

单词 overtone
释义 I. overtone, n. Acoustics and Mus.|ˈəʊvətəʊn|
[ad. Ger. oberton, used by Helmholtz as a contraction for oberpartialton, upper partial tone: cf. over- 1 e.]
1. An upper partial tone; a harmonic: see harmonic B. 2. Also, an analogous component of any non-acoustic oscillation, having a frequency that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.
1867Tyndall Sound iii. 117 The Germans embrace all such sounds under the general term Obertöne. I think it will be an advantage if we, in England, adopt the term overtones as the equivalent.1879G. B. Prescott Sp. Telephone 7 Helmholtz succeeded in demonstrating that the different qualities of sounds depend altogether upon the number and intensity of the overtones which accompany the primary tones of those sounds.1880in Grove Dict. Mus. II. 618/2 The word Overtones is rejected by the English translator of Helmholtz's work as not agreeing with English idiom.1922A. D. Udden tr. Bohr's Theory of Spectra iii. ii. 83 This apparent difficulty is explained by the occurrence in the motion of the hydrogen atom..of harmonic components corresponding to values of r, which are different from 1; or using a terminology well known from acoustics, there appear overtones in the motion of the hydrogen atom.1937Jenkins & White Fund. Physical Optics xii. 283 If the charged oscillator is bound by a force which does not obey Hooke's law,..it will be capable of re⁓radiating not only the impressed frequency, but also various combinations of this frequency with the fundamental and overtone frequencies of the oscillator.1973Physics Bull. July 421/2 The first overtone spectrum of HBr near 4·95 µm has been obtained in this way.
2. fig. (Freq. in pl.) Applied to literature, esp. poetry: what is suggested or implied by the sound or meaning of the words. More generally, a connotation or subtle implication in thought, language, or action.
1890W. James Princ. Psychol. I. ix. 258 Let us use the words psychic overtone, suffusion, or fringe, to designate the influence of a faint brain-process upon our thought.Ibid. 281 The total idea..is the overtone, halo, or fringe of the word, as spoken in that sentence.1904J. G. Huneker (title) Overtones, a book of temperaments.1911Brereton & Rothwell tr. Bergon's Laughter ii. 96 There would be nothing amusing in the saying, ‘It serves you right, George Dandin’, were it not for the comic overtones that take up and re-echo it.1922H. Crane Let. 2 Apr. (1965) 83 The very effective literary device of under-accentuation in just the right place to produce ‘overtones’ of overwhelming effect.1940Mind XLIX. 209 Stripped of these mental overtones, his definition is quite close to the etymological meaning of the word infinite.1952Jrnl. Theol. Stud. III. 64 Once Israel had again fallen under the ‘yoke of the heathen’, the festival of dedication would have reminded the Jews of the exploits of Judas and could easily have taken on nationalistic overtones.1957Economist 21 Sept. 953/1 Seven per cent would have been a stronger gesture of resolve, if it had not been left so late as to suggest some overtones of desperation.1965Listener 25 Nov. 869/1 There are overtones of Aldous Huxley and Norman Douglas, and echoes of Firbank.1976‘D. Halliday’ Dolly & Nanny Bird xix. 258 The kidnapping and holding to ransom of an American child, in order to raise money for the self-styled Croatian Liberation Army. A simple crime with political overtones which the militia would work out for themselves.
II. overtone, v.|ˌəʊvəˈtəʊn|
[over- 22, 27.]
1. trans. To drown (a tone) with a stronger one.
1862Masson in Macm. Mag. 323 A prayer, the general solemnity of which so overtones the discords from common belief which the expert ear may nevertheless detect in it.
2. Photogr. To ‘tone’ too much, give too deep a tone to.
1868[see tone v. 5].1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 333 Overtoning is a common fault which gives a gray photograph, and causes it to lose its brilliancy.
3. To give an overtone or implication to. rare.
1871G. Meredith H. Richmond II. xvii. 269 She threw a kindly-comical look, not overtoned, at the miniature ships on the mantelpiece, and the picture of Joseph leading Mary with her babe on the ass.




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