

单词 pinch-
释义 pinch-
in Comb.: [chiefly the imperative or verb-stem with the second element in objective relation to it; sometimes the n.]
pinch-back, one who pinches his own or another's back, by stinting it of proper clothing; also attrib.; pinch-bar = pinch n. 16: see quot.; pinch-batter = pinch-hitter; pinch-belly, one who denies himself or others sufficient food; also attrib.; pinch-bottle U.S., a bottle with indented sides, spec. a whisky bottle; so, by metonymy, whisky; pinch-cock Mech., a clamp used to compress a flexible or elastic tube so as to regulate the flow of liquid, etc.; pinch-commons, one who stints the supply of food for himself or others; pinch-crust = prec.; pinch-eyed a. (see quot.); pinch-face, a pinch-faced person; pinch-faced a., having the features pinched or emaciated; pinch-fart, a niggard, miser (in quot. attrib.); pinch-fist, a ‘close-fisted’ person, a niggard, miser; so pinchfisted a., mean, miserly; pinch-hit v. intr. (orig. U.S.), in baseball, to bat as a substitute for another batter, esp. at a critical point in the game; freq. transf., to act as a substitute, esp. in an emergency; to stand in for someone; also as n., a hit made by a substitute batter; so pinch-hitter, -hitting; pinch-plane Math. (see quot.); pinch-pleat, one of a cluster of small pleats, used esp. in curtains; hence pinch-pleated a.; pinch-plum, one who would divide a plum; a close, grasping person; pinch-point, (a) Math. (see quot.); (b) a point of congestion, confusion, or difficulty; pinch roll, (a) each of a pair of rolls, usu. hydraulically controlled, which grip the material passing between them; (b) = pinch roller; pinch roller, in a tape recorder or tape deck, a spring-loaded roller which presses the tape against the capstan; pinch-runner N. Amer. (see quot. 1961); pinch-spotted a., discoloured with marks of pinches; pinch-waist, a tightly-fitted waist; also attrib.; hence pinch-waisted a.; pinch-water, high or low water; pinch-weed, dial. name for Polygonum Persicaria (see quot.); pinch wheel = pinch roller. Also pinch-gut, pinchpenny.
1600Nashe Summer's Last Will in Hazl. Dodsley VIII. 76 Christmas,..a *pinchback, cutthroat churl.
1837Civ. Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 74/1 The application of a lever or *pinch-bar.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Pinch-bar, a lever with a fulcrum-foot and projecting snout: applied beneath a heavy body to move it by successive small raising and shiftings.
1928Chicago Tribune 5 Oct. 26/1 The *pinch batter exercised rare judgment and drew a pass.1974Spartanburg (S. Carolina) Herald 22 Apr. b1/2 Franklin walloped five home runs in the six-day series. He started five of the games and was a pinch-batter in the other two.
1648–60Hexham, Een Spaer-back,..a Sparer,..or a *Pinch-belly.1721Amherst Terræ Fil. App. (1754) 318, I am against all extremes, and especially on the pinch-belly side.
1939C. Morley Kitty Foyle x. 103 Mr Rittenhouse gave him a lift to the bootlegger's, ordered a whole case of *pinchbottle on Pop's recommendation..and invited us down to..dinner.1940E. Hemingway For whom Bell Tolls xvi. 204 ‘When we have electricity again, what a lamp we can make out of this bottle.’ She looked at the pinch-bottle admiringly.1963New Yorker 8 June 57 We made it [sc. men's toiletry] clean-smelling and gutsy and put it up in hefty glass pinch bottles.
1873C. H. Ralfe Phys. Chem. 103 This flask is fitted with a bulb tube, filled with dilute nitric acid, which is prevented from flowing into the mixture by means of a *pinchcock.1881Tyndall Floating Matter of Air 171 A pinchcock nipped the india-rubber tube at its centre.
1822Scott Pirate vi, The crazed projector and the niggardly *pinch-commons by which it is inhabited.
1602Rowlands Greene's Ghost (Hunter. Cl.) 9 A young Gentleman, Merchant, or old *pinchcrust.
1765Treat. Dom. Pigeons, Carrier 83 The eye..ought to be broad, round, and of an equal thickness; for if one part of the eye be thinner than the rest, it is said to be *pinch-ey'd, which is deemed a very great imperfection.
1917W. Owen Let. 27 Sept. (1967) 497, I called for the poet—a wizened little *pinch-face, about two feet high!
1863G. M. Hopkins Let. 22 Apr. (1956) 73 Woolcomb,..a *pinch-faced old man, whom everybody likes as much as they yawn over his divinity lectures.1943Gen 10 Apr. 23/1 Pinch-faced, thin-limbed, he seemed to be needing a good dinner.
1592Nashe P. Penilesse Wks. (Grosart) II. 25 My *pinch-fart penie⁓father.
c1580J. Jeffere Bugbears i. ii. 61 in Archiv Stud. Neu. Spr. (1897) XCVIII. 308 Our *pinchefist the old vecchio.1681W. Robertson Phraseol. Gen. (1693) 990 A pinch⁓fist, avarus.1917‘H. H. Richardson’ Fortunes R. Mahony i. ix. 84 They were pinchfists when it came to parting with their money.1978Verbatim May 1/1 One incurs hostile mutters of sparethrift or sparegood, scrapepelf or scrapegood, pinchfist or skinflint.
1867Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. Oct. 636 As hearty and liberal as they were once cold and *pinchfisted.
1931Kansas City (Missouri) Star 17 Dec. 24 John Neilson gave the talk,..but I thought they were just using him to *pinch-hit for Bo McMillin.1948Capital-Democrat (Tishomingo, Okla.) 17 June 5/5 Duggan Smith, *pinch hitting for W. C. Whiteley, had sent a high drive out to center.1957R. Longrigg Switchboard iv. 59 ‘I wonder if you can help me out of a jam?.. I'm supposed to be lunching with a man called Robinson... I now find I can't do it. I've made some kind of nonsense with the dates—’ ‘Shall I pinch-hit?’1966N.Y. Times (Internat. ed.) 22 Apr. 12/1 California's Joe Adcock hit a pinch-hit single in the bottom of the eleventh inning.1973E. Taylor Serpent under It (1974) x. 156 ‘With no secretary, how do we find out where they are?’ ‘They've got some old girl from the History Department pinch-hitting.’1974Cleveland (Ohio) Plain Dealer 13 Oct. 14-c/4 If we were ahead by only one run, I would have pinch hit for Rollie in the top of the ninth because Catfish was ready.1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 24 June 1-d/3. With one out, Kautzmann delivered a pinch-hit single to left field to drive in Art LaGaly with the lead run.
1912Lit. Digest 10 Aug. 238/2 Things did not run very smoothly the famous ‘Cub’ *pinch hitter himself tells us.1939Ade Let. 7 June (1973) 210, I have tried to get either ‘Chick’ Evans or ‘Red’ Grange for the June party but without success. We don't want to miss a month and so..I am offering myself as a pinch-hitter.1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 26 Sept. 39/8 Singles, by pinch-hitter Mack Jones, Bob Bailey and pinch-hitter Jim Fairey in the bottom of the ninth produced one run.1976Washington Post 19 Apr. d4/1 Major league baseball has designated ABC as its pinch hitter for NBC on Monday night television this season.
1931M. Loeb Please stand By i. x. 118 Just because Will Rogers did some *pinch-hitting for Fred Stone and got away with it is no reason why you should send some college cub-reporter up here to cover the greatest discovery on the air.1947Los Angeles Times 6 Oct. 11/7 Brown..kept up his red-hot pinch-hitting when he singled for Phillips in the third.1974Anderson (S. Carolina) Independent 23 Apr. 3a/5 At present, the recreational program is being operated by Assistant Director Benny Burrell, ‘who is doing a good job of pinch hitting,’ said Evatt.
1869Cayley Coll. Math. Papers VI. 336 The *pinch-plane, or reciprocal singularity j′ = l, is in fact a torsal plane touching the surface along a line, or meeting it in the line twice and in a residual curve... Considering..the reciprocal figure, the reciprocal of the pinch-plane is..a point of the nodal curve, and is a pinch-point.
1958Times 23 June 11/3 For long windows the *pinch-pleat treatment in the last small sketch is very effective.1973Guardian 29 Mar. 13/3 The curtains are backed by Sekers's own make-up service which can provide pinch or pencil pleated or gathered curtains to the customer's own specifications.
1892Daily News 25 April 5/7 The most beggarly-spirited *pinch-plum economy.
1868Cayley Coll. Math. Papers VI. 123 A surface having a nodal line has in general on this nodal line points where the two tangent planes coincide, or as I propose to term them ‘*pinch-points’.1961Times 15 Aug. 10/3 No loading or unloading at all will be permitted at important intersections and other ‘pinch points’.1965New Society 11 Nov. 10/3 Oliver Cox considers heating one of the major ‘pinch-points’ in building today.1973Country Life 31 May 1527/3 The bridge is a pinch-point and congestion soon builds up.
1953Engineer 23 Oct. 526/2 The slabs have to be pressure fed into the rolls at a constant rate by *pinch or feed rolls.1958H. G. M. Spratt Magnetic Tape Recording vii. 202 The tape..is held in tight contact with it [sc. a roller] by means of a spring-loaded, free-running, rubber or rubber-covered roll generally referred to as the pinch roll.1960A. R. Bailey Text-bk. Metall. (ed. 2) 402 The steel slabs pass directly from the reheating furnace to a pair of pinch rolls that grip the metal and force it into the mill.1964A. A. McWilliams Tape Recording viii. 160 The tape is held in firm contact—with a rotating spindle—the capstan—by means of a rubber-tyred pressure roller, or pinch roll.1969W. R. R. Park Plastics Film Technol. ii. 41 At the same time, the pinch rolls are pulling the film away.
1949S. J. Begun Magnetic Recording vi. 174 An interesting feature of this equipment is the..spindle which acts as a capstan as soon as a rubber-tyred *pinch roller sandwiches the tape against it.1961G. L. Davies Magnetic Tape Instrumentation iv. 79 The pinch roller..is operated by a solenoid.1974Physics Bull. Apr. 151/1 Another feature is the vacuum buffered, low tension drive which eliminates pinch-rollers and associated mechanical problems.
1961J. S. Salak Dict. Amer. Sports 328 *Pinch runner (baseball, softball), a substitute runner for a teammate who has reached a base, the original runner being out of the game from that time on.1970Toronto Daily Star 24 Sept. 17/1 Cash wound up at second and pinch-runner Freddie Patek at third.1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 20 June 4-e/4 Tim Foli singled off starter Tommy John to open the inning and was replaced by pinch-runner Jim Lyttle.
1611Shakes. Temp. iv. i. 261 Shorten vp their sinewes With aged Cramps, & more *pinch-spotted make them, Then Pard, or Cat o'Mountaine.
1969Times 31 Jan. 55 Among the customers for his men's clothes—distinguishable by their long jackets and *pinch waists—are movie stars, [etc.].1975M. Bradbury Hist. Man i. 11 She wears a white pinch-waist, full-length raincoat.
1977Times 5 Oct. (Fashion Suppl.) p. i/7 The lavishly lapelled, *pinch-waisted..caricature..of the Italian style.
1681Phil. Trans. XII. 103 After great Rains,..or strong westerly Winds,..then the *Pinch-water will be found earlier..by about half an hour.
1883Academy 11 Aug. 92 Every leaf has a dark spot in the centre, just as though it had been pinched, on which account it goes by the name of *pinch⁓weed.
1962H. B. Hadden High-Quality Sound Production & Reproduction x. 160 The tape is held in contact with the capstan by the *pinch wheel.1968C. N. G. Matthews Tape Recording iv. 36 The capstan and pinch wheel are disengaged.

For ‘pinch-runner N. Amer. (see quot. 1961)’ read: pinch-runner Baseball, one who runs in place of another, esp. at a crucial period of play; hence (as a back-formation) pinch-run v. intr., to act as a pinch-runner, freq. const. for the player replaced; pinch-running vbl. n.
1934Newsweek 13 Oct. 19/2 Manager Frisch..made the strategical error of using Dizzy Dean as a *pinch runner.1940Sat. Even. Post 16 Mar. 39/1 He doesn't stop to consult his lawyer when the manager calls upon him for pinch-hitting or *pinch-running chores.1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §678/3 *Pinch-run, to run for a fellow.1974Spartanburg (S. Carolina) Herald 19 Apr. b5/8 The A's used Allan Lewis, an outfielder with little hitting ability, as a pinch running specialist the last two World Series.1979Tucson (Arizona) Citizen 3 Oct. 2d/1 In '69, he had me pinch run for Frank in the World Series.1989N.Y. Times 20 Apr. d27/4 If Keith had got on base, I was going to pinch-run for him.




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