

单词 Mashona
释义 Mashona, n. and a.|məˈʃəʊnə|
Pl. Mashona, Mashonas.
[Native name.]
A. n.
a. A group of Bantu peoples inhabiting parts of Zimbabwe and Mozambique; a member of one of these peoples.
b. Any of the languages of these peoples.
B. adj. Of or pertaining to these peoples.
1835A. Smith Diary (1940) II. 222 The Bakalaka and the Mashoona speak a different language to the Bechuanas.1846H. H. Methuen Life in Wilderness vi. 143 To the north-east the land becomes mountainous, and the Mashona, a tribe possessing guns, inhabit it.1893A. M. Hartmann (title) A grammar of the Mashona language.1894― (title) English–Mashona dictionary.1895G. W. H. Knight-Bruce Memories Mashonaland ii. 41 The Mashona..are very fond of meat, but they hardly ever get it. To give him meat is the one way that will nearly always ensure a wild Mashona working well.1896Scientific African 78 (Pettman), The careful workmanship displayed in the crude musical instrument known as the Mashona piano.1900A. H. Keane Boer States vii. 101 Mashonas..and several other smaller groups for whom there is no collective national or racial designation, except the all-comprehensive ‘Kaffre’.1911Encycl. Brit. XVII. 837/2 The name Mashona has been derived from the contemptuous term Amashuina applied by the Matabele to the aborigines owing to the habit of the latter of taking refuge in the rocky hills with which the country abounds... The Mashona..are in general a peaceful, mild-mannered people.1911J. G. Frazer Golden Bough: Magic Art (ed. 3) I. vi. 352 The king of the Matabeles..prays..: ‘O great spirits.., I thank you for having granted last year to my people more wheat than to our enemies the Mashonas.’1928C. Bullock Mashona iii. 12 The word Mashona is used faute de mieux; nor need we look for its etymological derivation, because it has none. It is simply one of those British bowdlerisations..a race name to cover numerous clans.1936J. Buchan Island of Sheep iv. 68 They are Mashonas and are timid as rabbits.1959Chambers's Encycl. II. 107/2 In the Shona (Mashona) group [sc. of Bantu languages] there are about 40 dialectal forms.1972Police Rev. 24 Nov. 1521/1 Cecil John Rhodes..began negotiating..for rights to explore the mineral wealth of the regions east of the royal kraal at Bulawayo, at that time inhabited by the Mashona tribe.




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