

单词 i-quethe
释义 i-quethe, v. Obs.
[OE. ᵹecweðan = OS. giquethan, OHG. giquedan, Goth. gaqiþan: see i-1, y-, and quethe v.]
intr. To say, speak; to arrange, come to terms, agree.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. v. ii. (1890) 388 Se næfre æniᵹ word ᵹecweðan meahte.a1100O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1094 He & his broðer..ᵹecwæðan þæt hi mid griðe to gædere cuman sceoldan.c1205Lay. 2267 He stod biforen Locrine..& þas word him iqueð [c 1275 seide].a1250Owl & Night. 501 Ne miȝtu leng a word iquethe.




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