

单词 runcible
释义 runcible, a.|ˈrʌnsɪb(ə)l|
[Prob. a fanciful alteration of rouncival.]
A nonsense word used by Edward Lear in runcible cat, runcible hat, etc., and esp. in runcible spoon, in later use applied to a kind of fork used for pickles, etc., curved like a spoon and having three broad prongs of which one has a sharp edge.
The illustrations provided by Lear himself for his books of verse give no warrant for this later interpretation.
1871E. Lear Owl & Pussy-Cat in Nonsense Songs, They dinèd on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon.1872More Nonsense 235 The Dolomphious Duck, who caught Spotted Frogs for her dinner with a Runcible Spoon.1877Laughable Lyrics 24 He has gone to fish, for his Aunt Jobiska's Runcible Cat with crimson whiskers!1888Nonsense Songs & Stories (ed. 6) 8 His body is perfectly spherical, He weareth a runcible hat.1895Ibid. (new ed.) 76 What a runcible goose you are!Ibid. 77 We shall presently all be dead, On this ancient runcible wall.1926N. & Q. 11 Dec. 430/2 A runcible spoon is a kind of fork with three broad prongs or tines, one having a sharp edge, curved like a spoon, used with pickles, etc. Its origin is in jocose allusion to the slaughter at the Battle of Roncevaux, because it has a cutting edge.Ibid., Does a ‘runcible’ hat mean one of the sort called a trilby? In that case a ‘runcible’ spoon may be one with prongs or teeth.1949Partridge Name into Word 373 ‘He weareth a runcible hat.’ Thus Edward Lear in ‘Self-Portrait’, where the hat is a ‘topper’ with a sharp rim. Now, a runcible spoon (Lear, 1871) is not a spoon at all but a pickle fork, broadly and triply tined, one tine being sharp-edged and curved like a spoon... The word runcible has been built in the architectural style of fencible; indeed, it may constitute a blend of Roncevaux and fencible (capable of defending).1969R. & D. De Sola Dict. Cooking 195/2 Runcible spoon, not a spoon but a fork with three broad curved prongs, used for serving appetizers.1979Washington Post 25 Mar. n6/2 A runcible spoon..is a large, slotted spoon with three thick, modified fork prongs at the bowl's end, and a cutting edge on the side.




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