

单词 boarding
释义 I. ˈboarding, vbl. n.
[f. board v. + -ing1.]
1. Naut. The action of coming close up to, or of entering (a ship), usually in a hostile manner.
1591Raleigh Last Fight Rev. 21 The voleis, bourdings, and entrings.1691Lond. Gaz. No. 2719/3 He thrice repulsed the Enemy, who boarded him, but at the fourth boarding was taken.1801Nelson in A. Duncan Life (1806) 196, I directed the attack to be made by four divisions of boats, for boarding.
2. The action of approaching or accosting.
1546St. Papers Hen. VIII, XI. 49 The bordyng of th-Emperour soo playnly in the matier of the warre.1636Healey Theophrast. 49 A troublesome bourding and assaulting of those, with whom we have to doe.
3. Naut. The action of tacking. Obs.
a1618Raleigh Royal Navy 10 That shee stay well, when bourding and turning on a wind is required.
4. The act of covering or furnishing with boards; the mass of boards so used, a structure of boards.
1552Huloet, Bourdinge, or ioynynge of bourdes together.1663Gerbier Counsel 22 The bording..is much subject to rott.1847Grote Greece (1862) III. xli. 460 The wooden palisades and boarding..took fire.
5. Currying. The treatment of leather with a graining-board. (See Ure Dict. Arts III. 97.)
1870Eng. Mech. 11 Feb. 534/3 When dry, repeat the boarding, and you will have a good Memel grain.1885Harper's Mag. Jan. 278/1 The ‘boarding’ makes them [hides] very pliable.
6. The supplying of stated meals; the obtaining of food, or food and lodging, at another person's house for a stipulated charge.
1531Dial. Laws Eng. ii. xxiv. (1638) 102 To pay for the chamber and boording a certain summe, etc.a1667Cowley College Wks. 1710 II. 621 For the lodging and boarding of young scholars.1861Rebel War Clerk's Diary (1866) 255 The boarding of my family comes to more than my salary.
7. Comb., as (sense 1) boarding-brand, boarding-bridge, boarding-card, boarding knife, boarding-netting (a netting put round the ship to hinder the enemy's attacks), boarding party, boarding pass, boarding-pike, boarding ticket; (sense 4) boarding-shop; (sense 6) boarding-kennel; boarding-book, a register for recording particulars of every ship boarded (Smyth Sailor's Word-bk.); boarding-car U.S., a railway carriage fitted with sleeping, cooking, and dining accommodation; boarding foreman (see quot.); boarding-house, a house in which persons board; boarding-master, a keeper of a boarding-house for seamen; boarding officer = boarding foreman; boarding-out, the obtaining of stated meals at another person's house; the placing of destitute children in families where they are treated as members; boarding-place U.S., a boarding-house; boarding-stable U.S., a livery stable. Also boarding-school.
1875Bedford Sailor's Pocket-bk. vi. (ed. 2) 223 When boarding foreign men-of-war the *boarding book should not be taken on board.
1814Byron Corsair i. vii, Be the edge sharpen'd of my *boarding-brand.
1878R. B. Smith Carthage 105 Had they been less afraid of the *boarding-bridges, [the left wing] must ere this have been victorious.
1867Commerc. & Financ. Chron. (U.S.) 8 June 726 The equipment of the road consists of..4 *boarding and 8 wrecking cars.1891C. Roberts Adrift Amer. 87 The boarding cars had to be fitted up, the cooking appliances put in order, &c.
1958Spectator 22 Aug. 251/3 It is now necessary, when travelling abroad by air, to carry passports, travel tickets, embarkation cards, *boarding cards, luggage vouchers, bus tickets and airport passes.1962L. Deighton Ipcress File v. 30 A steward took my..boarding card.
1921Dict. Occup. Terms (1927) §731 *Boarding foreman, boarding officer, is responsible to harbour or dock authority for seeing that ship's papers, etc., are in order before allowing her to enter dock or harbour.
1728A. Rogers Let. 16 Aug. in Mem. of Royal Chaplain (1905) 110 Mr. Gill has a Daughter..who..has for many Years last past kept a *Boarding-House at Yarmouth.1823Bentham Not Paul 355 The priests, in whose boarding-house he was.1837Hawthorne Amer. Note-Bks. (1871) I. 71 A nice, comfortable, boarding-house tavern without a bar.1883Harper's Mag. Jan. 235/1, I was calling on a..friend in a high and narrow city boarding-house.1969R. Rendell Best Man to Die ii. 17 The dog had awakened him..with long-drawn howls... ‘This isn't a boarding kennels, you know,’ he said.
1807in Maryland Hist. Mag. (1910) V. 176 She proved to be a small Pilot Boat.., with 50 Muskets ready loaded, about 18 *Boarding knives, &c.
1869Porcupine 217/2 The moment a sailor is shipped he obtains his advance-note..and the cupidity of the *boarding-master is called into action.1904Daily Chron. 31 Mar. 7/6 A Greek boarding-master boarded a vessel in the Roath Dock with sailors.
1833Marryat P. Simple (1863) 252 The *boarding nettings..were tied up to the yard-arms, and presented a formidable obstacle to our success.
1881Instr. Census Clerks (1885) 36 *Boarding Officer.
1863Fawcett Pol. Econ. iv. vi. (1876) 608 The *boarding-out system has lately been engrafted on our poor-law.1886Pall Mall G. 1 Jan. 4/1 Boarding-out..means the placing in select homes, and with select foster-parents, destitute healthy children under the age of twelve years.
1882*Boarding party [see board v. 1].1946C. S. Forester Lord Hornblower vi. 55 Have the boarding-party secured as they come on board.
1969Daily Express 17 Nov. 13/7 She had to stop to have her *boarding pass checked.1970Sunday Times 18 Jan. 13/6 He gave me the boarding pass which got me aboard one of the last relief planes.
1801Hist. Europe in Ann. Reg. 269/1 Our men were provided with *Boarding-pikes, tomahawks and cutlasses only.1835Marryat Pacha v, We received them with..boarding-pikes.
1854M. J. Holmes Tempest & Sunshine iv. 21 Mr. Middleton set off for Frankfort to find ‘as smart a *boarding-place for his gals as anybody had’.1911H. S. Harrison Queed iii. 28 She runs this boarding-place, and people of various kinds come to her.
1842Penny Mag. XI. 378 The *‘boarding-shop’..wherein all the operations are conducted for binding books in cloth boards.
1903*Boarding stable [see boarder 1 b].
1967M. Drabble Jerusalem the Golden viii. 206 Clara..obtained her boarding ticket, and went and sat down on a plastic covered seat to await..the announcement of her flight.
II. ˈboarding, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. That boards (a ship).
1797Holcroft Stolberg's Trav. (ed. 2) IV. xci. 163 The boarding Romans.1829Marryat F. Mildmay v, He had not been of the boarding party.
2. That boards in another person's house.
c1860Mrs. Spofford Pilot's Wife in Casquet Lit. (1877) IV. 7/2 She despised these boarding people.




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