

单词 needfire
释义 ˈneedfire
Also 6 Sc. neidfyre, 6– fire, (7 ned-).
[f. need n. + fire, prob. repr. an OE. níędfýr = OS. nôdfŷr, MLG. nôtvûr (LG. nood-, naadfür), MHG. nôtviur (G. nothfeuer), in sense 2: cf. Da. nödild, Sw. dial. nödeld, Norw. dial. nau(d)eld in the same sense.]
1. Sc. Spontaneous combustion. Only in phr. to take need fire. Obs.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 424 That tyme his stalf, in presens of thame all, It tuik neidfyre richt thair into his hand.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) II. 162 His staf tuk neid-fire, and micht not be slokinnit.
fig.1669R. Fleming Fulfilling of Script. (1801) I. 69 Ere ever they were aware they had taken life and needfire with a word.
2. Fire obtained from dry wood by means of violent friction, formerly credited with various magical or prophylactic virtues, esp. as a means of curing disease among cattle.
1633Prynne 1st Pt. Histrio-m. 21 Sacrilegious fires, called Nedfire or Bonefires, with all other Heathenish Obseruations, and Ceremonies.1644Presb. Bk. Strathbogie (Spalding Club) 51 It was regraited by Mr. Robert Watsone that ther vas neid fyre raysed vithin his parochin..for the curing of cattell.1812J. Henderson Agric. Survey Caithness xiv. 200 In those days [c 1785] when the stock of any considerable farmer was seized with the murrain, he would send for one of the charm doctors to superintend the raising of a need-fire.1825Brockett N.C. Gloss.1864Chambers's Encycl. VI. 695/2 In various parts of the Scottish Highlands, the raising of needfire was practised not long ago.1893Elworthy Evil Eye 64 It was usual to drive cattle through the needfire as a preservative against disease.
3. A beacon or bonfire. (? Due to Scott.)
1805Scott Last Minstr. iii. xxix, The ready page with hurried hand Awaked the need-fire's slumbering brand.1844Richardson Historian's Table-bk., Leg. Div. II. 15 The far distant need-fire or beacon light proclaimed the approach of foes.1865C. M. Yonge Dove in Eagle's Nest vi, Each..article of rubbish that had been in reserve for the needfire.




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