

单词 unpaid
释义 unˈpaid, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Of persons: To whom payment has not been made; not receiving payment.
1375Barbour Bruce i. 257 Quhethir he his lordis neid suld let, And pay fryst that he awcht,..Or leve onpayit his wyff.1464Paston Lett. Suppl. (1901) 83, I trow I xall be fayn to contente hem or ellys they xall be unpayyd.1568Grafton Chron. II. 313 A number of the souldyours..whome king Peter promised to pay, came home agayne vnpayde.1586Sir A. Poulet in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. III. 10 Yf they shall say that they are unpayd of their wages.1627Drayton Battle of Agincourt xliii, The Church to pawne, would see her Challice layde, E'r shee would leaue one Pyoner vnpayde.a1658Lovelace Poems (1904) 125 Whilst thy unpay'd Musicians, Crickets, sing.1728Pope Dunc. ii. 110 That suit, an unpay'd tailor snatch'd away!1769Burke Obs.Pres. St. Nat. 8 If her armies are three years unpaid.1837McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire II. 646 The risks arising from the frequent defaults of the unpaid overseers.1891Daily News 27 June 5/1 Unpaid children..went to their work at six o'clock in the morning.
b. With for. (Cf. 3.)
1611Shakes. Cymb. v. v. 307 Wilt thou vndoo the worth thou art vnpayd for By tasting of our wrath?1618J. Taylor (Water P.) Penniless Pilgr. Wks. (1630) 123 Master Taylor..Vnask'd (vnpaid for) me both lodg'd and fed.
c. the (Great) Unpaid, the class of unpaid magistrates or justices.
1826Edin. Rev. 441 We beg to be acquitted of all intention of affronting, or attacking the Great Unpaid.1826Examiner 727/2 The miserable canting spirit which actuates the ‘Unpaid’.
2. Not handed over or given in payment; not discharged or cleared off by payment.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 117 Lisia..wente into Pers, ffor þe tribute was unpayde.1424Paston Lett. I. 16 The fees and the wages of the seid William..unpayed draweth a gret some to hys pouere degree.1491Act 7 Hen. VII, c. 20 §5 As often as it shall happen the seid annuall rent..to be behynd and unpayd in part or in all.1507Rec. St. Mary at Hill 25 Yff it happ y⊇ said yerly ferme of v marke..to be behynd..by a monithe vnpaid.1547in Feuillerat Revels Edward VI (1914) 26 The sum.., as by the bookes..dothe apere more at large, is vnpayd.1606Arraignm. & Execution Late Traitors (Hindley II) 7 That his wife might have her jointure.., his sisters their legacies in his hand unpaid.1661Morgan Sph. Gentry iv. iii. 41 The party whose portion shall appear to be unpayed.1764Goldsm. Hist. Eng. in Lett. (1772) II. 20 Alexander..was indebted to him a large sum, which was still unpaid.1848Thackeray Van. Fair lii, A long arrear of unpaid wages.1878J. Davidson Inverurie & Garioch 349 The fines remaining unpaid.
fig.1421Hoccleve Min. Poems 169/817 His brothres reward had nat been vnpayed, Nad promesse of the Emperour him bownde To pardon.1667Milton P.L. v. 779 How we may best..Receive him coming to receive from us Knee-tribute yet unpaid.1710Congreve To Sir G. Kneller, Fame due to vast desert is kept in store, Unpay'd, till the deserver is no more.1791Cowper Iliad i. 112 The seer..spake, Nor vow nor hecatomb unpaid on us He charges.
b. Of debts or bills: Undischarged.
1483Act 1 Ric. III, c. 2 Many worshipful Men..live in great Penury.., their Debts unpaid, and their Children unpreferred.1492–3Rec. St. Mary at Hill 194 Olde dettes that have be lefte vnpayde by the cherch wardenys.1681R. Knox Hist. Ceylon vii. 149 The Interest never runs up higher, tho the Debt lye seven years unpaid.1754in Nairne Peerage Evidence (1874) 52 A just true and lawful debt wholly resting unpaid.1781Cowper Retirem. 559 Anticipated rents, and bills unpaid.1887Gunter Mr. Barnes xiii. 96 She remembers she has unpaid bills.
c. Not rendered or discharged.
1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. v. 48 She pray'd me to excuse her keeping close, Whereto constrain'd.., She should that dutie leaue vnpaide to you Which dayly she was bound to proffer.1717Pope Elegy Mem. Unfort. Lady 48 What can atone..Thy fate unpity'd, and thy rites unpaid?1725Odyss. xv. 213 With him all night the youthful strangers staid, Nor found the hospitable rites unpay'd.
3. Not paid for. Also without prep.
1465Paston Lett. II. 233 [If] the blak hose be payid for, he wyll send the roset un-payd for.1552in Feuillerat Revels Edw. VI (1914) 124 The like charges of the said lorde..beinge yet behinde and vnpaid for.1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. iii. 24 Rustling in vnpayd-for Silke.1653W. Ramesey Astrol. Restored To Rdr. 11 The Drapers cloth on their back,..and all unpaid for.1827Pollok Course T. viii. 433 A show unpaid for, paying to be seen!1886C. E. Pascoe Lond. of To-day xliii. (ed. 3) 379 Letters posted unpaid are charged double postage.1895Ld. Farrer in Westm. Gaz. 19 Feb. 2/1, I did not know before I joined the Council how good and how zealous unpaid work can be.
Hence unˈpaidish a. (from sense 1 c).
1829E. Elliott Village Patriarch iii. ix, Mark his unpaidish sneer, his lordly frown.




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