

单词 physiologize
释义 physiˈologize, v.|-dʒaɪz|
[f. as prec. + -ize.]
1. intr. To speculate or reason on nature: to inquire into natural causes and phenomena. Obs.
1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. Pref. 7 Divers of the Italicks, and particularly Empedocles—before Democritus—physiologized atomically.Ibid. i. iii. 120 They who first theologized, did physiologize after this manner.1730–6Bailey (folio) Pref., Physiologize, to Study, Discourse or Reason on the Nature of Things.
2. trans. To explain in accordance with physical or natural science. Obs.
1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. 450 Unless we would rather with Macrobius, Physiologize them all Three, and make Minerva to be the Higher Heaven, Jupiter the Middle Ether, and Juno the Lower Air and Earth, all Animated; that is, One God, as acting differently in these Three Regions of the world.1819G. S. Faber Dispensations (1823) I. 234 Much the same remark is made by Eusebius on the humour of physiologising the religious system of the Egyptians.
3. intr. To act the physiologist; to form physiological conclusions or theories. rare.
1866Owen Vertebr. Anim. (L.), The somewhat capricious appearance of the gall-bladder in vegetarian mammals discourages such attempts to physiologize.
Hence physiˈologizing vbl. n.
1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. iii. i. 17 Al which Poetic Physiologisings were but corrupt imitations of..Moses's description of the Creation.




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