

单词 owner
释义 owner|ˈəʊnə(r)|
Forms: α. 4 oȝenere, 5 ownere, (5 ownour, 5–6 owener), 5– owner. β. 5 awener, (awenner), 5–7 awner, (7 awiner).
[f. own v. + -er1.]
a. One who owns or holds something as his own; a proprietor; one who has the rightful claim or title to a thing (though he may not be in possession); spec. one who owns a race-horse. Also (slang), the captain of a warship, barge, or other boat; also of an aircraft. So owneˈress, the captain's wife.
1340Ayenb. 37 Zuych is þe zenne..of ham of religion þet byeþ oȝeneres, uor hi behoteþ to libbe wy[þ]-oute oȝninge.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VI. 345 Þinges..beeþ now more i-wasted in glotenye and outrage of honures [v. rr. ouners, owneres, L. possessorum].1432Rolls of Parlt. IV. 390 The seide Merchauntz..aweners of the seid Merchaundisez.c1489Plumpton Corr. 84 The awenners of the same cattell.1491Act 7 Hen. VII c. 2 §5 Suche persons as the same feoffoure or ownour shall depute and assigne.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 24, I am thair only awner, Lord and maister.1598Shakes. Merry W. v. v. 64 Worthy the Owner, and the Owner it.1631Tyninghame Sess. Rec. in Ritchie Ch. St. Baldred (1880) 226 The awiners of the seittis wer not willing heirto.1782F. Burney Cecilia x. iv, She now lived upon an estate of which she no longer was the owner.1844Williams Real Prop. (1877) 17 No man is in law the absolute owner of lands. He can only hold an estate in them.1863Chambers's Encycl. V. 428/2 The income of a jockey..is often very large: {pstlg}1000 has frequently been given by a grateful owner.1898A. E. T. Watson Turf v. 124 The winner of a selling race has..to be sold by auction; the owner receives no more than the entered selling price.1903Kipling Traffics & Discov. (1904) 49 I'm goin' to deviate to the owner's comfortable cabin direct.1914‘Bartimeus’ Naval Occasions iii. 21 That there launch precious near fouled the mark-buoy... Their owner sailing 'er too.1916G. Taylor With Scott 213 Scott was invariably known as The Owner, a naval term always applied to the captain of a warship.1923Blackw. Mag. Apr. 445/2 The Owner and Owneress have a very jolly little cabin.1930in C. Allen Raj (1977) ix. 123 Cricket. Owners, Trainers and Jockeys, Vs. Patrons, Stewards and Officials.1943C. H. Ward-Jackson Piece of Cake 45 Owner, the Commanding Officer, the captain of an aircraft.1971‘D. Halliday’ Dolly & Doctor Bird xiii. 192 Johnson slept for an hour. I left the wheel to go into the owner's cabin to rouse him.1977D. Francis Risk ii. 14 Binny, Tapestry's trainer, didn't want me on the horse. ‘Not in the Gold Cup,’ he'd said..when the owner had proposed it.
b. attrib. and Comb. appositive, as owner-breeder, owner-driver, owner-manager, owner-occupant, owner-occupier, owner-operator; also owner-occupation, owner-occupiership; owner-driven, owner-managed, owner-occupied adjs.
1937E. Rickman On & off Racecourse i. 4 The most successful *owner-breeders are in the game because they have a genuine love of the thoroughbred and of the sport.1971Daily Tel. 20 Oct. 17/4 Sir Humphrey, the fourth baronet, owner-breeder of Parthia, the 1959 Derby winner.
1919Honey Pot I. iii. 4 (Advt.), For immediate delivery. Daimler 57-hp special..*owner driven.1960Amer. Speech XXXV. 240 In truckers' language a ‘gypsy’ is an owner-driven truck.
1918A. Bennett Pretty Lady xxxi. 214 The interior of the cab,..was ornate with toy⁓curtains..to indicate to the world that he was an *owner-driver.1924Morris Owner Mar. 20/1 A sympathetic understanding of his car and of road-craft by an owner-driver..makes for more pleasurable motoring.1963Times 23 May 8/3 Last year there were 7,000 cabs in London, and 10,400 drivers, of whom 2,919 were owner-drivers.1972Police Rev. 17 Nov. 1484/1 In the case of haulage firms, and in particular the owner-driver..it pays to overload.
1891Ibid. 10 Jan. 3/1 Where that which the Board of Agriculture call ‘*owner-farming’ is common.
1972Accountant 5 Oct. 411/3 Independent ‘*owner-managed’ business as distinct from the large multi⁓national corporations.
1965H. I. Ansoff Corporate Strategy iv. 62 During the high-growth phase of the electronics industry many new firms were started by *owner-managers.1967C. Margerison in Wills & Yearsley Handbk. Managem. Technol. 18 While they were never entirely a law unto themselves, the owner-managers of the nineteenth century were largely role-determining actors—they were able to control their factories and affairs very much in the manner that they wished.
1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 26 Sept. B2/3 Residual lending activities of CMHC in the *owner-occupant market appear to have increased.
1958Ann. Reg. 1957 71 The slowing up of the property market, especially in the sale of houses for *owner-occupation.1970Daily Tel. 16 Mar. 11/1 The change-over to owner-occupation really began to show about 1920, when some 20 per cent. of the land was in the hands of those who farmed it.
1952Time 9 June 66 (Advt.), Here in Philadelphia, the percentage of *owner-occupied homes is greater than in any other large city in America..greater than the national average.1960Times 23 May 3/5 Northern Ireland is a country of small farms, mainly owner-occupied.1961E. A. Powdrill Vocab. Land Planning iii. 44 This recognition is evolved from a study of the age and condition of buildings, densities, incidence of owner-occupied properties, and rateable values.1972M. Jones Life on Dole xi. 84 The old houses are, in general, owner-occupied.
1935Planning II. xliii. 2 There are for example the approaches of State ownership at the one extreme, and of sub-division among many thousands of small *owner-occupiers at the other extreme.1958New Statesman 4 Jan. 7/3 Here and there an enterprising tenant, owner-occupier or determined landlord has repaired and repainted and the contrast is startling.1971Reader's Digest Family Guide to Law 460/1 An owner-occupier..does not pay capital gains tax on the sale of his home.1974Times 8 Aug. 18/7 It is questionable whether any public interest is served by requiring owner-occupiers to let commercial and factory premises where they have ceased to use them for their own purposes.
1924Glasgow Herald 28 Nov. 9 As to *owner-occupiership, the figures were..encouraging.
1957E. Bott Family & Social Network 161 *Owner-operator of a small tobacco and sweet shop.1971M. Tak Truck Talk 114 Owner-operator, a trucker who both owns and drives his rig.1976Woman's Day (N.Y.) Nov. 50/2 ‘You can do damage if you don't replace a radiator cap..correctly,’ warns Jim Gottfredsen, longtime owner-operator of Gup's West Side Service in Racine, Wisconsin.
1885Daily News 14 Oct. 6/1 The *owner vote must be given at municipal elections.




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