

单词 ballistics
释义 baˈllistics, n. pl.
Also balist-.
[f. ballistic a.; cf. athletics, acoustics, etc., and F. balistique.]
‘The art of throwing heavy bodies’ (Chambers); the science of projectiles.
exterior ballistics, that branch of ballistics which deals with the flight of the projectile after leaving the gun; interior (or internal) ballistics, that branch which deals with the propulsive effect of a charge and the motion of the projectile in the bore of the gun. For terminal ballistics see terminal A. adj.
1753Chambers Cycl. Supp.1840Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. III. 21/2 They afford positive data, and the bases of experimental balistics, so necessary for artillery practice.1873F. Bashforth Motion of Projectiles p. viii, On the institution of the Advanced Class for Officers of the Royal Artillery in 1864, there was no satisfactory work on ballistics.1886J. M. Ingalls Exterior Ballistics in Plane of Fire 5 The motion of a projectile may be studied under three different aspects..called respectively Interior Ballistics, Exterior Ballistics, and Ballistics of Penetration. 1. Interior Ballistics.—Interior Ballistics treats of the motion of a projectile within the bore of the gun while it is acted upon by the highly elastic gases into which the powder is converted by combustion... 2. Exterior Ballistics.—Exterior Ballistics considers the circumstances of motion of a projectile from the time it emerges from the gun until it strikes the object aimed at.1889J. A. Longridge (title) Internal Ballistics.1917W. H. Tschappat Ordnance & Gunnery iv. 108 Interior ballistics treats of the motion of the projectile while still in the bore of the gun.Ibid. ix. 424 Exterior ballistics treats of the motion of a projectile after it has left the piece.




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