

单词 welked
释义 welked, ppl. a. Obs. exc. dial.|wɛlkt|
[f. welk v.1]
a. Withered, faded, dried up.
b. Dulled in lustre.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 2107 And .vii. lene [ears] riȝt ðor-bi, welkede, and smale, and druȝte numen.c1386Chaucer Pard. T. 410 For which ful pale and welked is my face.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love iii. v. 37 Mistrust with foly, with yvel wil medled, engendreth that welked padde.1390Gower Conf. III. 357 That which was whilom grene gras, Is welked hey at time now.c1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula etc. 71 Hyngyng in maner of a welked grape [pendentes instar uvae marcidae].1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 16320 A drye stobyll, or..a welkyd leef.Ibid. 16325, I, the most wrechchyd Wyght off alle synners, and most dyffadyd and wylked with synne.a1470Harding Chron. xcv. xii, The grasse and corne, that welked were afore..waxed grene and gan reuert.1563Sackville Induct. Mirr. Mag. xii, Her wealked face with woful teares besprent.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Jan. 73 By that, the welked Phœbus gan auaile His weary waine.1594Nashe Terrors Nt. Wks. (Grosart) III. 258 Our faces..are most deformedlye welked and crumpled.1603Drayton Bar. Wars vi. xxxix, There comes proude Phaeton tumbling through the cloudes,..And setting fire vppon the welked shrowds [ed. 1619 His Chariot tumbling from the welked Shrowds].1879Cussans Hertfordsh. III. 321 Shep likes tunnups better when they're wilkt.




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