

单词 mistrist
释义 I. misˈtrist, n. Obs.
Also 5 mystrest.
[mis- 4.]
= mistrust n.
1382Wyclif Prol. Bible iii. 4 God..punisshide hem..for grucchyng and mystriste to Goddis word.c1440Generydes 1673 In hym he hadde no maner of mystrest.1483Cath. Angl. 241/2 A Mistriste, desperacio, diffidencia.15..Guistard & Sismond ii. (1597) C 3 b, And when they wer in comin, they put no mistrist.
II. misˈtrist, v. Obs. or dial.
Also 4–5 -triste, 4–6 -traist, 5 mystrast, 5–6 -trest, 9 -thrist.
[mis-1 7.]
= mistrust v.
a. trans.c1386Chaucer Pard. Prol. 41 And never shal he more his wyf mistriste.c1440Generydes 1399 It grevith me full soore, That ye shuld me mystrest by eny waye.c1460Sir R. Ros La Belle Dame 746 Sum man say how he mystristed is on sum partyse.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 41 And quhy suld we nocht put all our traist..in the mercy of God?.. Suerly we suld nocht mistrest him.
b. intr.1390Gower Conf. I. 149 Sche wissheth forto ben unbore, Er that hire fader so mistriste To tellen hire of that he wiste.c1400Song Roland 186 ‘Sistir son’, said the king, ‘sore I mystrist’.c1470Henry Wallace ix. 1623 Ner the castell he drew thaim prewaly In till a schaw; Sotheroun mystraistyt nocht.1567Gude & Godlie B. 160 At thy deith thow did mistraist, And sa fell in dispair.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. II. 356 Quhom the deith of Makintosche causet gretlie to defecte,..mistraisting of his actioune.1877Holderness Gloss., Misthrist, to mistrust or doubt.




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