

单词 rupture
释义 I. rupture, n.|ˈrʌptjʊə(r)|
Also 5 ruptur, 6 Sc. ruptor.
[a. F. rupture, or ad. L. ruptūra, f. rupt-, ppl. stem of rumpĕre to break: see -ure.]
a. Breach of a covenant, intercourse, or the peace. Obs.
1481Coventry Leet Bk. 475 Wherby the seid trewes & other conuencions..myght fall in vyolacion or Ruptur in any wyse.149611th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. III. 13 His requeste for to have..entrecours of merchandise..is gretly to our honour seing that the ruptur and discontinuaunce therof hathe not stand by us.1535Act 27 Hen. VIII c. 5 §1 Manifolde robberies,..ruptures of his peace & many other malfaites.1551Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 118 Provyding alwayis that the said Lord do, nor procure to be done,..that may tend to the ruptor of the peace.c1645Howell Lett. i. iv. xxvii, Which was promis'd upon the rupture of the Treaties with Spain.
b. A breach of harmony or friendly relations between two persons or parties.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 115 Making schismes, ruptures, breaches, and factions in the church of God.c1645Howell Lett. i. iii. xxvii, For we that have business to negotiate here are like to suffer much by this rupture.1674Essex Papers (Camden) I. 286 Who have declared a war..by open Acts of Hostilitie; and also those of Algier, Tripoly, and Tunis have offered faire for a Rupture.1759Robertson Hist. Scot. vi. Wks. 1813 I. 461 This rupture contributed..to render the Duke still more odious to the nation.1788H. Walpole Reminis. vii. (1818) 50 She was safe while under the royal roof, even after the rupture between the king and prince.1838Prescott Ferd. & Is. (1846) II. xviii. 164 He at first threw out hints of an immediate rupture.a1862Buckle Civiliz. (1869) III. ii. 93 The rupture between Church and State was now complete.
Comb.1810Crabbe Borough vi. 90 The litigious rupture-stirring race; Who to contention as to trade are led.
c. Breach of continuity; interruption. Obs.
1639Fuller Holy War i. xxiii, Some eminent particulars..which constant tradition without rupture hath entailed on Posteritie.1640Ld. Digby in Rushw. Hist. Coll. (1692) I. iii. 147 A truer cause than the Ruptures and Intermission of Parliaments.
d. The act of breaking out into arms. Obs.
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. v. §91 [He] believed..that the preserving that Magazine..would likewise prevent any possible rupture into Armes.
2. Path. Abdominal hernia; a case of this.
1539Elyot Cast. Helthe 49 b, Than shal ensue to hym that exerciseth, no peryll of obstruction or rupture.1581Mulcaster Positions xv. (1887) 69 The holding of ones breath vnadvisedly and with to much strayning causeth ruptures.1615Crooke Body of Man 79 Which inward membrane if it be broken, and the externall dilated,..causeth the one kinde of rupture or the other.1662R. Mathew Unl. Alch. 126 Who said, that he had been troubled with a Rupture for ten or eleven years.1706–7Farquhar Beaux' Strat. i. i, She cures rheumatisms, ruptures, and broken shins in men.1796Stedman Surinam (1813) II. xviii. 63 Two fine young officers arrived, unfit for service by ruptures.1818Canning Sp. Indemnity Bill Speeches (1838) VI. 33 That he had been cured of a rupture at the public expense.1880Encycl. Brit. XI. 752/2 Rupture is either congenital or acquired.Ibid., Ruptures are most frequent at the extremes of life.
b. attrib. and Comb., as rupture-cutter, rupture-doctor, rupture-quack, rupture-surgeon.
1654Whitlock Zootomia 436 A rare Oculist, Operator, Stone, or Broke, or Rupture-cutter, &c.1763Ann. Reg. 57 Another trial..wherein a rupture surgeon was plaintiff.1783Pott Chirurg. Wks. II. 48 That positive assertion which all rupture-quacks make use of.Ibid. 65 note, Some of these rupture-doctors have been largely rewarded.a1843Southey Comm.-pl. Bk. (1851) IV. 589 There were itinerant rupture-surgeons.
a. A break in a surface or substance, such as the skin, flesh, etc. Obs.
c1550H. Lloyd Treas. Health R iij, Agaynst the chopping or ruptures. The Causes. Muche goynge in cold wyndes and drynesse.1607Rowlands Earl of Warwick (Hunterian Cl.) 78 He lent him such a powerful stroke It made wide ruptures in the Giant's flesh.1673–4Grew Anat. Pl., Trunks i. iii. 120 The Pith,..as the Plant grows up,..hath divers openings or Ruptures made in it.
b. A break in the surface of the earth, etc.; a ravine, chasm, gorge, rift.
1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 212 In the riuers or ruptures or breaches of water.1594Greene & Lodge Looking Gl. G.'s Wks. (Rtldg.) 132 What..malevolent Conspiring power..Hath made the concave of the earth unclose, And shut in ruptures lovely Radagon?1609Bible (Douay) Zech. xiv. 4 The mount of olives shal be cloven..with a stiepe rupture exceding great.1684T. Burnet Theory Earth ii. 50 At this chasm or rupture we suppose the fire wou'd gush out.1703Maundrell Journ. Jerus. (1732) 142 There is a very great rupture in the side of Libanus.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xxxvii. (1856) 344 The sea has dwindled to a narrow lane, flanked by the heavy hummocks, whose rupture formed the sides.
4. The act of breaking or bursting; the fact of being broken or burst.
1647Lilly Chr. Astrol. xxxvi. 215 It's probable..your Water-course will be subject to ruptures or breaking downe of the Banks.1667Milton P.L. vii. 419 The Egg that soon Bursting with kindly rupture forth disclos'd Thir callow young.1731Arbuthnot Nat. of Aliments (1735) 157 A Lute-string will bear a hundred Weight without Rupture.1739S. Sharpe Surg. 137 The Rupture of the Vessels of the Brain.1799Kirwan Geol. Ess. 97 The rupture of the isthmus that joined Calais and Dover was probably effected by an earthquake at a later period.1839G. Bird Nat. Philos. 276 A rapid succession of powerful currents being at each rupture of contact sent through the long coil.1860Tyndall Glac. i. vi. 44 The rupture of the ice by the expansion of the air-bubbles.1878T. Bryant Pract. Surg. I. 607 Rupture of the diaphragm is an accident that occurs in practice, but difficult to diagnose.
fig.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iii. i. 153 If with feasting him thou breakest thyself, he will not cure thy rupture.1648Boyle Seraph. Love xi. (1700) 63 The glad Heart..to make room for such Guests, would stretch unto a Rupture.1745De Foe's Eng. Tradesm. (1841) I. vii. 46 Nor can a man be supposed, in the rupture of his affairs, to receive any comfort.
II. rupture, v.|ˈrʌptjʊə(r)|
[f. prec.]
1. trans.
a. To break, burst (a vessel, membrane, etc.).
1739S. Sharpe Surg. 136 [If] the Vessels of the Brain and Membranes..are ruptur'd, they absorb the extravasated Blood again.1797M. Baillie Morb. Anat. (1807) 446 The vessels of the brain under such circumstances of disease, are much more liable to be ruptured than in a healthy state.1834J. Forbes Laennec's Dis. Chest (ed. 4) 143 We observe..that some of the cells are simply dilated, while others are ruptured.1875Darwin Insectiv. Pl. iii. 57 Here and there a few cells both in the glands and in the pedicels had escaped being ruptured.
b. To cause a breach of; to sever.
1854A. Jameson Comm. Pl. Book 256 The first [marriage], though perhaps unhappy or early ruptured.1869Goulburn Purs. Holiness vi. 53 My filial relationship to Him cannot be ruptured by my sin.
c. To affect (a person) with hernia.
1818[see ruptured ppl. a. 2].1907Westm. Gaz. 15 July 3/2 A printer..stated that he had been put in irons and had been thereby ruptured.
2. intr. To suffer a break or rupture.
1863Spencer Ess. II. 25 note, Instead of a nebulous ring rupturing at one point and collapsing into a single mass.1876J. S. Bristowe Theory & Pract. Med. (1878) 556 Aneurysms..are very apt to rupture at an early period into the pericardial cavity.




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