

单词 bourgeois
释义 I. bourgeois, n.1 and a.|burʒwa, ˈbʊəʒwɑː|
Also 8 burgeois.
[F. bourgeois (OF. burgeis, whence burgess):—late L. burgensis, f. burg-us town, ad. WGer. burg: see borough and bourg.]
A. n.
1. orig. A (French) citizen or freeman of a city or burgh, as distinguished from a peasant on the one hand, and a gentleman on the other; now often taken as the type of the mercantile or shopkeeping middle class of any country. Also fem. bourgeoise, a Frenchwoman of the middle class.
a1674Clarendon Hist. Reb. III. xii. 241 He liv'd in a jolly familiarity with the Bourgeois and their Wives.1704Addison Italy (1733) 281 Body of the Burgeois.1794J. Courtenay Pres. State Manners of France & Italy ii. 25 Here the pretty Bourgeoise, drest in smiles and in charms.1807J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life II. 49 A Bourgeoise, who is privileged by wealth..to issue cards, and lose her money, to her superiors.1842L. S. Costello Pilg. Auvergne I. 149 We met several peasants and some bourgeoises from neighbouring villages.1864Kirk Chas. Bold I. viii. 385 The merchants and persons of independent means, to whom the name of bourgeois was exclusively given.1883Harper's Mag. July 265/2 The German bourgeois and his family.1959Listener 10 Dec. 1051/2 A garrulous bourgeoise.
2. Used disparagingly.
a. In communist or socialist writings: a capitalist; anyone judged to be an exploiter of the proletariat.
1883[see communist 1].1886Marx & Engels Manifesto of Communists ii. 17 The Bourgeois, not content with having the women and daughters of their wage-slaves at command,..find it a capital amusement to seduce each other's wives.1886F. K. Wischnewetzky tr. Engels's Condition of Working-Class (1892) 277 It is utterly indifferent to the English bourgeois whether his working-men starve or not, if only he makes money.
b. A socially or æsthetically conventional person; = Philistine n. 4. Hence to shock the bourgeois [F. épater le(s) bourgeois], to behave unconventionally, to utter novel opinions; so bourgeois-shocker. Cf. épater.
1930A. Huxley Brief Candles 190 It's better to be a good ordinary bourgeois than a bad ordinary bohemian..or a second-rate intellectual.1934R. Campbell Broken Record ii. 48 This tame and cowardly gang of bourgeois-shockers.1960C. P. Snow Affair v. 49 It was mildly ironic, when one thought how, as a young woman, she had shocked the bourgeois, to find her set on seeing him a cosy, bourgeois success.
B. adj. or attrib.
1. Of or pertaining to the French middle classes; also in comb., as bourgeois-looking.
1564–5Randolph in G. Chalmers Mary Q. Scots (1818) I. 123 She [Mary] saith..I sent for you..to see how like a bourgeois-wife I live.1867Parkman Jesuits in N. Amer. xiv. (1875) 175 She was born..of a good bourgeois family.1871Morley Voltaire (1886) 331 Born to be the insipid gossip of a bourgeois circle.
2. Resembling the middle classes in appearance, way of thinking, etc. Also used disparagingly: selfishly materialistic or conventionally respectable and unimaginative; = Philistine a. 2. (See also quot. 1960.)
1764S. Foote Lyar ii. 11 Decency is..a mere bourgois plebeian quality.1775H. Walpole Let. 10 Aug. (1904) IX. 231 Consider how bourgeois it would be in me to talk of her Highness my niece.1840Thackeray Paris Sk.-bk. (1872) 79 A regular burgeois physiognomy.1871Lowell Study Wind., Word for Winter, A poet whose inspiration always has an undertone of bourgeois.1873Symonds Grk. Poets iii. 80 He is thoroughly bourgeois, to use a modern phrase.1894‘A. Hope’ Dolly Dialogues xvi. 84 Bourgeois,’ I observed, ‘is an epithet which the riff-raff apply to what is respectable, and the aristocracy to what is decent.’1921Shaw Back to Methuselah ii. 43 You and I were brought up in the old bourgeois morality... Savvy..is a Bolshevist.1930A. Huxley Brief Candles 189 How can you be so disgustingly bourgeoise, Pamela? So crass, so crawling?1949F. Maclean Eastern Approaches i. iii. 32 Up to a year or two before [1937] jazz, or ‘dzhaz’, as it was called, had been frowned on [in Russia] as bourgeois stuff.1960C. S. Lewis Studies in Words i. 21 When I was a boy..bourgeois meant ‘not aristocratic, therefore vulgar’. When I was in my twenties this changed... Bourgeois began to mean ‘not proletarian, therefore parasitic, reactionary’.
3. (Cf. sense A. 2 a above.) Capitalistic, non-communist; esp. used disparagingly.
1850H. Macfarlane tr. Marx & Engels's Manifesto of German Communist Party in Red Republican 23 Nov. 183/2 The old Bourgeois Society with its classes, and class antagonisms, will be replaced by an association, wherein the free development of each is the condition of the free development of all.1886J. L. Joynes tr. Marx's Wage-Labour & Capital 11 Increase of capital..cannot abolish the opposition between his [sc. the labourer's] interests and those of the bourgeois or capitalist class.1928G. B. Shaw Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism lxxiv. 369 When the Russian Communist and his western imitators speak of the proprietors and their political supporters as ‘bourgeois’.1946Koestler Thieves in Night 90 Powder and cosmetics are banned from our stores as attributes of ‘bourgeois decay’.
4. Of French wine: next in quality to wines classified as the best (see quot. 1908).
[1846C. Cocks Bordeaux ii. 197 After the Second–Fourth growths, comes a list of wines known by the name of Bons Bourgeois.]1908E. & A. Vizetelly Wines of France iii. 93 Below the classified growths, throughout the Bordelais, come..those which are known locally as (1) ‘bourgeois’, (2) ‘artisan’, and (3) ‘peasant’ wines.Ibid., A superior bourgeois Médoc of 1904.1920G. Saintsbury Notes on Cellar-bk. iv. 49 A sound bourgeois wine, much above ordinaire.1967C. Ray Compleat Imbiber IX. 66 Some lesser classed growths, both great and bourgeois.
5. Comb., as bourgeois-capitalistic, bourgeois-democratic, bourgeois-liberal adjs.; bourgeois-mindedness.
1936Wirth & Shils tr. Mannheim's Ideology & Utopia i. 28 The liberal beginnings of the bourgeois-capitalistic era.
1937E. Snow Red Star over China iii. ii. 90 The Communists, of course, regarded the successful fulfilment of the ‘bourgeois-democratic’ revolution as a necessary preliminary for any Socialist society.1948J. Towster Political Power in U.S.S.R. i. i. 10 The Soviet state arose on the ruins of the bourgeois-democratic state form.
1936Wirth & Shils tr. Mannheim's Ideology & Utopia v. 249 The bourgeois-liberal mode of thought.
1955H. Hodgkinson Doubletalk 18 The rise of ‘bourgeois-mindedness’.
Hence bourˈgeoisdom [-dom], the political ascendancy of the bourgeoisie; bourgeois people collectively.
1887Moore & Aveling tr. Marx's Capital I. p. xxx, In its rational form it [sc. Hegelian dialectic] is a scandal and abomination to bourgeoisdom.1937‘C. Caudwell’ Illusion & Reality iv. 87 In its early stages bourgeoisdom requires the shattering of all feudal forms.
II. bourgeois, n.2|bɜːˈdʒɔɪs|
[Conjectured to be from the name of a French printer or type-founder.]
A size of printing type between Long Primer and Brevier.
1824J. Johnson Typogr. II. ii. 16 Two lines of some Diamond will answer to one of Bourgeois.1852W. Wilks Half Century Pref., Twenty-three sheets of bourgeois leaded.




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