

单词 rootfast
释义 ˈrootfast, a.
Forms: 2 rotfest, 4–6 rotefast, 5 rote faste, Sc. rutfast.
[a. ON. rótfastr (Norw. and Sw. rotfast, Da. rodfast): see root n.1 and fast a.]
Firmly settled or held by the roots; securely established.
1127O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1127, Þa beþohte he him þæt ᵹif he mihte ben rotfest on Engle land þæt he mihte habben eal his wile.c1375Cursor M. 11703 (Fairf.), Wiþ þis stert vp þis tree rotefast, and þer hit stode a welle oute-brast.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xliv. (Lucy) 260 Scho mycht nocht steryt be mare þane ware a rutfast tre.c1440Jacob's Well 289 Stedfastnesse, þat makyth a mannys herte styff as..a rotefast tre þat no storme may ouyrthrowe.1953C. Day Lewis Italian Visit iii. 36 A character root-fast Like a man's in the deposit of all his acts.
Hence ˈrootfastness. rare—1.
1526State P. Hen. VIII, VI. 534 Whanne He shall perceeyue that the oolde tre for lakk of vegeetyue sprytis maye nott opteeyne perfect rotefastnesse.




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