

单词 west-half
释义 west-half Obs.
[OE. westhealf: see west adv. and half n.]
The western side, the west.
c893ælfred Oros. i. i. §8 On westhealfe [is] se sæ þe mon hætt Proponditis.a1122O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1016 [Hie] droᵹon heora scipa on west healfe þære brycge.c1205Lay. 29287 An æst halue, an west halue, wa wes Brutten þere.a1300Cursor M. 20993 On þe west half o þat cite Birid o cristen men was he.13..K. Alis. 6334 (Laud MS.) A Folk þer woneþ in þe west half Þat eteþ noiþer Cow ne chalf.1375Barbour Bruce xvi. 550 Quhill thai, besyde Enuerkethyne, On vest half, toward Dunfermlyne, Tuk land.




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