

单词 hurkle
释义 hurkle, v. Now dial.|ˈhɜːk(ə)l|
Forms: 4 hurkel, 5 -kil, -cle, 6– hurkle, (6 hirkle, hurkul, 7 hurckle, 9 dial. hircle). β. 8–9 dial. hurple, hirple, hurtle.
[app. closely related to MLG., LG., and Du. hurken to squat, held by Dutch etymologists to be an intensive formation with -k suffix from MHG. hûren, dial. Ger. hauern, hûren to squat, sit bowed together; cf. also Fris. horcken ‘contrahere membra ut calefiant’. The Eng. verb has an additional dim. or intensive suffix -le. The dialect forms in β appear to be phonetic variants; yet those in hurp-, hirp- suggest connexion with ON. herpa-st to be contracted with cramp: see hirpled.]
1. intr. To draw the limbs and parts of the body closely together, esp. with pain or cold; to contract the body like a beast in a storm; to cower, crouch, squat; to shrink, shudder. Said also of the limbs: To be contracted or drawn together.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 150 Þat oþer burne watz abayst of his broþe wordez & hurkelez doun with his hede.Ibid. 406 Cubites fyftene Ouer þe hyȝest hylle þat hurkled on erþe.a1400–50Alexander 504 A litill brid, in-to his arme floȝe, And þar hurkils and hydis as scho were hand-tame.1486Bk. St. Albans E viij a, The haare..hurcles vppon hir houghis ay.1607T. Walkington Opt. Glass xiii. 135 Hurckling with his heade to his shouldiers.1611Cotgr., Enchafouiné..one that, through cold, hurkles like a cat.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. iii. 78 Sometimes she hurkled down upon her Heels, nay, and sat down.a1790Song in Scot. Ballads (1790) II. 47 While I set hurklen in the ase.1821Clare Vill. Minstr. II. 23 The hare..'Hind the dead thistle hurkles from the view.1881Leicestersh. Gloss., Hircle, to crouch; contract the body; nestle up close.1883Almondbury Gloss., Hurcle, to cower down, to squat..In some parts the word is hurple, or hirple.
β1788W. Marshall Yorksh. Gloss. (E.D.S.), Hurple, to stick up the back, as cattle under a hedge in cold weather.1811Willan W. Riding Gloss. (E.D.S.), Hurtle, to contract the body into a round form, as through pain, severe cold, etc.1868Atkinson Cleveland Gloss., Hirple, to shrug or stick up the back as an animal does in inclement weather when standing under a hedge... Written also Hurple, hurkle, hurtle.
2. trans. To crouch down upon; to brood over. Obs. rare.
1640G. Abbott Job Paraphr. 249 Covering them [eggs] with a little sand or dust to cause them keepe their naturall heate, instead of hatching and hurkling them.
Hence ˈhurkled ppl. a., contracted or drawn together, bowed together. ˈhurkling ppl. a., contracting, crouching.
1508Dunbar Flyting w. Kennedie 186 With hurkland banis, holkand throw thy hyd.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 105 With hurklit hude ouer a weill nureist neck.1863Mrs. Toogood Yorksh. Dial., Fetch the cattle up. They look hurkled.




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