

单词 welled
释义 I. welled, ppl. a.1
[f. well v.1 + -ed1.]
a. Of metal: Molten, cast. Also welled together, rendering L. conflatilis. Obs.
c1300Seyn Julian 54 A chetel wol of iwelled bras biuore þis maide was ibroȝt.1382Wyclif Hab. ii. 18 A wellid thing to gidre [Vulg. conflatile], and a fals ymage.c1440Promp. Parv. 520/2 Wellyd, as metel, fusus.c1449Pecock Repr. ii. vi. 173 And thilk ymage is clepid there a graued thing, and a wellid to gidere thing.
b. Of milk: Boiled, curdled. Of curds: Coagulated. Cf. wellcurds. Obs. exc. dial.
c1420Liber Cocorum 53 Melle white brede in dysshes aboute, Powre in wellyd mylke.c1440Promp. Parv. 520/2 Wellyd, as mylke, coagulatus, concoctus.1552Huloet, Welled curdes, s[c]histon.1750W. Ellis Mod. Husbandm. III. i. viii. 138 From the Whey, if set on the Fire, will arise wild Curds by putting new Milk and sour Butter-milk to it.1879Shropsh. Word-bk. s.v. Walled, I toud yo' to wesh 'em i' the walled w'ey.
II. welled, ppl. a.2
[f. well n.1 + -ed2.]
1. Having a well or hollow on the surface, pitted.
1848Hardy in Proc. Berw. Nat. Club II. 337 A series of ill-defined welled depressions.1855tr. Labarte's Arts Mid. Ages p. xxix, A broad flat border, with a welled centre, characterise this class of plates.
2. Having a tank or cistern in which fish are carried or preserved alive.
1864Rep. Comm. Sea Fisheries (1866) II. 456 In the year 1712, at Harwich,..welled smacks were first constructed, suitable for fishing in the North Sea for cod-fish, &c.1870Pall Mall Gaz. 24 Aug. 4 Your fish..are brought to the city alive in welled fishing boats.1874H. Mayhew Lond. Characters 335 These salmon mostly come..in welled steamers.




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