

单词 Johnnie
释义 Johnny, Johnnie|ˈdʒɒnɪ|
[Familiar diminutive of the name John: see -ie, -y.]
1. a. Applied humorously or contemptuously to various classes of men: A fellow, chap; spec. a nickname given to Englishmen in the Mediterranean, to the Confederate soldiers in the American civil war, etc.; in recent use chiefly denoting a fashionable young man of idle habits.
1673Hickeringill Gregory F. Greyl 46 As if it was such a marvel, Jonye should be chous'd when he comes to commence gentleman.1724–27? Ramsay Bonny Tweedside, Where she that is bonny May catch her a johnny, And never lead apes below.1803Naval Chron. IX. 417 The Johnnys rubbed their hands.1824Byron Let. to Murray 25 Feb., The English Johnnies, who had never been out of a cockney workshop before!1842E. E. Napier Excurs. Shores Medit. I. 226 Addressing us as ‘Johnny’, [they] were very officious in offering their services. ‘Johnny’ is, in this part of the country, the national appellation of an Englishman by the lower orders of Spaniards.1865R. H. Kellogg Life & Death in Rebel Prisons 194 The ‘cheekiest’ thing that had been done by the ‘Johnnies’..was an attempt to secure the services of our men as artillerists.1889Daily News 15 July 3/1 An idle and vacuous young aristocrat, of the class popularly known as ‘Johnnies’.1894H. H. Gardener Unoff. Patriot 310 It took..the entire regiment hitched to one of the cannon to pull it along the road the Johnnies retreated over.1900[see crumpet 4 b].1930[see cool v. 3 e].1960M. Spark Bachelors i. 9 He felt himself to be, not the amiable johnnie he had by then..affected to be.1965A. Nicol Truly Married Woman 42 Why are you always trying to be fair, you Johnnies?
b. [Cf. John 1 c.] A policeman. Also Johnny Darby, Johnny Hop. slang.
a1852H. Mayhew London Labour (1861) II. 154/1 The ‘Johnny's’ on the water are always on the look out, and..we has to cut our lucky.1886Graphic 30 Jan. 130/1 Constables used to be known as ‘Johnny Darbies’, said to be a corruption of the French gensdarmes, and they are still occasionally called ‘Johnnies’.1898W. T. Goodge in M. Davitt Life & Progress Australasia xxxv. 192 A policeman is a ‘johnny’, Or a ‘copman’ or a ‘trap’.1923D. H. Lawrence Kangaroo xvi. 357 Somers knew that Johnny Hops was Australian for a policeman.1935H. Neville Sneak Thief on Road 347 Johnny, a policeman. A Lincoln johnny, a stupid and impudent policeman.
c. (a) = John 1 e; (b) a soldier of the Indian Army (before 1947); (c) a Gurkha; (d) = Johnny Turk; (e) an Arab; (f) an onion-seller from Brittany.
1857T. B. Gunn Physiology of N.Y. Boarding Houses 275 He's seed the Johnnies goin' into that there doorway next block.1858Leisure Hour 27 May 326/1 Sepoys..known as Johnnys.1888Kipling Wee Willie Winkie (1889) 103 The Highlander..turning to a Gurkha, said, ‘Hya, Johnny!’1897I. Scott How I stole over 10,000 Sheep in Austral. & N.Z. 46 His name was Lim Hung Ching{ddd}this Johnny knowing he would have no show in such a scotch town if he sent in his tender with his own name,..signed it Angus McPherson.1916Anzac Book 50 What should we at Anzac have done without ‘Johnnie’ and his sturdy little mules?1925Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 132 Johnny, a Turk. (As a Service nickname, dating from the Crimean War.)1948Partridge Dict. Forces' Slang 103 Johnny, soldiers' word for Arab. It rebounded, as Arabs also used the name for British soldiers.1960Guardian 8 Mar. 8/7 Any time now we shall have the Johnnies [from Brittany] coming around in small vans.1967J. Caird Murder Scholastic xi. 130 She heard the knock at the door... It could be a tradesman..or Onion Johnny, or a tramp.1969S. Mays Fall out Officers xxii. 173 ‘Now we are all the fighting brothers,’ said Johnny with delight.
2. Applied to various animals.
a. A sportsman's name for a tiger.
b. A sailor's name for a penguin, Pygoscelis papua, the gentoo (n.2).
c. Local American name of two fishes, Oligocottus maculosus, abundant on the western coast of the United States, and Etheostoma nigrum, a kind of darter. (Cent. Dict.)
1815Sporting Mag. XLV. 9 We entered the jungle, and soon caught sight of three Johnnies.1879H. N. Moseley Notes by Naturalist on ‘Challenger’ vii. 175 One [sort] was a penguin called by the sealers the ‘Johnny’ (Pygoscelis tæniata), the ‘Gentoo’ of the Falklands.1893A. Newton Dict. Birds ii. 471 Johnny, the South-Sea sealers' name for a Penguin, Pygoscelis papua or tæniata, one of the widely-distributed species.1898Daily News 19 Apr. 6/2 Reading the following paragraph on penguins—or Johnnies as they are familiarly called.1954W. B. Alexander Birds of Ocean (ed. 2) 155 At the Falkland Islands it [sc. the gentoo penguin] is usually known as the ‘Johnny’.
3. Johnny Armstrong joc. slang (see quot. 1962); Johnny-come-lately orig. U.S.: (a) a newcomer; (b) = Johnny Raw; (c) fig. and attrib.; Johnny Crapaud [i.e. toad], also Johnny Crapeau: (a) nickname for a Frenchman or French Canadian; (b) (Obs.) the French nation; Johnny Head-in(-the)-Air: nickname for a man with ‘his head in the clouds’, unconscious of his surroundings; cf. head n. 40; Johnny Magorey (see quots.); Johnny Newcome: (a) = Johnny Raw; (b) a newcomer of any kind; Johnny-on-the-spot: a person who is available when needed, or ‘at the psychological moment’; quasi-adj., present, in readiness; Johnny Raw: nickname for an inexperienced youngster: a raw recruit; a new hand; a novice; Johnny Reb: a U.S. (Northern) name for a ‘rebel’ or Confederate soldier in the American Civil War; Johnny Turk: a Turkish soldier; any Turk; Johnny Woodser = Jimmy Woodser (Jimmy2 4).
1922N. & Q. 9 Sept. 206/2 Johnny Armstrong, the action of ‘pulling’ or restraining a horse.1962Granville Dict. Sailors' Slang 66/2 Johnny Armstrong, any hard work involving pulling or hauling.
1839C. F. Briggs Adv. H. Franco I. 249 ‘But it's Johnny Comelately, aint it, you?’ said a young mizzen topman.1924‘R. Daly’ Outpost xiv. 139 He may be an old barbarian, but he's entitled to more consideration than these Johnny-come-lately's who cruise along the coast after trade.1933Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) 28 Oct. 17/7 Johnny-come-lately, nickname for a cowboy or any newly-joined hand or recent immigrant.1946M. Shulman Zebra Derby iii. 22 Postwar planning in these United States was no Johnny-come-lately.1952E. Coxhead Play Toward iii. 88 The Midlands are..all Johnny-come-latelys who coined money out of the war.1953Amer. Scholar XXIII. 17 The excessive power and renown of many Johnny-come-lately anti-Communists.1972Listener 16 Nov. 671/2 Here [in Utah] man himself is a Johnny-come-lately.
[1818‘A. Burton’ Adv. Johnny Newcome iii. 131 Jean Crappeau's mighty stout, He surely means to fight it out.]1834W. N. Glascock Naval Sketch-Bk. 2nd Ser. II. 137 Mister Bull and Johnny Crappo..have..suddenly taken for each other..a fit of affection.1839Spirit of Times 31 Aug. 312/1 Poor Johnny Crapeau has been the favorite mark for every shaft of ridicule.1840J. F. Cooper Pathfinder II. vi. 201 We are no Johnny Crapauds to hide ourselves behind a..fort on account of a puff of wind.1851J. F. W. Johnston Notes N. Amer. II. 6 These Ayrshire emigrants appear to be shrewd enough to buy out Johnny Crapaud.1887Gentl. Mag. Feb. 135 Those vessels went armed, too, as befitted the majesty of the bunting under which old Dance had gloriously licked Johnny Crapeau.1915G. Parker Money Master xxiii. 323 Yet, raging as he was, and ready to take the Johnny Crapaud..by the throat, he was not yet sure that Jean Jacques was not armed.1919W. A. Fraser Bulldog Carney 70 Them Johnnie Crapeaus from Quebec.1965G. R. Stevens Incompleat Canadian 142 ‘Johnny Crapeau’, esteemed alike for his good temper..and ebullient spirits.
1848English Struwwelpeter (ed. 4) 21 (title) The story of Johnny Head-in-Air.1913C. Mackenzie Sinister St. I. i. ii. 23 Much of his morning walk was passed in a dream... Nanny used to jeer at him, calling him Little Johnny Head-in-Air.1929C. Day Lewis Transitional Poem i. 14 What happier place For Johnny Head-in-Air, Who never would hear Time mumbling at the base?1942J. Pudney Dispersal Point 24 Do not despair For Johnny-head-in-air; He sleeps as sound As Johnny Underground.1958B. Nichols Sweet & Twenties xvi. 225 Yet he was not a Johnny-Head-in-the-Air; he had a shrewd grasp of the contemporary scene.
1870G. M. Hopkins Jrnl. 4 Apr. (1959) 198 The following Irish expressions..Johnny Magoreys (seeds of the hip).1922Joyce Ulysses 172 Poisonous berries. Johnny Magories.
1815(title) The military adventures of Johnny Newcome, with an account of his campaigns on the Peninsula and in Pall Mall.1818‘A. Burton’ (title) The adventures of Johnny Newcome in the navy; a poem, in four cantos.1833United Service Jrnl. XI. i. 59 On first landing at Port Royal, a Johnny Newcome (as all strangers are there called)..will at once imagine himself transported into the community of Bedlamites.1839Barham Ingol. Leg. (1840) 1st Ser. 308 Now to young ‘Johnny Newcome’ she seems to confine hers, Neglecting the poor little dear out at dry-nurse.1865J. H. A. Bone Petroleum & Petroleum Wells 40 The Johnny Newcomes had to fight their way back to the bar, and deposit seventy-five cents for the bit of blue paste-board.1961F. H. Burgess Dict. Sailing 125 Johnny Newcome,..a new hand or a landsman, unused to the sea.
1896Johnny-on-the-spot [see case n.2 1 d].1902‘D. Dix’ Fables of Elite 43 Because they had never Tried it, they thought they were Johnny on the Spot, and could do anything.1914Wodehouse Man Upstairs 102 ‘I must be close at hand. I must be—what's your expression?—’ ‘Johnny-on-the-spot.’1916Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 23 July 7/5 We have our eyes on some splendid billets, and will be ‘johnny on the spot’ when the present residents move out.1944E. Bennett-Bremner Front-Line Airline (1945) viii. 50 Qantas Empire Airways have been called upon to conduct searches for missing aircraft, and it was only natural, therefore, that being ‘Johnny-on-the-spot’ they should be asked to join in when aircraft went missing.1961J. McCabe Mr. Laurel & Mr. Hardy (1962) ii. 57 Suddenly they needed a fat boy for a comedy sequence. He was Johnny-on-the-spot and he was hired at $5 a day.1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 13 Jan. 42/7 He..was johnny-on-the-spot to rap in Mike Walton's rebound.
1813P. Hawker Diary (1893) I. 68 A grand attack was made on the Johnny raws of Blandford.1823in Hone Every-day Bk. II. 1395 There were some Johnny Raws on board.1886Stevenson Kidnapped (1888) 39 You took me for a country Johnnie Raw, with no more mother-wit or courage than a porridge-stick.
1865Nation (N.Y.) I. 584 They said he was a Johnny Reb.1948Johnny Reb [see grey, gray n. 1 c].
1919Mr. Punch's Hist. Gt. War 24 Now it is the turn of ‘Johnny Turk’, who has had his knock on the Suez Canal.1972E. Ambler Levanter ii. 22 ‘Johnny Turk is a gentleman,’ he used to say.
1933Johnny Woodser [see Jimmy2 4].
4. (With lower-case initial.) = John 1 d. slang (chiefly U.S.).
1932[see John 1 d].1934J. O'Hara Appointment in Samarra (1935) iv. 98 Kitty Hofman came in the johnny.1946C. S. Archer China Servant ii. 32 He left a smell of stale tobacco where-ever he went. Even in the johnny.1969L. Greenbaum Out of Shape (1970) xviii. 136 You're not going to find me in aisle four next to the toilet paper and the johnny mop.1971D. Conover One Man's Island 65 Why, oh, why, do little boys (and big ones) rush to a johnny when nature provides opportunity everywhere?
5. Johnny-jump-up N. Amer., a name used for several kinds of wild or cultivated pansy or violet; Johnny penguin = Johnny 2 b.
1842Knickerbocker XIX. 115 Mr. Ketchup had now kissed little Chip and stuck a johnny-jump-up in his cap.1872E. Eggleston End of World i. 12 Julia..was hoeing a bed in which she meant to plant some johnny-jump-ups.1929F. A. Pottle Stretchers (1930) iii. 48 Under foot the ground teemed with lupine and phlox and those large scentless violets which the natives call ‘Johnny-jump-ups’.1972T. A. Bulman Kamloops Cattlemen xii. 75 Green grass, buttercups and Johnny-jump-ups were much in evidence.
1879H. N. Moseley Notes by Naturalist on ‘Challenger’ viii. 189 The whole beach of Christmas Harbour [in Kerguelen's Land] was covered with droves of the Johnny Penguin.1882Encycl. Brit. XIV. 49/1 All parts of the coast [of Kerguelen's Land] and even the lower slopes are covered with penguins of various species, mainly the Johnny penguin..rock-hopper..and king penguin.1968Shackleton & Stokes Birds Atlantic Ocean 20/2 Affectionately known as ‘Johnny’ penguin, the gentoo is the only penguin with white on top of its head.

Sense 5 in Dict. becomes 6. Add: 5. Also with lower-case initial. A condom; = rubber johnny s.v. rubber n.1 14. Also johnny bag. Cf. John n. 1 g. slang.
1963(in list of teenage slang vocabulary given to M. Laski) J. B.: Johnny Bag: durex.1965New Society 14 Jan. 16/1 As regards birth control they all said it was easy to get ‘Johnny bags’ at the barbers.1970Times Educ. Suppl. 4 Dec. 23/3 At 50..things became much warmer, and went up by a carefully graded system to 100, which, my informant wrote, ‘is rightly reserved for full intercourse without a johnny’.1986Observer 23 Nov. 64/3 The contraceptive sheaths that three generations of British males have known variously as Durex, rubbers, Johnnies and French Letters.1991Rage 13 Feb. (Sex Suppl.) 17/1 Johnnies. Otherwise known as condoms, rubber love is back in pop with the advent of Aids.




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