

单词 retainer
释义 I. retainer1|rɪˈteɪnə(r)|
Forms: 5 reteignour, 6 reteynour(e; 5 reteigner, reteyner, 7 reteiner, 7– retainer.
[f. retain v. + -er4. Cf. retainder.]
1. The act or fact of retaining, withholding, or keeping for oneself; an authorization to do this. Now rare. (Cf. retainder 1.)
1453Rolls of Parlt. V. 235/2 Eny Assignement, Graunte or Reteignour made..to eny persone..uppon the seid xvme..for money lent.1472–3Ibid. VI. 60/1 The same Letters Patentes, as to the reteyner, havyng, and perceyvyng of Custumes.1642tr. Perkins' Prof. Bk. v. §303. 134 The woman shall be endowed of the third part of the rent by way of retainer.1768Blackstone Comm. III. 18 The one [instance being] that of retainer, where a creditor is made executor or administrator to his debtor.Ibid. IV. Index, Retainer of servant by another.1846Bateman Law Auctions (ed. 3) 270 There was no averment that..the goods were put up to sale at the request of the defendant or on his retainer, and that there was no retainer shewn at the time of the request to put up the goods to sale.
a. Engagement of a person as a servant or for some other office. Obs.
1467–8Rolls of Parlt. V. 633/2 Every Reteyner by Indenture or other writyng..of eny persone..other then to be menyall Servaunt.1641Termes de la Ley 8 b, The reteiner of those two Chaplaines remaineth, and they without new reteiner may take two Benefices.1642tr. Perkins' Prof. Bk. xi. §615. 311 The retainer of a servant according unto the Statute of Labores upon condition is good without deed.
b. Entertainment or maintenance of dependents or adherents. Obs.
1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 14 §1 That all his statutes..made ayenst such as make unlaufull reteynours and such as so be reteyned..be pleynly observed.a1548Hall Chron., Rich. III 39 Wilde Weleshmen, whome he..had rather..compelled by lordely and streite commaundemente then by liberall wages and gentle reteynoure.
c. The fact of being retained in some capacity.
1775J. Rayner Readings on Statutes 116 The meaning of ‘before Retainer’, must be that such Discovery..is..not within the Rule of Secrecy.1781Atkyns Reports Cases in Chancery II. 525 note, It appearing that this discovery..had been made before the retainer of him as solicitor, the court were of opinion that he might be sworn.1848Arnould Marine Insur. i. iv. (1866) I. 156 The giving of such notice was part of the common law duty of the defendants, to be implied from their retainer as Commission Agents.
d. An authorization given to an attorney to act in a case. Chiefly U.S.
1816Chitty Suppl. Treat. Pleading 166 The declaration may commence with the statement of the defendant's retainer.1856Bouvier Law Dict. (ed. 6) II. 472/1 Although it is not indispensable that the retainer should be in writing,..it is very expedient.1874Abbott U.S. Digest (Ser. i) II. 340/1 A mere parol retainer is sufficient to authorize an attorney to commence a suit.
attrib.1836Chitty Practice of the Law III. i. 117 Since the Stamp Duty on the Warrant has been repealed, no retainer fee is allowed.
3. a. A fee paid to a barrister to secure his services; engagement by a retaining-fee.
1818Byron Juan i. xv. note, After taking my retainer, he went over to them.1841Penny Cycl. XXI. 272/1 A retainer, if for a particular cause, and for a particular stage of that cause, is called a common retainer, and it now consists in the payment of the sum of one guinea.1869Daily News 6 July, A general retainer gives to the person who so retains a counsel the right to a refusal of his services.1892Pall Mall G. 4 July 2/2 The new rules for regulating the practice of counsel as to retainers.
transf.1778S. Foote Trip to Calais iii. 78 As you gave me a handsome retainer, I have been in court and open'd the cause.1784Horne Lett. Infidelity xiv. 215 You are men of too much sense..to take a retainer from Simon Magus.1870Lowell Study Wind., Gd. Word Winter, I happen to hold Winter's retainer this time.1890John Bull 5 Apr. 220/2 He has been extolled by authors holding no retainer as biographers.
b. A sum paid to secure special services if required. Also in extended uses. Cf. retaining fee s.v. retaining ppl. a. 2.
a1859Macaulay Hist. Eng. xxiii. V. 25 The House resolved to grant half-pay to the disbanded officers... The half-pay was meant to be a retainer as well as a reward.1891N. Gould Double Event 111 I'm paying you a big retainer for the Melbourne events.1975O. Sela Bengali Inheritance vi. 46 ‘What are you saying? That we should all..take bribes?’ ‘We all do,’ Chan said. ‘We're all on retainers.’ The retainer was the monthly share out, the market price for overlooking petty crimes [among Hong Kong police].1977Guardian 13 Jan. 20/3 Richards has signed a contract with a Brisbane radio station which gives him a retainer.1978S. Brill Teamsters ix. 327 Milano is most probably getting similar retainers from several Teamster locals.1978Lancashire Life Nov. 76/2 The Clitheroe professional, Peter Geddes, for whom she works as assistant, earning a small retainer in exchange for free lessons, wise advice and a mixture of encouragement and constructive criticism.1978M. Puzo Fools Die xxvii. 310 Houlinan was Ugo Kellino's personal PR rep with a retainer of fifty grand a year.
II. retainer2|rɪˈteɪnə(r)|
Also 6 reteyn-, retaynour, 6–7 reteyner, 7 -tayner, -teiner.
[f. retain v. + -er1 (and -or 2).]
1. a. One who or that which retains or holds; a maintainer, preserver.
1548Elyot, Clientellaris, the homage that the clientes make to theyr reteynours.1583Babington Commandm. 329 To see that they bringe not sinne vpon them, by making them vniust retainers of other mens goods.1616Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme vii. xxii. 679 It is to be vnderstood, that it is hard to haue one spannell..to be an excellent raunger, an excellent finder, and an excellent retainer.1693[see retention 3].1704Swift T. Tub ix, One that has forgot the common Meaning of Words, but an admirable Retainer of the Sound.1825New Monthly Mag. XIV. 517 The inciter to mirth, yet the retainer of order.1855Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. XVI. i. 179 Limestone soils..are bad retainers of water.1882Pall Mall G. 24 July 2/1 The arbitrator is to impose what conditions he thinks fit on the retainer of enclosures.
b. Dentistry. A structure cemented to a tooth and connected to a bridge to hold it in place.
1887S. H. Guilford in W. F. Litch Amer. Syst. Dentistry II. ii. 323 These little fixtures can be used as retainers with perfect success and to the exclusion of a more bulky plate.1956,1974[see pontic a.2 B].1976Torres & Ehrlich Mod. Dental Assisting xxvi. 797/1 The components of fixed bridgework are the pontics, the retainers and the connectors.
2. a. A dependent or follower of some person of rank or position; one attached to a house, or owing it service. Now only Hist. or arch.
‘Retainer..signifieth in the common law, a seruant not meniall nor familiar, that is not continually dwelling in the house of his Lord or Master, but onely vsing, or bearing his name or liuery’ (Cowell, 1607).
1540Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 267, I resayuyd thayr Chyldren and Freendes not as Retaynours.1570Levins Manip. 80 A Reteyner, cliens.1598Florio Dict. Ep. Ded. 4 The retainer doth some seruice, that now and then but holds your Honors styrrop.1606Dekker Newes fr. Hell Wks. (Grosart) II. 123 The great Lord of Tartary will shortly haue no roome for all his retayners.1607Hieron Wks. I. 337 Retayners..are willing to belong to a gentleman, but yet it is but for their owne priuate aduantage.1712Swift Let. Eng. Tongue iv. Wks. 1755 II. i. 184 Harry the Second..was always attended with a number of his countrymen, retainers at his court.1759Robertson Hist. Scot. vi. Wks. 1813 I. 439 This design was revealed to the two earls by one of Morton's retainers.1815Elphinstone Acc. Caubul (1842) I. 332 None have resided there but great men and their retainers, who are drawn thither by the court.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. i. v, He..was one of the house's retainers and owed vassalage to it.1878Stubbs Const. Hist. III. xxi. 551 A swarm of armed retainers whom the lord could not control, and whom he conceived himself bound to protect.
b. transf. or fig. Also const. to.
1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, ii. iv. 113 Where Powres are your Retainers, and your words (Domestickes to you) serue your will.1651Baxter Inf. Bapt. 25 All Church-members are Christians, that is, retainers to Christ.1705Addison Italy 207 It is incredible how great a Multitude of Retainers to the Law there are at Naples.1757Foote Author i. Wks. 1799 I. 133, I, like you, have long been a retainer of the muses, as you may see by their livery.1831Lamb Elia ii. Newspapers 35 yrs. ago, In those days every Morning Paper, as an essential retainer to its establishment, kept an author, who [etc.].1864C. Geikie Life in Woods vi. (1874) 118 For the benefit of our fourfooted retainers.
c. U.S. A person irregularly attached to an army; a sutler, camp-follower. (Cent. Dict.)




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