

单词 percase
释义 perˈcase, adv. Obs. (exc. dial.)
Forms: see case n.1; also 4–6 (9 dial.) par-; 5 Sc. percass, -chass, 6 -caiss, -kase.
[ME. a. AF. par cas, per cas, OF. par cas: see per and case n.1 Cf. F. par hasard; for sematology, see perchance.]
1. In a statement of fact: By chance, as it chanced; = peradventure adv. 1, perchance 1.
1375Barbour Bruce iii. 481 Then hapnyt at that tyme percass, That the Erle of the Leuenax was Amang the hillis.c1386Chaucer Pard. T. 557 And with that word, it happed hym par cas To take the botel, ther the poyson was.1513Douglas æneis v. vi. 75 Quhar as fast by The stirkis for the sacrifice, per cace, War newly brittnit.
2. if (except, lest, etc.) percase, if (lest, etc.) by chance, if the case or chance were that. Cf. peradventure adv. 2, perchance 2, perhaps 2.
c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1471 If þat þou haddest per cas ben a prest.1513More Rich. III, Wks. 45/2 Yf shee bee percase so obstynate, and so preciselye sette vppon her own wyl, that [etc.].1571Campion Hist. Irel. vii. (1633) 20 If percase for advancement of their Citties, they straine a point of truth.1575Mirr. Mag., Hastings xi, Least thou differ, to thincke me kinde, per case.
3. In a hypothetical or contingent statement: It may (might) chance or be the case that{ddd}; maybe, perchance, peradventure, perhaps.
13..Cursor M. 4002 (Gött.) If þu will þai sal pasce. And cum nohut in his hand percas.1390Gower Conf. III. 14 The weies ben so slider, In which he mai per cas so falle, That he schal breke his wittes alle.c1440Lydg. Hors, Shepe & Goos 535 (Lansd. MS.) That thou canst nat, parcas a-nothir can.1575Gascoigne Pr. Pleas. Kenilw. A v, Percase she came this worthy Queene to serue.1605M. Sutcliffe Brief Exam. 91 They woulde percase say the same of Scotland but that theire conscience told them contrary.1828Craven Gloss. (ed. 2), Parcaas.1876Whitby Gloss., Perkeease, or Percase, perchance.
b. Qualifying a word or phrase, usually with ellipsis: = peradventure B. 3 b, perchance 3 d.
[1377Act 1 Rich. II, c. 7 Repreignantz vers eux la value de cel livere, ou per cas la double value, per tiel covenant; 1611 transl. taking againe towards them the value of the same Liuerie, or percase the double value.]1523Wolsey in Fiddes Life ii. (1726) 71 Reasonable offers..more regarded than per-case the qualities of the person.1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 53 Y⊇ on plough land is lotted to the purparty of the one, as percase to the yonger sister.1600Darrell Detect. Harsnet 99 The Bp. had seene him doe his tricks before that time, yea, percase, oftentimes.




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