

单词 coupling
释义 coupling, vbl. n.|ˈkʌplɪŋ|
[f. couple v. + -ing1.]
1. Joining in couples, pairing; linking: see the vb.
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. 34 Lufe propirly es a full cuppillynge of þe lufande and þe lufed to-gedyre as Godd and a saule in-to ane.1388Wyclif 2 Chron. xxxiv. 11 Trees to the ioynyngis of the bildyng, and to the coupling of housis.a1564Becon Art. Chr. Relig. Prayers (1844) 463 In the coupling together of the christian members.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xix. (Arb.) 222 We vse sometimes to proceede all by single words, without any close or coupling.1641Termes de la Ley 212 b, Couplings in lawfull marriage.1700Congreve Way of World i. ii, Sir, there's such coupling at Pancras, that they stand behind one another, as 'twere in a country dance.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Ability Wks. (Bohn) II. 37 Their realistic logic, or coupling of means to ends.1878F. S. Williams Midl. Railw. 622 Any detaching or coupling of vehicles.
2. The pairing of the sexes; sexual union.
c1400Apol. Loll. 72 A goostly mariage, wilk þe bodily copling performiþ.c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (1878) 247 The fleshly coplinge which before the sin of Adam was in marriage an office or virtuous deed.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. vii. 199 The promiscuous couplings of Males and Females of several species.
attrib.1697W. Dampier Voy. (1698) I. vi. 160 This was their [turtles'] coupling-time.
3. concr. Anything that couples, or is used to join together.
1549Coverdale Erasm. Par. Col. II. 6 Deriued into euery member through the ioyntes and couplynges.1611Bible Ex. xxxvi. 11 And he made loopes of blew, on the edge of one curtaine, from the seluedge in the coupling.1643Lightfoot Glean. Ex. (1648) 42 These two peeces are called couplings.
4. = couple n. 1. Obs.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1673) 106 They take off their Dog couplings.1687Lond. Gaz. No. 2254/4 A handsom young white Hound of the King's..slipt his Couplings, and run out of the Mews.1695Ibid. 3080/4 A..Spaniel Dog..a pair of Couplings about his Neck.
5. A transverse timber connecting a pair of rafters. Obs.
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. ii. (1586) 110 For Cupplinges and Rafters of houses, the Elme.1611Bible 2 Chron. xxxiv. 11 Timber for couplings, and to floore the houses.1813J. Taylor Arator 137 No joists or loft [in the houses] but to be lathed on the rafters and their couplings, nearly to the top of the roof.
6. Techn. and scientific uses; in Machinery, etc., the name of various contrivances for connecting parts of constructions or machinery, esp. in order to transmit motion.
a. A contrivance for connecting the ends of shafting together, either permanently, or so as to admit of their being disconnected at pleasure: they are of various kinds, as box coupling, clutch coupling, etc.
1814R. Buchanan Mill Work (1823) 407 It is..often requisite to connect two or more shafts together. These connections are denominated couplings.
b. The chain or link connecting two carriages or trucks of a railway train.
1840Civil Engin. & Archit. Jrnl. III. 5/1 The machine is connected to the train by means of the coupling N in the usual way.1887Hall Caine Son of Hagar II. iii. v. 159 The engine and three of the front carriages had broken from their couplings and plunged on to the bank.
c. Carriage-building. (a) The connexion or joint upon which the fore-carriage turns or locks. (b) The attachment of whatever kind uniting the hind to the fore wheels.
1874in Knight Dict. Mech.
d. In an organ; = coupler.
e. Genetics. (See quots.)
1906W. Bateson et al. 3rd Rep. Evol. Comm. Roy. Soc. 8 Complete coupling has so far been most commonly met with among characters of similar physiological nature.Ibid. 11 It is clear that gametic coupling, however caused, plays a large part in the phenomena of heredity.1909W. Bateson Mendel's Princ. Hered. ix. 151 The combinations of long pollen with blue factor, and round pollen with no blue factor occur seven times as often as the other two possible combinations. We speak of this phenomenon as Gametic Coupling. The term ‘coupling’ is strictly applicable, because the association is between two dominant or ‘present’ factors.1926Encycl. Brit. II. 162/2 It is sometimes convenient to distinguish the case in which the two dominants (AB × ab) are introduced together by the parent as coupling and the converse (Ab × aB) as repulsion.1965A. H. Sturtevant Hist. Genetics vi. 40 The two dominants (purple and long) were contributed by the same parent, and the phenomenon was called ‘coupling’.1970Ambrose & Easty Cell Biol. x. 338 Morgan showed that the proportion of crossing-over between a particular pair of alleles of two different genes..was of the same order, irrespective of whether they were both initially on the same chromosome (in coupling) or on different chromosomes (in repulsion).
f. Physics. (i) A connection between two oscillating systems which results in a mutual dependence of their oscillations, so that an oscillation in one system causes an oscillation in the other and partly determines its character; spec. (and orig.) in Electr., such a connection (physical or inductive) between two electric circuits. Also, the strength of this interdependence (so tight, loose etc. coupling).
1908C. C. F. Monckton Radio-Telegr. vi. 101 Where oscillations in one circuit set up oscillations in an adjacent circuit the two circuits are said to be coupled. If a considerable portion of the field of force of the first circuit is embraced by the second the coupling is fast; if only a small portion, the coupling is loose.1923E. W. Marchant Radio Telegr. iii. 30 The looser the coupling between the two circuits, the less rapidly is the energy of the oscillating circuit used up and the more persistent is the oscillation of the aerial.1927I. B. Crandall Theory Vibr. Syst. ii. 44 The effect of the elastic connection or ‘coupling’ between the two vibrating masses.1948P. M. Morse Vibration & Sound (ed. 2) ii. 59 Whenever the coupling is small and the frequencies of the two oscillators are not equal, the amplitude of one motion will be much larger than that of the other.1953E. G. Richardson Techn. Aspects Sound I. xviii. 506 The reed is now coupled to a pipe resonator. In this case the coupling is loose and the vibration of the reed is predominant.1959B. I. & B. Bleaney Electr. & Magn. ix. 233 The coupling through the capacity decreases with frequency, because of the fall in the impedance common to the two circuits.1962Simpson & Richards Junction Transistors xi. 244 One of the first decisions to be made in the design of a multi-stage amplifier involves the choice of the method of coupling between stages.1968H. J. Pain Physics of Vibrations & Waves iii. 56 A mechanical example of stiffness coupling between two pendulums.
(ii) In atomic, nuclear, and particle physics: a physical interaction between two particles, between a particle and a field, or between two fields; spec. an interaction between the magnetic moments of the electrons in an atom. Also used of the combination of mathematical quantities (in quantum mechanics) which corresponds to the physical interactions.
This was orig. a use of the word in the prec. sense; the electrons in an atom were thought of as capable of vibrating, and the ‘coupling’ of their vibrations was used (by Voigt, 1913) to explain the Zeeman effect.
1913Chem. Abstr. VII. 3268 (heading) Coupling theory of the Zeeman effect.1922Ibid. XVI. 3032 A comprehensive summary of the Voigt theory,..based essentially on the coupling, in the presence of an external magnetic field, of several electrons bound in a quasi-elastic manner.1926Ibid. XX. 2449 To each electron within the atom 2 vectors can be assigned and the magnetic moments, multiplicities of levels and the anomalous Zeeman effect can be explained by the coupling of these vectors.1929Physical Rev. 2nd Ser. XXXIV. 26 In the normal, Russell-Saunders, or LS coupling scheme (l1l2) (s1s2) = (LS) = J... In the jj coupling scheme (l1s1) (l2s2) = (j1j2) = J.1938L. B. Loeb Atomic Struct. viii. 215 In very powerful magnetic fields..the atomic coupling breaks down and the individual elements s* and l* precess about the imposed outer field direction.1950W. Finkelnburg Atomic Physics v. 292 Because of the strong coupling between the nucleons, the excitation energy of the nucleus can distribute itself..over all the nucleons of the nucleus.1955S. S. Schweber et al. Mesons & Fields I. x. 108 We now turn to the discussion of interaction between fields, and in particular we treat first the coupling between a spinor and a Boson field.1959B. I. & B. Bleaney Electr. & Magn. xx. 552 The spin-orbit coupling between L and S..is primarily magnetic in origin, and arises from the magnetic moments of the orbit and the spin.1966Phillips & Williams Inorg. Chem. II. xxviii. 413 Spin-orbit coupling..tends to sustain orbital angular momentum by coupling it with spin angular momentum.
g. The recording that is on the reverse side or the remainder of a gramophone record; also, a gramophone record having recordings on both sides, esp. by the same performer or performers.
1934Gramophone Record Jan. 18/1 The new one..has been recorded by three famous singers... They have all excelled themselves so..your choice will have to be guided by the coupling.1937Amer. Speech XII. 46/1 Coupling, a recording on which the same band plays selections on both sides.1960Guardian 12 Apr. 7/2 The coupling is the Andante Spianato.1967Listener 23 Feb. 273/3 Prokofiev's first two piano concertos are contrasted in almost every respect except that of their musical idiom, and so they make an excellent disc coupling.
7. Of a dog or other animal: see quot. (Cf. coupled 3.)
1881V. Shaw Bk. of Dog 38 Couplings, the length or space between the tops of the shoulder-blades and tops of the hip-joints, or huckle-bones. The term denotes the proportionate length of a dog, which is spoken of as short or long in the couplings.
8. attrib. and Comb., as coupling-ledge; coupling-box, a metal box joining the ends of two shafts, so that they may revolve together; coupling-chain, the chain which couples railway carriages, trucks, etc.; coupling coefficient Electr., a coefficient between 0 and 1 which represents the extent of ‘closeness’ of the coupling between two circuits; coupling constant, any constant which represents the strength of the interaction between a particle and a field; coupling-link (see quot.); coupling-pin, a pin used for coupling railway carriages, etc. (see also quot. 1874); coupling-pole, the pole connecting the fore and hind gear of a wagon (cf. 6 c); coupling-reins, the reins that couple a pair of horses together; coupling-rod, the rod that couples the wheels of some locomotive engines; coupling-strap, a strap for linking animals together, used esp. with restive horses running in pairs; coupling-stroke, the stroke joining the characters in a cursive hand.
1814R. Buchanan Mill Work (1823) 413 Couplings which have no *coupling boxes are denominated clutches or glands.
1831N. Wood Railroads (1838) 220 The *coupling or dragging chains are fixed to these [springs].1858Mech. Mag. LXIX. 281 It is well known how severely coupling chains suffer from..sudden jerks.
1922Glazebrook Dict. Appl. Physics II. 1035/2 k is the ‘*coupling coefficient’, which is defined by k2 = M2/L1L2.1962Simpson & Richards Junction Transistors xiv. 334 The coupling coefficient K, which indicates the extent to which the magnetic flux of one winding links the other, should be between 0·8 and 1· 0.
1949Physical Rev. 2nd Ser. LXXVI. 783/2 Thus the pseudoscalar *coupling constant should be chosen to fit nuclear forces including these important second order processes.1968M. S. Livingston Particle Physics ii. 26 The coupling constant used in such calculations..is also known in atomic physics as the fine structure constant.1969Marmier & Sheldon Physics of Nuclei & Particles I. iii. 55 In classifying the various possible types of interactions, their relative strengths can best be expressed through values of the respective dimensionless coupling constants.
1852Seidel Organ 92 Some call the gemshorn a *coupling-flute.
Ibid. 59 These ledges are called *coupling-ledges..they are between the two parts of the slide.
1874Knight Dict. Mech., *Coupling-link, an open or split link for connecting two objects, or forming a detachable section in a chain.
Ibid., *Coupling-pin (Vehicle), A bolt which fastens the hind hounds to the coupling-pole, which is attached to the fore-gears by the king-bolt.1887M. Roberts W. Avernus 239 He..fetches a coupling-pin (of iron, about one inch thick and ten inches long)..and lets drive at me.
1794W. Felton Carriages (1801) II. 137 The *coupling reins, which are what both horses are checked by, so as to turn one way, being fastened from the rein of one horse to the bitt of the other.1844Dickens Mart. Chuz. xxxvi, The buckles of the leaders' coupling-reins.
1869Eng. Mech. 19 Mar. 579/2 The *coupling-rods..were made without brasses.
a1732Gay Pastorals iii, Let hares and hounds in *coupling-straps unite.1874Knight Dict. Mech., Coupling-strap, a strap connected to the off bit-ring of the off horse, thence through the near bit-ring, and leading back to the harness of the near horse. Used with artillery horses, and for restive horses in ordinary service.
1906E. Johnston Writ. & Illum. iv. 73 The letters are joined together by means of their *coupling-strokes.1929Encycl. Brit. XVII. 97/1 In the more cursive [hands] linking was carried further, both by the insertion of coupling strokes and by the writing of several letters continuously without raising the pen.

▸ A pair, a couple; esp. two people in a romantic relationship.
1961Times Recorder (Zanesville, Ohio) 17 Feb. a2/2 Marilyn Mixwell and Ron Gordon are a new coupling.1972Washington Post 15 Jan. c7/5 This marks the fourth time in less than one year they have been entered as a coupling in a Maryland stake. Sid Walters Jr. now conditions the two horses.1994Mixmag June 69/2 Nicky Holloway and Neil Houston do the honours on June 11th, Jon Pleased Wimmin and Paul Chiswick are the gorgeous coupling for June 18th.2001G. Sernovitz Great Amer. Plain ii. 74 Sure, she was familiar with hot-hot romance on big and small screens; she read magazines about celebrity couplings, vendettas, reunions.




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