

单词 phoca
释义 phoca Zool.|ˈfəʊkə|
Pl. phocæ |ˈfəʊsiː|, phocas.
[L. phōca, a. Gr. ϕώκη seal: so It., Sp. foca, F. phoque.]
A seal (chiefly in transl. from Latin or Greek); any aquatic mammal of the Phocidæ, or seal and walrus family of Carnivora; in modern zoology, restricted to the genus typified by the Common Seal, P. vitulina.
[1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xiii. xxii. (Bodl. MS.), Þe fissche þat hatte Foca & þe fissche þat hiȝt Delphinus.]1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe 57 Neptunes phocases that scard the horses of Hippolitus.1678Dryden All for Love i. i, Here monstrous phocæ panted on the shore.1791Cowper Odyss. iv. 493 The Phocæ also rising from the waves.1800Med. Jrnl. III. 389 M. Riegels intends successively to treat..on rats, the phocas, the mole, the frog and lizard.1816Scott Antiq. xxx, A phoca or seal lying asleep on the beach.Ibid. xxxv, xxxviii.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 429 The deepest tones are struck by animals that have the largest glottis, as the phoca, the ox, the ardea stellaria.
Hence phoˈcacean a., of or pertaining to the Phocidæ or seal family; n. a member of this family; phoˈcaceous a., of the nature of a seal; phocacean; ˈphocal a., of or pertaining to a seal.
1842Brande Dict. Sc. etc., Phocaceans,..the name of the family of carnivorous and amphibious Mammals of which the seal (Phoca) is the type.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Phocaceous.1860Gosse Romance Nat. Hist. 351 This is..in favour of a mammalian, and of a phocal nature.




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