

单词 rhinoceros
释义 rhinoceros|raɪˈnɒsərəs|
Forms: 4, 6 rinoceros (7 -as), 5 rynoseros, 5, 7 -ceros, 7 rheno-, reno-, r(h)ynoceros, rhonoserous, renosceros, 6– rhinoceros. Also 6 renocero, 7 rinocere. pl. 6, 9 rhinoceros, 6 -ons, -ontes, 7 -ceroes, -cero's, 8– -ceri, -ceroses; also 6–7 -cerotes (see rhinocerot).
[a. late L. rhīnocerōs (also med. and mod.L. rhīnoceron, gen. -ontis), a. Gr. ῥῑνόκερως, f. ῥῑνο-, ῥίς nose + κέρας horn. Cf. F. rhinocéros, It., Sp. rinoceronte, Pg. rhinoceronte, -ceros.]
1. a. A large, unwieldy quadruped of a genus now found only in Africa and Southern Asia, having a horn (or, in some species, two horns) on the nose and a very thick skin disposed in plates and folds.
The chief of the one-horned species are the Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) and the Javan Rhinoceros (R. sondaicus); of the two-horned species, the African Rhinoceros (R. bicornis).
13..K. Alis. 6514 (Bodl. MS.), Anoþer beeste also þer is Þat hat Rinoceros.a1400–50Alexander 4133 And sa þai willid in-to a wod was full of wild bestis, Rynoceros, as I rede, þe romance þam callis.1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 16 This Rhinoceros hath two hornes, whereof the one is of notable bignes.1555Decades (Arb.) 385 A great region which bryngeth furth..the beastes cauled Rhinocerontes.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xvii. 29 Their baitings of wild beasts, as Elephants, Rhinocerōs, Tigers, Leopards.1596Raleigh Discov. Gviana 61 A beast..all barred ouer with small plates somewhat like to a Renocero.1606J. Coprario Funeral Tears Earl Devonsh. Introd., Rhinoceroes some by their arm'd snowtes I deem'd.1623Cockeram iii, Rinocere, a beast as bigge as an Elephant.1680Morden Geog. Rect., Ganges Penins. (1685) 412 The Forests..are full of Rhinocero's.1753Hanway Trav. (1762) I. vii. xcv. 440 Rhinoceroses of the size of a large dog.1799Kirwan Geol. Ess. 68 The remains of elephants and rhinoceri accompanied by marine vegetables.1850R. G. Cumming Hunter's Life S. Afr. I. xi. 249 note, There are four varieties in South Africa,..the borèlé or black rhinoceros, the keitloa or two-horned black rhinoceros, the muchocho or common white rhinoceros, and the kobaoba or long-horned white rhinoceros.1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting viii. 327, I saw four rhinoceros drinking at the fountain.
Phrase.1712Addison Spect. No. 275 ⁋8 When they talk of a Man's cocking his Nose, or playing the Rhinoceros.
b. transf. A large, unwieldy person.
1613Marston Insatiate Countess i. sig. A4v, Mountebancke with thy Pedanticall action, Rimatrix, Buglors, Rhimocers [sic].1869T. Taylor Our Amer. Cousin ii. 29 There's that damned rhinoceros again.1885J. Payn Talk of Town I. 160 What is the tune which has set this rhinoceros a dancing?
2. = rhinoceros-beetle, -bird. Obs.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage vii. v. (1626) 742 Andrea Corsali..mentioneth also a bird, called the Rhinoceros of the ayre.., hauing..a horne betweene the eyes.1658Rowland tr. Moufet's Theat. Ins. Ep. Ded., The greater Beetle, the Indian Rhinoceros.1822Latham Gen. Hist. Birds II. 306 The bill of the Rhinoceros in no instance we have seen is more than twelve [inches].
3. attrib., as rhinoceros-black, rhinoceros-like adjs.; rhinoceros bull, rhinoceros calf, rhinoceros cow, rhinoceros horn, rhinoceros hump, rhinoceros hunt, rhinoceros-run, rhinoceros skin, rhinoceros spoor; also = ‘resembling that of a rhinoceros’, as rhinoceros build (cf. 1 b), rhinoceros hide; rhinoceros auk, rhinoceros auklet, a puffin of the north Pacific, Cerorhinca monocerata, having a horn at the base of its beak; rhinoceros beetle, a kind of beetle having a horn; rhinoceros bird, (a) the Indian bird Buceros rhinoceros; (b) the African Beef-eater or Ox-pecker, genus Buphaga, which rids the rhinoceros' skin of ticks; rhinoceros bush [= Cape Du. renoster-bos], a shrub Elytropappus rhinocerotis, said to be the food of the rhinoceros; also = rhenosterbos; rhinoceros-chameleon, the Malagasy Chamæleon rhinoceratus; rhinoceros cup, a cup of rhinoceros horn; rhinoceros hornbill = rhinoceros bird (a); rhinoceros leg, elephantiasis (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1897); rhinoceros nose = L. nasus rhinocerotis (Martial), used as descriptive of a sneer; rhinoceros puff-adder, viper, a venomous West African snake, Bitis nasicornis.
1887R. Ridgway Man. N. Amer. Birds 12 *Rhinoceros auklet.1976Islander (Victoria, B.C.) 19 Sept. 13/1 Common Murres and Rhinoceros Auklets were in abundance.
1681Grew Musæum i. §vii. ii. 162 The *Rhinoceros Beetle..hath only one Horn upon the Nose standing almost upright.1711Petiver Gazophyl. 12 Black Luzone Rhinocero's Beetle.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. xxix. III. 90 The Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis).
1651Evelyn Diary 23 May, The head of the *rynoceros bird, which was very extravagant.1678[see raven n.1 1 b].1783Marsden Sumatra 98 Engang, or rhinoceros bird.1822J. Campbell Travels S. Africa: Narr. Second Journey I. xxiv. 282 There is a brown bird, about the size of a thrush, called the rhinoceros' bird, from its perching upon those animals and picking off the brush-lice which fix on him.1885Harper's Mag. Feb. 422/2 Although called the rhinoceros-bird, it does not confine its beneficent attentions to that animal.1947J. Stevenson-Hamilton Wild Life S. Afr. v. 47 The black rhinoceros..is often accompanied by rhinoceros birds (Buphaga), which give the alarm on the approach of enemies.
1925E. Sitwell Troy Park 82 *Rhinoceros-black (a flowing sea!).
1865Dickens Mut. Fr. i. v, He was of an overlapping *rhinoceros build, with folds in his cheeks, and his forehead,..and his lips.
1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting ix. 410 One white *rhinoceros bull.
1731G. Medley tr. Kolb's Pres. State Cape Good-Hope II. 104 The Delight of his [sc. the rhinoceros's] Tooth is a Shrub, not much unlike the Juniper... The Cape-Europeans call it the *Rhinoceros-Bush.1786tr. Sparrman's Voy. I. 252 The Rhinoceros-bush, which the cattle always pass by and leave untouched.1839W. C. Harris Wild Sports S. Afr. 30 Barely sufficient quantity of fuel, from a shrub called the rhinoceros bush, could be obtained.
1795Thunberg's Trav. (ed. 2) I. 247 Such horns as were taken from a young *rhinoceros calf..were said to be the best.
1876Encycl. Brit. V. 382/1 The *Rhinoceros Chameleon, the male of which has a horn-like tubercle at the end of the muzzle.
1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting iv. 105 An old *rhinoceros cow.
1649Inv. in Archæol. (1806) XV. 284 A *rinoceras cupp graven with figures.
1863W. Phillips Sp. iii. 48 The *rhinoceros hide of a Webster.1876G. B. Goode in Smithsonian Coll. XIII. vi. 84 Rhinoceros-hide used for shields, targets, whips.
1625Purchas Pilgrims I. iv. ii. 394 *Renosceros horne.1657Tomlinson tr. Renou's Disp. III. xxi. 457 To others I prescribe Rhinoceros, and Harts⁓horn.1841Penny Cycl. XIX. 473/2 Clubs of Rhinoceros horn about three feet in length had been obtained from Western Africa.1887Rider Haggard Allan Quatermain i, The rhinoceros-horn handle of his axe.
1781–7Latham Gen. Synopsis Birds I. 341 *Rhinoceros Hornbill.1812Shaw Zool. VIII. i. 3 The general size of the Rhinoceros Hornbill is that of a hen turkey.
1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting vi. 190, I breakfasted this morning on *rhinoceros hump.
1849Mammalia III. 33 His animated account of a *rhinoceros-hunt.
1915E. R. Lankester Diversions of Naturalist xxviii. 260 The skulls and whole skeletons of great *rhinoceros-like animals..are dug up in early tertiary sands.
1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 398, I haue not..byn very curious To auoyde the scornes of *Rhinoceros nose.
1870Gillmore tr. Figuier's Reptiles & Birds ii. 83 The *Rhinoceros Puff Adder (Clotho nasicornis of Guinea) has the scales over the nostrils of the male produced into a long re-curved spine.
1909Chambers's Jrnl. Sept. 568/2 Elephant-tracks and *rhinoceros-runs pierced the jungle here and there.
1681Grew Musæum i. §ii. ii. 30 A piece of a great *Rhinoceros-Skin, tann'd.
1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting ix. 380 There is plenty of *rhinoceros spoor, but we have not found them.
1910R. L. Ditmars Reptiles of World iv. 327 The *Rhinoceros Viper is..the most beautifully coloured of all poisonous snakes.1965R. & D. Morris Men & Snakes i. 16 The rhinoceros viper has a snout appendage of large pointed scales which looks like an erect horn.




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