

单词 handworm
释义 ˈhandworm Obs.
An acarid, the itch-insect (Sarcoptes scabiei) which burrows in the hands.
a800Corpus Gloss. 320 Briensis, honduyrm.c1000Voc. in Wright 288/4 Urcius, hand-wyrm.14..Metr. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 625/6 Curio, hondworme.1530Palsgr. 229/1 Handeworme, ciron.1630J. Taylor Wks. (N.), All the world is..to the heavens, as a hand-worme or nit may be compared to the world.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. iii. v. 274 That Animal that well near escapes his sight by reason of its smalness, as the Acarus, the Cyro or Hand-worm.a1693Urquhart Rabelais iii. xxi. 181 Fleas, Punies, Handworms.




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