

单词 interim
释义 interim, adv., n., and a.|ˈɪntərɪm|
[L. interim adv., in the meantime, meanwhile, f. inter between + advb. ending -im.]
A. adv. In the meantime, meanwhile. (Also ad interim, per interim, q.v.)
1580G. Harvey 3 Proper Lett. in Haslewood Eng. Poets & Poesy (1815) II. 265 Interim, credit me, I dare geue no Preceptes.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 83 Which yet is so meant; unlesse interim the same spirit expound them, which did dictate them.1775Benedict Arnold Let. 23 May (Amer. Archives) (Cent.), I hope some gentleman will soon be appointed in my room here..Interim, I am, gentlemen, your most obedient servant.1804Something Odd II. 139 Interim, take courage, and make your calculations anew.
B. n.
1. An intervening time, interval of time; the meantime: now usually in phr. in the interim = A.
1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1684) III. 935 He knew not what in this interim should be done against England.1579–80North Plutarch (1676) 918 The Wars that fell out in the interim were a hindrance.1601Shakes. Jul. C. ii. i. 64 Betweene the acting of a dreadfull thing, And the first motion, all the Interim is Like a Phantasma, or a hideous Dreame.1609W. M. Man in Moone (1849) 13 Physicke is not taken at al times and seasons, continually without interim.1615G. Sandys Trav. 123 After all sung ioyntly, at interims praying to themselues.1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Warres 183 In the interim of these Affairs, Collonel Schenck took by Surprize Bonne.1795Washington Lett. Writ. 1892 XIII. 79 If nothing in the interim casts up.1822Hazlitt Table-t. Ser. ii. vii. (1869) 140 We imagine all sorts of pleasures in the interim.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. iii. 63 There is an interim provided during which the religious view of death can work in the mind calmly.
2. Something done in an interval; an interlude. by interims: at intervals. Obs.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. i. i. 172 This childe of fancie that Armado hight, For interim to our studies shall relate, In high-borne words the worth of many a Knight.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. vi. margin, Made to the Image of God..not all at once, but by interims, first his Body, and then his reasonable Soule.1633T. James Voy. 44 It did (by interims) snow and blow.
3. a. A temporary or provisional arrangement, adopted in the meanwhile.
1558in Strype Ann. Ref. (1824) I. ii. App. iv. 397 What order be fit..as an interim?1589Hay any Work B b, This may serue for an aunswere.., by way of an Interim.1791Burke Let. Memb. Nat. Assembly Wks. VI. 46 Even before it could be done in due form, the chiefs of the nation did not attempt themselves to exercise authority so much as by interim.1864Froude Short Stud., Sci. Hist. 28 The reconciliation of parties..is no tinkered-up truce or convenient Interim.
b. Ch. Hist. (with capital I.) A provisional arrangement for the adjustment of religious differences between the German Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church (of which there were three promulgated, one in 1541 and two in 1548) pending a settlement by a General Council.
1548Sir P. Hoby Let. Dk. Somerset 9 July, The Emperor, the diet being now finished, converteth his whole study to the setting forth of the interim.Ibid., The three townes, Constance, Argentine, and Lynda..have not yet granted unto the interim.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 302 The Emperour..leaving all hope of a counsell, begynneth to set forth his Interim..Bucer refuseth to subscribe to the Interim. The Pope himselfe condemneth the Interim.1681Burnet Hist. Ref. II. i. 86 They drew up all the Points of Religion in a Book, which was best known by the name of the Interim, because it was to last during that Interval, till a General Council should meet in Germany.1732–8Neal Hist. Purit. (1822) I. 55. 1848 J. Waterworth Canons Counc. Trent (new ed.) p. cxxvi, Charles promulgated, in the Diet of Augsburgh, on the 15th of May, 1548, the celebrated formulary called the interim.1857Pusey Real Presence i. (1869) 62 The ‘Interim’ then proposed for the acceptance of the Catholics and Lutherans was.. drawn up by Gropper.
4. An intervening space, interval. Obs.
1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 79 In the interim being annexed on both sides to the bone of the Genæ.
5. An interim dividend.
1930Daily Express 6 Nov. 14/2 An interim of 5 per cent. actual was declared in May.1935Economist 14 Sept. 527/2 Associated Portland Cement had decided to pay the first interim in its history, at the rate of 5 per cent.1964Financial Times 10 Feb. 8/1 On Wednesday an interim is expected from Triplex Holdings.
C. adj. Done, made, provided, occurring, etc. in or for the meantime; provisional, temporary. Formerly also of time: Intervening.
1604Dekker Honest Wh. Wks. 1873 II. 78 How shall the interim houres by us be spent?a1734North Exam. i. iii. §67 (1740) 173 Amusements only to consume the interim Time.1808Bentham Sc. Reform 112 To regulate all matters relating to interim possession.1858Ld. St. Leonards Handy Bk. Prop. Law xii. 75 The Court has power to make interim orders for payment of alimony for the wife.1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. 247 The interim dividend of gross receipts.1882Bithell Counting-Ho. Dict. (1893) 154 Interim dividends are permissible only when the finances of a Company are in so sound a condition as to place the annual balance beyond doubt.1905Daily Chron. 21 June 4/3 The Committee should..be invited to present an interim Report.1950T. S. Eliot Cocktail Party iii. 145 We have just drawn up an interim report.1968J. Lock Lady Policeman xviii. 149 A four-week interim order was made so that enquiries could continue.1972Accountant 17 Aug. 197/1 What would happen if that same company deferred the interim dividend.

interim management n. temporary executive control of a business or other (esp. financial) concern; temporary managers collectively; (also) the practice of employing managers on a temporary basis, esp. to direct specific projects.
1952C. McKinley Uncle Sam in Pacific Northwest vi. 279 Lands withdrawn for entry because of their potential use for irrigation by the Bureau of Reclamation have been placed under the *interim management of the grazing district wherever they lie.1977Fortune Oct. 2/1 Together, as ‘interim management’, they had nursed ailing Lockheed back to health.1984Women's Wear Daily 12 Mar. 8/2 The store also has no president and currently is being run by what is described as an interim management team.1997Sunday Tel. 25 Jan. (Appointments section) 28/2 In the Netherlands and Scandinavia, interim management is well-established and distinct from consultancy, but in the UK some half of the respondents to Barton's survey had not heard of it.2001Bath Chron. (Nexis) 29 Mar. 18 The shop did not thrive under the interim management and its future looked bleak.

interim manager n. a person who assumes control temporarily, esp. one who takes temporary executive control of a business or other financial concern; a temporary or caretaker manager.
1858T. Carlyle Hist. Friedrich II of Prussia II. vi. vi. 101 The Hanover Commissioners decided to seize the very Residenz Cities (Schwerin and Domitz) from this mad Duke, and make the country clear of him,—his Brother being *Interim Manager always, under countenance of the Commissioners.1960Boston Globe 11 June 15/6 Official notice of his being bounced was sent Jurges by air-mail... Del Baker remains as ‘interim manager’ but there was no indication for how long.1964Amer. Jrnl. Sociol. 70 73/1 The 1960 Red Sox had an interim manager, a coach, for five days before a new manager took over; and the 1959 Red Sox had an interim manager, also a coach, for only a few hours.2001N.Y. Times (Nexis) 25 Mar. iii. 11/1 The office manager has transferred, and the interim manager had wanted nothing to do with supervision of personnel.




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