

单词 monarch
释义 I. monarch, n.1|ˈmɒnək|
Also 5 monarcha, 6–7 monark(e, 6 monarche.
[ad. L. monarcha, ad. Gr. µονάρχης (more commonly µόναρχος), f. µόν-ος alone + ἄρχ-ειν to rule. Cf. F. monarque (14th c. Hatz.-Darm.), Sp., It. monarca, Pg. monarcha.]
1. a. In early use, a sole and absolute ruler of a state. In modern use, a sovereign bearing the title of king, queen, emperor, or empress, or the equivalent of one of these. (Ordinarily, a more or less rhetorical substitute for the specific designation of the person referred to.)
c1450Lydg. Secrees 299 Souereyn of Renoun, Which as monarcha of euery Regioun, Gaff me this Charge.1538Elyot Dict., Monarcha, a prynce, whiche reuleth alone without piere or companyon, monarche.1572H. Middelmore in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. III. 5 His deseign..is to make himselfe monarche of Christendome.1587Golding De Mornay viii. (1592) 96 From the great Monarkes we come to the Kings of seuerall Nations, and from them to vnderkings of Prouinces.1596Shakes. Merch. V. iv. i. 189 The quality of mercy..becomes The throned Monarch better then his Crowne.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 312 He is reputed as absolute a monark as any other in India.1783Watson Philip III, iii. (1839) 183 The French and English monarchs, in whose name this proposal had been made.1875Maine Hist. Inst. xii. 350 According to..Austin, the Sovereign, if a single person, is or should be called a Monarch.
b. transf. and fig.
1581Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 40 To be moued to doe that which we know, or to be mooued with desire to knowe, Hoc opus: Hic labor est. Nowe therein of all Sciences..is our Poet the Monarch.1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. ii. vii. 120 Come thou Monarch of the Vine, Plumpie Bacchus, with pinke eyne.1609C. Butler Fem. Mon. i. A 2, And al this vnder the government of one Monarch, of whom aboue al things they [sc. the bees] haue a principal care.1640H. King Serm. 15 The Sunne..who is the Prince and Monarch of the Skie.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 91 Unless the Seamen or Soldiers get Drunk,..then are they Monarchs, and it is Madness to oppose them.1742Young Nt. Th. ix. 1617 How far, how wide, The matchless monarch [sc. the sun], from his flaming throne..throws his beams about him.1782Cowper Alex. Selkirk 1, I am monarch of all I survey.1807P. Gass Jrnl. 105 Most of the corps crossed over to an island, to attack and rout its monarch, a large brown bear.1817Byron Manfred i. i, Mont Blanc is the monarch of mountains.1872Morley Voltaire (1886) 7 In the realm of mere letters, Voltaire is one of the little band of great monarchs.
2. slang. The coin called a sovereign.
1851Mayhew Lond. Labour I. 52/1 Upper Benjamins, built on a downey plan, a monarch to half a finnuf... Pair of long sleeve Moleskin..half a monarch.
3. A very large red and black butterfly (Danaus Plexippus). In full, monarch butterfly.
1890Hyatt & Arms Insecta 186 The monarch or milk-weed butterfly..is abundant during July and August wherever the milk-weed grows.1893Morris Brit. Butterfl. 71 The Monarch..is one of the commonest species throughout a great part of North America.1945E. B. Ford Butterflies i. 23 The Milkweed, Monarch, or Black-veined Brown Butterfly, Danaus plexippus... The first specimen [in Britain] was caught by Mr. J. Stafford at Neath, South Wales, on September 6th, 1876.1974A. Dillard Pilgrim at Tinker Creek xiv. 252 Each monarch butterfly had a brittle black body and deep orange wings limned and looped in black bands. A monarch at rest looks like a fleck of tiger.1975Country Life 20 Feb. 450/1 The magnificent black-veined brown or monarch butterfly, that rare migrant to Britain.
4. attrib. and Comb.:
a. simple attrib., as monarch-like adj. and adv., monarch-wise.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. xciii. i, *Monarck-like Iehova raignes.1662Gerbier Princ. 12 The Monarchlike Staires of the Pallace of Darius.1839Bailey Festus xviii. (1852) 252 The lion, monarchlike, alone Hath sympathies with no race but his own.
1586T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. lv. 561 If a citie be assembled in *Monarch-wise [orig. si monarchiquement], it is to bee defended against strangers.
b. appositive, as monarch-bee, monarch-dead, monarch-god, monarch-judge, monarch-love, monarch-martyr, monarch-mind, monarch-monster, monarch-oak, monarch-pope, monarch-reason, monarch-savage, monarch-spirit, monarch-swain, monarch-victor.
1766Compl. Farmer s.v. Queen-bee, This was giving great talents to the *monarch-bee.
1864Neale Seaton. Poems 131 The monarch, midst the *monarch-dead Reposes in his glory.
1870Bryant Iliad I. i. 3 The *monarch-god, Apollo.
1837–9Hallam Hist. Lit. ii. iv. §61 Reasons..in favour of a *monarch-judge.
1647Cowley Mistr., Heart-breaking v, Thus have I chang'd with evil Fate My *Monarch-Love into a Tyrant-State.
1842Sir A. De Vere Song of Faith 259 Mid wild revelry..Should thus the *Monarch-martyr's son appear.
1812Crabbe Tales i. 67 And now, into the vale of years declined, He hides too little of the *monarch-mind.
1593Nashe Christ's T. Wks. (Grosart) IV. 114 Vengeance on your soules..for thus mirrouring mee for the *Monarch-monster of Mothers.
1682Dryden Mac Fl. 28 *Monarch oaks that shade the plain And, spread in solemn state, supinely reign.
1904A. Lang Hist. Scotl. III. ii. 28 Charles I was acting on the example of four English *monarch-popes.
1700Dryden Cock & Fox 326 Dreams are but interludes, which fancy makes; When *monarch reason sleeps, this mimic wakes.
1725Pope Odyss. iv. 454 The *monarch-savage [sc. a lion] rends the trembling prey.
1800Coleridge Piccolom. iii. iii, This great *monarch-spirit, if he fall, Will drag a world into the ruin with him.
1727–46Thomson Summer 494 Amid his subjects safe, Slumbers the *monarch swain.
1821Mrs. Hemans Dartmoor Poems (1875) 145 The trophied car Wheeling the *monarch-victor fast and far.
c. objective, instrumental, etc., as monarch-murderer; monarch-murdered adj.
1611Florio, Monarcacída, a Monarch-murtherer.1795Coleridge To Author of Poems 28 There for the monarch-murder'd Soldier's tomb You wove th'unfinish'd wreath of saddest hues.
Hence ˈmonarch v. intr., to act the monarch; also to monarch it.
a1653G. Daniel Idyll., Illustr. 4 The Tirrannous High-Preist Once but a Man, now Monarchs o're the Rest.1737Common Sense I. 11 While he monarchs it in his own closet, [he] becomes contemptible in the Eyes of the World.1839Fraser's Mag. XX. 126 So be it known, We monarch it by rule of two, and not of one.
II. ˈmonarch, n.2 Obs.
[a. OF. monarche, monarque fem., semi-popular ad. late L. type moˈnarchia.]
= monarchy.
1483Chron. Eng. iii. f vj b, The Monarch of Rome a bowt this time mightili encresed.1572J. Jones Bathes of Bath Ep. Ded. a iij, Bladud..a Brittayn the ix King of this Monarch after Brute.1588A. Marten Exhort. Faithf. Subjects D 2 b, The Roman Monarch..was one hundred times greater then ours.1602Warner Alb. Eng. x. lvii. 250 It..was Aduisde a Monarch absolute in France to bring to pas. Aristocratick gouernment, nor Democratick pleasd.
III. monarch, a. Bot.|ˈmɒnɑːk|
[f. Gr. µόν-ος one, single + ἀρχ-ή beginning, origin: cf. diarch.]
Arising from only one point of origin, as the woody tissue of a root. monarch-bundle, a xylem-bundle in which there is only one strand.
1884Bower & Scott De Bary's Phaner. 350 In the heptarch or octarch examples of Lycopodium clavatum investigated, I almost always found one of the concave plates larger,..the other smaller..with a separate..vascular strand (in itself monarch), lying in front of its..outer surface.Ibid. 363 The monarch bundles of some species of Trichomanes.
IV. monarch
var. moniker slang, name.




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