

单词 untainted
释义 unˈtainted, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not attainted. Obs.—1
1594Shakes. Rich. III, iii. vi. 9 And yet within these fiue houres Hastings liu'd, Vntainted, vnexamin'd, free, at libertie.
b. Not dishonoured. rare—1.
1627Drayton Agincourt ccxlvi, Now Excester with his vntaynted Reare Came on, which long had labour'd to come in.
2. Not affected by any physical taint.
c1600Shakes. Sonn. xix, Him in thy course vntainted doe allow, For beauties patterne to succeding men.1651Vaughan Benefit by Enemies Wks. 1914 I. 99 Vultures..flock to them, but passe by the sound and untainted bodies.1725Bolingbroke Let. to Swift 24 July, But the attainder is kept..prudently in force, lest..his bad leaven should sour that sweet, untainted mass.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) IV. 127 Her..flesh remained..pure and untainted.1810Southey Kehama x. iv, The stream..delights to lie..at rest Beneath the untainted sky.1861Ld. Lytton & Fane Tannhaüser 8 Till came the crack of that tremendous Doom..and on the lurid world Let in effulgence of untainted light.
3. Of qualities, etc.: Unsullied, unblemished, perfectly pure.
1590Greene Never too late (1600) 41 Isabel, whose beauty is deuine,..whose constancy vntainted.1625B. Jonson Staple of N. ii. iv, A Gentleman..Of an vntainted credit.1673Temple Obs. United Prov. Wks. 1720 I. 53 A Man of..deep Understanding, with untainted Integrity.1750Collins Superstit. Highlands i, Let us wish him..joy untainted, with his destined bride.1786F. Burney Diary 28 Nov., There was an evidence of her untainted worth in her very countenance.1809–14Wordsw. Excurs. viii. 241 Where is..The character of peace,..And honest dealing, and untainted speech?1831Scott Ct. Rob. x, The knight passed on, not unmoved with wonder, though untainted by fear.1879R. K. Douglas Confucianism iv. 93 No virtue can remain untainted without learning.
4. Of persons, etc.: Free from moral taint.
c1590Sir T. More iv. v. 103 Liuing thus vntainted, you are well.1593Shakes. 2 Hen. VI, iii. ii. 232 What stronger Brest-plate then a heart vntainted?1651W. Durham Maran-atha (1652) 24 The Judge of Israel..is..untainted in point of Judicature.1689D. Granville Lett. (Surtees) 81 The consideration whereof hath..kept me untainted and unstained.1709Addison Tatler No. 75 ⁋9 From such an untainted Couple, we can hope to have our Family rise to its ancient Splendour of Face.1763Churchill Poems I. 86, I her snares defy, And look on riches with untainted eye.1814Byron Lara i. xxiii, He will not that untainted line belie.1815Scott Guy M. xvi, Persons..untainted perhaps in morals, and fair in character.1890J. Pulsford Loyalty to Christ I. 170 Very few ever come forth untainted, from scenes and circumstances of temptation.
b. Const. by, with, or of.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 6 The goodnes of God in keeping them altogether..vnreprooueable, that is vntainted of greiuous crimes.1649Alcoran p. iv, To keep thy selfe untainted of their follies.1710Addison Spect. No. 9 ⁋3 This Sir-name of King, which..declared the Owners of it to be altogether untainted with Republican..Principles.1757Foote Author ii. (1777) 10/2 If George remains as untainted by affluence, as he has been untempted by distress.1802G. Canning Poet. Wks. (1827) 36 A statesman..By power uncorrupted, untainted by gold.1850Kingsley A. Locke ii, He alone was untainted with the sin around him.
Hence unˈtaintedly adv., unˈtaintedness.
1611Cotgr., Pudiquement, chastly, purely, vntaintedly, modestly.1640Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 37 The light hath a quality..Of purity and untaintedness in respect of any mixture of corruption.1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 30 A Person untaintedly faithful to the Grand Vizier.1817Chalmers Astron. Disc. iv. 139 The untaintedness of his glory.




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