

单词 hinderling
释义 I. ˈhinderling1 Obs.
[f. OE. hinder adv. (see hind a.) or hinder a.2 + -ling.]
A base, mean, degenerate person.
c1200Ormin 486 And halde þe forr hinnderrlinng, And forr well swiþe unnwresste.12..Laws Edw. Conf. c. 35 §1 in Schmid Gesetze 516 Summa ira commotus, unus vocat alterum hinderling, i.e. ab omni honestate dejectum.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 109 Wherefore Westsexmen haveþ in proverbe of hiȝe despite hynderlyng whiche sowneþ i-cast doun fro honeste.
II. ˈhinderling2
[f. hinder a.1 + -ling2.]
1. The backward direction: only in the OE. advb. phrase on hinderling backward. Obs.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) lv. 8 [lvi. 9] Þonne on hinderling hweorfað mine feondas fæcne.Ibid. lxix. [lxx.] 3 Hi on hinderlincg hweorfað and cyrrað.
2. n. pl. (also -lins). Posteriors, buttocks. Sc.
1818Scott Rob Roy xxiii, We downa bide the coercion of gude braid-claith about our hinderlins [so MS. and Standard ed. 1896; ed. 1 and subseq. edd. read hinderlans].1831Fraser's Mag. III. 18 A jacket..hung like a French coatee over his hinderlings.1834M. Scott Cruise Midge iv. (1863) 62 Wha will assure ye that they shall not kittle your hinderlins?
3. (?) One who is behind or in the rear. Obs.
1619W. Sclater Exp. 1 Thess. (1630) 562 Our hinderlings haply may ouertake and out-strip vs in holy practice.




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