

单词 magnifical
释义 magnifical, a.|mægˈnɪfɪkəl|
Also 6–7 magnificial.
[f. prec. + -al1.]
1. Eminent, renowned, glorious. Obs.
1557N.T. (Genev.) Epistle *iv, The magnifical and triumphing Kyng Solomon.1574Life Abp. Parker To Rdr. C vj b, The magnifienge of that magnificall seignorie and Archipiscopall territorie off Canterburye.1579Twyne Phisicke agst. Fort. i. xxxvii. 51 Pompeius..being then great in deede and magnificiall.
2. ‘Royally’ liberal or bountiful, munificent.
1586T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. i. 624 Neither must he be onely liberal, but magnifical also & sumptuous, provided alwaies that of magnificall, he become not prodigall.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 3 What is more magnificall and more divine, then to recreate the afflicted.1623in Crt. & Times Jas. I (1849) II. 357 Sheriff Hawford hath been very magnifical, and feasted all the king's servants.
3. Splendid, stately, sumptuous; = magnificent 3, 4. arch.
1538Starkey England ii. i. 176 Gudly cytes and townys, wyth magnyfycal and gudly housys.1560Bible (Genev.) 1 Chron. xxii. 5 We must buylde an house for the Lord, magnifical [1611 exceeding magnificall], excellent and of great fame.a1577Sir T. Smith Commw. Eng. (1609) 26 August and Magnifical apparell both of stuff and fashion.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 152 Very magnificall and ceremoniall in his outward comportement.1604Edmonds Observ. Cæsar's Comm. 25 Their funerals..are magnificall and sumptuous.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. xi. §3 (1622) 314 They daunce a most stately and magnificall daunce.1890æ. Prince Of Joyous Gard iii. 363 The sight magnifical, beyond desire.
4. = magnific 4. arch. Also, = magnific 5.
1572tr. Buchanan's Detection I j b, Now you luke to heare how this magnificall boaster of valiantnesse did acquit hymselfe.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 453 These be lofty, glorious, & magnificall speeches, but besides the bare sounde of wordes, no matter at all.1582Bentley Mon. Matrones iii. 321 A magnifical Vow of a Queene consecrated to the King of heauen.1582G. Martin Corrupt. Holy Script. xiv. 214 What..could be spoken more magnifical of any Sacrament?1600Holland Livy vi. xli. 247 A man that in the hearing of his souldiours, could onely make goodly and magnificall Orations.a1626Bp. Andrewes Serm. (1661) 429 We (no doubt) will rise straight in our magnifical, lofty style and say [etc.].1867Tracts for the Day, Purgatory 2 A truly magnifical and stupendous act of worship.1895W. Pater Wks. (1901) VIII. 71 Certain distinguished, magnifical, or elect souls, vessels of election.




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