

单词 plaice
释义 plaice|pleɪs|
Forms: 3–5 plais, 4–5 plays, 4–7 playce, 5 playsce, playsse, 5–7 playse, place, 6 pleise, Sc. plase, 6–9 plaise, 4, 6– plaice.
[ME. plais, plaice, a. OF. plaïz (12th c.), plaïs, plaiis, early mod.F. plaïse, pleïsse, pladisse:—late L. platessa (a 390 Auson.), ? f. Gr. πλατύς broad, or root plat- flat (see plate).]
1. A well-known European flat-fish, Pleuronectes platessa, much used as food; in America extended to various allied species of this genus or of the family Pleuronectidæ. (Pl. now rare; the collective sing. plaice being used instead.)
1280Litt. Red Bk. Bristol (1900) I. 90 Debent..dari..de quolibet batello..portante plais octo plais.c1300Havelok 896 He bar up wel a carte lode..of playces brode, Of grete laumprees, and of eles.1307–8Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 3 In albo pisce, plaices, et sperlinges.1392–3Earl Derby's Exp. (Camden) 214 Item pro fflowndres et plays, iij duc.c1440Anc. Cookery in Househ. Ord. (1790) 437 Of playsse or of codlynge, or of eles, or of pykes, or of soles, or tenches.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Vne Plie, a fishe called a Place.1617Janna Ling. 100 Aswell soles as plaises are inclosed in the net.1661J. Childrey Brit. Baconica 18 Soale and Playce..follow the tide into the fresh rivers.1762Chron. in Ann. Reg. 148 The several species of fish brought..1988 Plaise and Dabs.1802Bingley Anim. Biog. (1813) III. 33 The Plaise and the Flounder..are each found in great abundance in most of the European seas.1841–71T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. (ed. 4) 682 The appearance of these fishes is deceptive, and few imagine that, in applying the term back and belly to the upper and under surfaces of a Plaice or a Turbot, they are adopting a phraseology quite inadmissible in an anatomical point of view.
2. dial. = fluke n.1 2; also plaice-worm.
a1722Lisle Observ. Husb. (1757) 337 These cored sheep have the fluck, or plaice-worm in their livers.1732W. Ellis Pract. Farmer (1759) 137 A rotten Sheep, he says, he has several Times, seen die with Plaises in his Liver and Head.1896Daily News 26 May 6/4 Flukes or plaice, as they are indifferently called, from the resemblance they bear, are found in the biliary ducts, caused by the sheep being placed on wet fresh-water submerged meadows.
3. attrib. and Comb., as plaice-fry; plaice-like adj.; plaice-fluke, ? = sense 1; plaice-mouth, a small puckered or wry mouth; also attrib.; so plaice-mouthed a.; plaice-worm (see sense 2).
1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. I. 41 Turbat, ffluik, and *plase fluik.
1905Westm. Gaz. 17 Aug. 10/2 At the Marine Hatchery, Aberdeen..The number of *plaice-fry that hatched out..was approximately 34,780,000, or 88 per cent.
1900J. Hutchinson in Arch. Surg. XI. No. 41. 94 Her hands and feet were of a deep dusky-red colour with large *plaice-like spots of lighter tint.
1609B. Jonson Sil. Wom. iii. iv, Did you thinke you had married..some innocent..that would stand with her hands thus, and a *playse mouth, and looke vpon you?1602Dekker Satiromastix Plays 1873 I. 257 My place-mouth yelpers.
1595Lodge Fig for Momus Sat. i, His *plaise-mouth'd wife.




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