

单词 patriot
释义 patriot, n. (a.)|ˈpeɪtrɪət, ˈpæt-|
Also 6–7 -ote.
[a. F. patriote (15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. late L. patriōta fellow-countryman (in St. Greg. Epist. 6th c.), ad. Gr. πατριώτης, f. πάτριος of one's fathers, πατρίς one's fatherland: see -ot2.]
A. n.
1. A fellow-countryman, compatriot. Obs. rare.
1596Lambarde Peramb. Kent (ed. 2) 246 Tenham..where our honest patriote Richard Harrys..planted..the sweete Cherry.1611Cotgr., Patriote, a patriote, ones countrey⁓man.1629H. Burton Truth's Triumph 285 If hee..finde..kinde vsage of the natiues and patriots of the country.
2. a. One who disinterestedly or self-sacrificingly exerts himself to promote the wellbeing of his country; ‘one whose ruling passion is the love of his country’ (J.); one who maintains and defends his country's freedom or rights.
In this use, at first, as in French (see Littré), with ‘good’, ‘true’, ‘worthy’, or other commendatory adjective: cf. ‘good citizen’. ‘Patriot’ for ‘good patriot’ is rare before 1680. At that time often applied to one who supported the rights of the country against the King and court.
1605B. Jonson Volpone iv. i, Such as were known patriots, Sound lovers of their country.1611Bible Transl. Pref. 8 Was Catiline therefore an honest man, or a good Patriot?a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. ii. (1642) 147 Nehemias, a true and faithfull Patriot.a1643Ld. Falkland, etc. Infallibility (1646) 176 The Catholiques were knowne good Patriots under our former Kings.1699Dryden To J. Driden 171 A patriot both the King and Country serves, Prerogative and privilege preserves.1706Phillips, Patriot, a Father of his Country, a great Benefactor to the Publick.1716Pope Epit. on Trumbal 5 An honest Courtier, yet a Patriot too, Just to his Prince, and to his Country true.1738Glover Leonidas i. 262 So spake the patriot, and his heart o'erflow'd.1750Berkeley Patriotism §24 A patriot is one who heartily wisheth the public prosperity, and doth..also study and endeavour to promote it.1814Scott Ld. of Isles iii. xxvii, His was the patriot's burning thought, Of Freedom's battle bravely fought.1855Prescott Philip II, I. ii. x. 255 A band of patriots ready to do battle for the liberties of their country.
b. The name has been at various times borne or assumed by persons or parties whose claim to it has been disputed, denied, or ridiculed by others. Hence the name itself fell into discredit in the earlier half of the 18th c., being used, according to Dr. Johnson, ‘ironically for a factious disturber of the government’. So sometimes, at a later date, ‘Irish Patriot’.
1644Maxwell Prerog. Chr. Kings 117 The specious and spurious pretences of our glorious Reformers, and zealous Patriots today.1677G. Hickes in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. IV. 42 Encouraged..by their foresaid patriots, whereof some wish the ruin of the Church, and all of them the ruin of my Lord Duke.1681Dryden Abs. & Achit. 965 Gull'd with a Patriots name, whose Modern sense Is one that wou'd by Law supplant his Prince: The Peoples Brave, the Politicians Tool; Never was Patriot yet, but was a Fool.1771Earl Malmesbury Lett. (1870) I. 218 [This country] does not wish a war, whatever wicked patriots may endeavour, or lying newspapers print.1780Cowper Table-t. 143 A band, called patriots for no cause But that they catch at popular applause.1798Canning & Frere New Morality 113 in Anti-Jacobin, A steady patriot of the world alone, The friend of every country—but his own.1827Hallam Const. Hist. (1842) II. 405. 1833 Macaulay Ess., H. Walpole (1865) I. 284/1 The name of patriot had become [c 1744] a by-word of derision. Horace Walpole scarcely exaggerated when he said that..the most popular declaration which a candidate could make on the hustings was that he had never been and never would be a patriot.1888Times 17 Aug. 7/2 Much to his credit, he refused to interfere in favour of the Irish patriots.
c. Erron. (with of or possessive) as if = lover, devotee, upholder (? confused with patron). ? Obs.
1631Weever Anc. Fun. Mon. 440 A carefull Patriot of the State.1633Prynne Histriomastix 389 Adulterers, Whore-masters, Whores, &c. are the greatest Patriots,..frequenters, upholders of these lascivious Stage-playes.Ibid. 826 Advancers and chiefest patriots and propugners of Monarchy.1641H. L'Estrange God's Sabbath Ep. Ded. A iij b, The Truth which it professeth will gain it some measure of acceptance with so profest a Patriot of Truth.
d. In the war of 1939–45, spec. a loyal inhabitant of a country overrun by the enemy, esp. a member of a resistance movement. Also attrib.
1945News Chron. 7 May 1/5 The formal liberation of Denmark had begun. Actually the patriots had started it much earlier... When we landed the Danish patriots..had the situation under complete control. In patriot cars,..we drove down streets lined with cheering Danes.1959Listener 23 Apr. 727/2 Wingate's leadership of the ill-found ‘Patriot’ forces [in Ethiopia] was audacious.
3. U.S. Patriots' Day, anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord in the American Revolution, 19 April 1775, observed since 1894 as a legal holiday in Maine and Massachusetts.
1897Boston Even. Transcript 18 Apr. 8/4 Lowell mill agents, having heard the indignant protest against the running of machinery in the mills Patriots' Day, have decided to reconsider their action.1909Springfield (Mass.) Weekly Republ. 22 Apr. 11 The celebration of Patriots' day, the 134th anniversary of the battles at Lexington and Concord. The day is a legal holiday in Massachusetts and Maine.1925Boston Even. Transcript 21 Apr. 10/1 Sesquicentennial of Patriots' Day passes into history.1948Daily Ardmoreite (Ardmore, Okla.) 18 Apr. 14/7 They are down to play a second game in the afternoon, since it's Patriots' day in Boston.
B. attrib. or as adj. That is, or has the character of, a patriot; belonging to or characteristic of a patriot; patriotic.
1732J. Hammond Love Elegies xiv, My Patriot Breast a nobler Warmth shall feel.1738–49Bolingbroke (title) Letters, On the Spirit of Patriotism: on the Idea of a Patriot King.1759Dilworth Pope 95 So truly patriot an attachment to the manufactures of Old England.1813Eustace Class. Tour (1821) I. iv. 163 The same patriot passion..that characterized..the ancient Romans.1896Harper's Mag. XCII. 761/2 The growing activity of the German patriot guerilla.




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