

单词 woolding
释义 woolding, vbl. n.|ˈwuːldɪŋ|
Forms: α. 5 wolling, 5–6 wolyng(e, 6 wooling(e. β. 5 woldynge, 7 pl. wouldens, 7–8 woulding, 7– woolding (9 wolding).
[late ME. wol(l)ing, prob. ad. MLG. *woling, MDu. *woeling (Du. woeling, whence G. wuhling, wuling, Da. vuling, cf. Sw. vulning), f. MLG. wolen, etc. woold v.]
1. The action of binding an object tightly with cord; esp. Naut. the action of winding rope or chain round a mast or yard, to support it where it is fished or broken. Also attrib.
c1440Promp. Parv. 532/1 Wolynge, or stronge byyndynge (K. woldynge, S., W. worlynge), provolucio, prostriccio (perstrinctio).1495Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 207 A cabelette of cc weght occupied & spent Abought the wollyng of the mayne yerde.15..in Meyrick Ant. Armour (1824) III. 290 Ropis of hempe for wolyng and brechyng.1548Acts Privy Council (1890) II. 174 Wooling ropes, xij coyles.1670in Cal. St. Pap., Col., Amer. (1889) 50 It is a common thing amongst the [W. Indian] privateers,..to cut a man in pieces,..sometimes tying a cord about his head, and with a stick twisting it till the eyes start out, which is called ‘woolding.’1677W. Hubbard Pres. St. New-Eng. 59 He would owne nothing but what was forced out of his mouth, by the woolding of his head with a cord.1750T. R. Blanckley Nav. Expositor 110 Nails, Woolding, drove through the Ropes that Woold the Ship's Masts.1804Larwood No Gun Boats 14 Such masts require no splicing, no wolding, no fishing.1883W. D. Curzon Manuf. Industries Worcs. 76 For Barge and Ship Builders, barge nails,..scupper and woolding and lap nails.
2. concr.
a. A wrapping, swathing (in first quot. glossing L. pero a rustic boot); esp. Naut. (often pl.) the rope or chain used in woolding a band or wrapping of rope wound round a mast, spar, etc.
c1425Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 656/9 Hic pero, -ri, wolyng.1558in Hakluyt Voy. (1589) 123 The Tyger sprong the woolings of her boltspreete.a1625H. Manwayring Sea-man's Dict. (1644) 117 Also those Roapes, which come from the beake-head, over the bolt-spritt, and Lashes it fast downe from rising off the pillow are called the Wouldings of the bolt-spritt.1626Capt. J. Smith Accid. Yng. Seamen 12 Coates and wouldings, for all masts and yeards.1699T. Allison Voy. Archangel 36 We..got two Wouldens on our Rudder Head.1729G. Shelvocke Artillery v. 388 Sew up your Cloth, and reinforce it throughout with a Woulding of Marline.1748Anson's Voy. i. v. 54 The main-mast was sprung at the upper woulding.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1780) s.v. Yard, They [sc. the lateen yards] are..composed of several pieces fastened together by wooldings.1788A. Cochrane Direct. Using Coal Tar 11. 1837 E. Howard Old Commodore xiii, The immense wolding of flannel and swathing around his right leg.




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