

单词 benediction
释义 benediction|bɛnɪˈdɪkʃən|
Also 5 -dyctyon, 5–6 -diccion.
[ad. L. benedictiōn-em, n. of action f. benedict-; see benedict and -tion. Cf. F. bénédiction (16th c. in Littré, replacing the regular beneiçon, beneisson, whence Eng. benison).]
1. The utterance of a blessing; solemn invocation of blessedness upon a person; devout expression of a wish for the happiness, prosperity, or success of a person or enterprise:
a. gen.
1432–50tr. Higden (1865) I. 377 He openethe the durre with a benediccion, makenge the durre sure after hym.1485Caxton Paris & V. (1868) 51 Gyue to me your benedyctyon.1552Huloet, Benediction, benedictio.1605Shakes. Lear iv. vii. 58 Hold your hand in benediction o're me.1752Johnson Rambl. No. 204 ⁋2 Thy path perfumed by the breath of benediction.1860Froude Hist. Eng. V. 329 Amidst the benedictions of tens of thousands of people.
b. as officially pronounced by an ecclesiastical functionary; spec. the ceremony of consecration of an abbot.
1638Penit. Conf. xi. (1657) 306 The Priest is to marry him and to give the Benediction.1679Season. Adv. Protest. 11 This Catholick Religion, and Holy Cause sanctified by the Popes Benediction.1726Ayliffe Parergon (J.) What consecration is to a bishop, that benediction is to an abbot.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. II. xlv. 671 Their choice was sanctified by the benediction of the patriarch.1802T. D. Fosbroke Brit. Monachism (1843) 86 Between the election and benediction the Abbot used the Prior's chamber.
c. as pronounced by the officiating minister at the conclusion of divine worship.
1549Bk. Com. Prayer, Ord. Deacons (Rubr.), After the last Collect, and immediately before the benediction, shall be said these collects.1622Sparrow Bk. Com. Prayer (1843) 266 A most excellent and pious benediction of the priest concludes all.1856Longfellow Day is Done ix, Such songs..come like the benediction That follows after prayer.
d. as an expression of thanks; spec. as ‘grace’ before or after meals.
1671Milton P.R. iii. 127 Of whom what could he less expect Than glory and benediction—that is, thanks.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Benediction is still applied to the act of saying grace before or after meals.1806Wordsw. Ode Immort. 135 The thought of our past years in me doth breed Perpetual benediction.1818Lamb Elia, Grace bef. Meat, The form, then, of the benediction before eating has its beauty at a poor man's table.
e. as a service in the Roman Catholic Church.
1812P. Gaudolphy Liturgy Com. Prayers (1815) 227 An act of adoration and thanksgiving in honour of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, commonly called Benediction.1853Faber All for Jesus 6 Even in the churches during Mass or Benediction, they are hard at work.1884Addis & Arnold Cath. Dict., Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, a rite which has now become very common in the Catholic Church.
2. Blessing carried into practical effect, blessedness; kindly favour, grace.
1483Caxton Cato E j, That we may haue his glorye and benediccion at the end of our dayes.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 69 We shall neuer be parteners..of the benediccyon of the whiche the sone of god spake.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 614 As if my Trinkets had beene hallowed, and brought a benediction to the buyer.1702Eng. Theophrast. 73 The inward joy of contemplating the Benedictions of another World.1872Ruskin Fors Clav. II. xviii. 5 Has had at least some measure of Christian Benediction.




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