

单词 Palsgrave
释义 Palsgrave Hist.|ˈpɔːlzgreɪv|
Also 6–7 paltsgrave, 7 pauls-, palse-; β. 7–9 palgrave.
[a. 16th c. Du. paltsgrave (Kilian), mod.Du. paltsgraaf = Ger. pfalzgraf, MHG. pfalzgrâve, OHG. pfalenzgrâvo, f. pfalenza palace + grâvo count.
L. palātium palace appears to have been altered in Teutonic lands to *palantium, whence app. OHG. pfalanza, pfalenza, MHG. pfalenze (pfalze, pfalz), OS. palencea, palinza (Heliand), OE. palente, palendse fem., palent masc.]
A Count Palatine: see count n.2 2, palantine a.1 2 a.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 237 b, Came to London Duke Frederyke of Bauyre Countye Palantyne or Palsgraue of the Ryne.Ibid., The Palsgraue was receyued & conducted to Wynsore by the Duke of Suffolke.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 172 Though the Princes and heads of the weaker side.., both Paltsgrave and Lantsgrave, have..imposed silence in that poinct.1612Sir C. Mountagu in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 241 If my Lord of Exeter had gone with the King now to the Instalment of the Paulsgrave [i.e. as a Knight of the Garter].1641French Distill. iv. (1651) 100 John Casmire Palse-grave of the Rhene..did alwayes drinke of it.1656Blount Glossogr., Palts⁓grave..the Title of the Prince Elector Palatine of the Rheine.1700De Foe Dang. Prot. Relig. Misc. (1703) 250 He had not Courage enough to break with Spain in the just Quarrel of the Palsgrave, King of Bohemia.1819Scott Leg. Montrose ii, I have myself commanded the whole stift of Dunklespiel on the Lower Rhine, occupying the Pals⁓grave's palace.
β1612W. Pye in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. IV. 170, I thought good to stay vntill I might advertyse you of the Palgraves arryvall.1855Milman Lat. Chr. ix. ii. IV. 38 Otho the palatine of Burgundy..the palgraves of Thuringia, Wittlesbach, and numberless other counts and nobles.
So ˈPalsgravine [Du. paltsgravin = Ger. pfalzgräfin], a countess palatine.
1835in Booth Dict. Eng. Lang.1846in Worcester.1894Westm. Gaz. 26 Sept. 3/3 Her children [were distinguished] as ‘Rhinegraves’ and ‘Rhinegravines,’ instead of Palsgraves and Palsgravines respectively.




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