeetly, how God came from Teman.




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