

单词 mouth glue
释义 mouth glue
1. Glue to be used by moistening with the tongue (see glue n. 2); originally, a preparation of isinglass. Hence used for isinglass itself.
1573–80Baret Alv. G 288 Glue made of fish skinnes, mouthglue. Icthyocolla.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 238 Ichthiocolla... It's used in gellies: boiled with white Sugar it becommeth white, and is called mouth glew.1727Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Glass, Put some Mouth-glue into a Porringer upon the Fire, with some Spirit of Wine, and when the Glue is become liquid enough, rub the Pieces of Glass therewith, and they will re-unite.1766Compl. Farmer s.v. Surveying, These sheets may be pieced together with mouth-glew.1889in Century Dict. s.v. Glue.
2. fig. (allusive.) ‘Glue’ made of words.
1615J. Stephens Ess. & Char., Gossip (2nd impr.) 368 By the vertue of a speciall mouth-glew, she cleaues readily to all acquaintance.1700Congreve Way of World v. ix, My contract went no further than a little Mouth-Glew, and that's hardly dry.




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