

单词 rosewood
释义 ˈrosewood
[f. rose n. + wood n.]
1. One of several kinds of valuable, fragrant, close-grained cabinet-wood, chiefly that yielded by tropical leguminous trees of the genera Dalbergia (esp. D. nigra) and Machærium; also, a tree yielding this wood.
The true rosewood of commerce is that imported from S. America, esp. from Brazil, where the name Jacaranda is applied to Dalbergia and to several species of Machærium.
1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 26 Here is likewise..the most exquisite Rose wood.1666J. Davies tr. Rochefort's Caribby Isles 40 The wood called Rose-wood is fit not only for the Carpenter, but also for the Joyner.1703Lond. Gaz. No. 3917/4 The Loading of the Dorothy,..consisting of Canary Wines, Orchilla, Rosewood.1745P. Thomas Jrnl. Anson's Voy. 252 There is also another particular Wood, which they call Rose-wood... Its colour is black, inclining to red.1821J. Smyth Pract. Customs 294 Rose Wood is used principally by cabinet-makers for drawing-room furniture. The smell of real Rose Wood is very fragrant, resembling that of roses.1843Holtzapffel Turning I. 104 The colours of rose-wood are from light hazel to deep purple, or nearly black.1870Yeats Nat. Hist. Comm. 224 The best rosewood comes from Rio de Janeiro.
2. The fragrant wood of certain species of Convolvulus, as C. floridus and C. scoparius, and of the allied genus Rhodorrhiza, natives of the Canary Islands.
1671Skinner Etym. Bot., Rose-wood, lignum Rhodium, Aspalathus, sic dictum quia odore omnino Rosam refert.1718Quincy Compl. Disp. 85 Rosewood is accounted astringent and drying.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) II. 396/1 The rose-wood, whence the oleum rhodii is obtained.1866Treas. Bot. 978/1 Rhodorrhiza..derives its name from the rose-like smell peculiar to the rootstocks and lower part of the stems, which yield a kind of Rosewood (lignum rhodii).1868Watts Dict. Chem. V. 116 Oil of Rosewood, a volatile oil obtained from rosewood (Convolvulus scoparius).
3. The West Indian candlewood, Amyris balsamifera; also A. montana.
1756P. Browne Jamaica 208 White Candlewood, or Rosewood... The wood..bears a fine polish, and has a fine smell.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) I. 644/1 The [Amyris] balsamifera, or rose-wood, is found on gravelly hills in Jamaica and others of the West India islands.1843Holtzapffel Turning I. 104 Amyris montana is called Yellow candle-wood, or rose⁓wood.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade.
4. Applied to several Australasian trees, as the myall, pencil cedar, and sandalwood (see quots.).
1779Forrest Voy. N. Guinea 256 Here grows a kind of rose wood, called narra, many dammer trees.1838Mitchell Three Exped. I. 203 One or two trees of a warmer green, of what they call ‘rosewood’,..gave a fine effect.1866Treas. Bot. 992/1 Roswood, New South Wales. The wood of Trichilia glandulosa.1889J. H. Maiden Useful Native Pl. 126 Eremophila Mitchelli,..‘Rosewood’, or ‘Sandalwood’.Ibid. 212 Acacia glaucescens,..a ‘Rosewood’.Ibid. 419 Dysoxylon Fraserianum,..called variously ‘Rosewood’, ‘Pencil Cedar’, and ‘Bog-onion’.
attrib.1844Leichhardt in J. D. Lang Cooksland (1847) 91 The Rosewood Acacia, the wood of which has a very agreeable violet scent like the Myal Acacia.
5. With defining terms:
African rosewood, the West African tree Pterocarpus erinaceus; also, the wood of this. Burmese rosewood, = lingo. Dominica rosewood, a West Indian tree, Cordia Gerascanthus; also, the wood of this. (East) Indian rosewood, the blackwood of the East Indies, Dalbergia latifolia. Jamaica rosewood, the sweet-smelling wood of Amyris balsamifera, or of Linociera ligustrina. Moulmein rosewood, a species of Millettia, native to Burma.
1866Treas. Bot. 380, 774, 991–2. 1886 Encycl. Brit. XX. 852/1. 1890 Cent. Dict. s.v.
6. A shade or tint of the colour of rosewood.
1853Heal & Son Catal.: Bedsteads 33/1 Parisian Bed⁓stead, with handsome cast iron side and ends, sheet iron head and foot board, japanned rosewood.1897Sears, Roebuck Catal. 22/3 Wood stains..Perfect imitations of natural woods, Cherry, Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut [etc.].1907Yesterday's Shopping (1969) 145/1 Stains..as used by the Working Ladies Guild, colours:—Rosewood, Satinwood, Oak, [etc.].1927Daily Tel. 21 Feb. 14 (Advt.), Two-Piece Suits, Coats, &c. Available in shades of Light Grey, Rosewood, Fawn, Sand, &c.1930Daily Express 6 Oct. 13/1 (Advt.), Shades, beaver, brown, rosewood, and drab.1971[see moss n.1 5 d].
7. attrib. and Comb., as rosewood-coloured adj.; rosewood marble, rosewood oil, rosewood piano, rosewood shelf, rosewood tree.
1842Tennyson Talking Oak 118 She left the novel half-uncut Upon the rosewood shelf.1852–3Tomlinson's Cycl. Arts (1867) II. 123/1 Rosewood marble, so called from its marking resembling that of rosewood, is extremely hard and of close texture.1848Thackeray Van. Fair lv, She also left the fire-irons,..and the rosewood cottage-piano.1868Watts Dict. Chem. V. 116 Rosewood-oil is sometimes used for adulterating oil of roses.1874Stewart & Brandis Flora N.W. & Central India 148 Dalbergia latifolia.., the Blackwood or Rosewood tree of Southern India.
Hence ˈrosewoodize v., to suffuse or stain with a colour like that of rosewood.
1853C. Reade Chr. Johnstone v, A race of women that the northern sun peachifies instead of rosewoodizing.




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