

单词 schedule
释义 I. schedule, n.
(ˈʃɛdjuːl, ˈʃɛdəl; U.S. ˈskɛdjuːl)
Forms: 4–6 cedule, sedule, 5–6 cedull, sedull, 6–7 cedul, scedull, scedule, shedule, 6 schedul(l, (chedull, seadule, 7 shedulle), 6– schedule. Also 7 in Latin form scedula.
[ME. cedule, sedule, a. OF. cedule (mod.F. cédule), ad. late L. scedula (in med. and mod.Latin also written schedula), dim. of L. sceda (med.L. also scheda): see scede, schede ns. The word has passed from Latin into most of the Rom. and Teut. langs.: Pr. cedula, cedola, Sp. cédula, Pg. cedula, It. cedola; MHG. zedele, zetele (mod.G. zettel), MLG. sedele, MDu. cedule, cedele (Du. cedel, ceel), Sw. sedel, Da. seddel, Icel. seðill.
In the 16th c., both in Fr. and Eng., the spellings scedule and schedule, imitating the contemporary forms of the Latin word, were used by a few writers. In Fr. this fashion was transient, but in Eng. schedule has been the regular spelling from the middle of the 17th c. The original pronunciation |ˈsɛdjuːl| continued in use long after the change in spelling; it is given in 1791 by Walker without alternative; in his second ed. (1797) he says that it is ‘too firmly fixed by custom to be altered’, though on theoretical grounds he would prefer either |ˈskɛdjuːl|, favoured by Kenrick, Perry, and Buchanan, or—‘if we follow the French’—|ˈʃɛdjuːl|. The latter he does not seem to have known either in actual use or as recommended by any orthoepist. Smart, however, in 1836 gives |ˈʃɛdjuːl| in the body of his Dictionary without alternative, although in his introduction he says that as the word is of Gr. origin the normal pronunciation would be with |sk|. Several later Dicts. recognize |ˈsɛdjuːl| as permissible, but it is doubtful whether this was really justified by usage. In England the universal pronunciation at present seems to be with |ʃ|; in the U.S., the authority of Webster has secured general currency for |sk|.]
1. A slip or scroll of parchment or paper containing writing; a ticket, label, placard; a short note. Obs.
1397Rolls of Parlt. III. 378/2 [He] hathe..confessyd..alle the matiere and poyntz i wrete in this grete roule annexid to this sedule.c1440Alphabet of Tales 58 He prayed hym write his confession in a scrow, and at he wold giff it vnto þe bisshopp... And þe preste offerd þis cedull vnto þis bisshopp.c1465Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 14 Scribled in hast with mine owne hand..the 21 of June, which day your dayly Bedewoman..desired that by this rude sedule, she may humblie be recommended to your..mastership.c1470Henry Wallace ii. 216 Compleyn, Sanctis thus, as your sedull tellis; Compleyn to hewyn.1483Caxton Golden Leg. 114/2 He had in hys honde a cedule wherein was wreton the oryson of our lord.a1513Fabyan Chron. (1811) 548 The cedule or byll of renouncement, sygnyd with Kynge Rychardes hande.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cclxxii. 408 Writynges and seadules to be set vp on the pales,..sayeng thus [etc.].a1533Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) M iiij, Cedules to hange aboute the peoples necke, to heale the feuer quartayne.1560Rolland Seven Sages 36 Als sone as scho the Chedull had out red, Under hir feit incontinent it tred.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xiv. iv. 300 A Schedull or Scroll, containing the names.1598R. Barckley Felic. Man (1631) 225 About the pigeon's necke they had fastned a little schedule wherein was written [etc.].16..Beaumont & Fl. Tri. Love ii. Four Plays (1647) 33/2 The States advise, that Letters missive be straight dispatcht..And Schedules too divulg'd on every post, to enquire the lost Duke forth.1612W. Parkes Curtaine-Dr. (1876) 8 Fixed a copious Scedule ore his head, Where all his mischiefes are inregistred.1615T. Bedwell Arab. Trudg. L 2 b, Lawes written by Mohammed, as they say, in schedules & litle scroles.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr., Relig. Brit. 56 As Pope Urban sent his Bull to Eve, so he sent her a Schedule, or booke of the office or service for that day.1650Fuller Pisgah iv. vi. 107 Phylacteries..being schedules, or scrouls of parchment..wherein the Decalogue, and..four other sections of the Law were written.
a. Originally (as specific use of sense 1), a separate paper or slip of parchment accompanying or appended to a document, and containing explanatory or supplementary matter; in 16–17th c. sometimes used for a codicil to a will. Obs.
b. Hence (without material reference) an appendix to an Act of Parliament or a legal instrument, containing (often in tabular form) a statement of details that could not conveniently be placed in the body of the document.
c. In wider sense, any tabular or classified statement, esp. one arranged under headings prescribed by official authority, as, e.g. an insolvent's statement of assets and liabilities, a return of particulars liable to income or other tax, and the like. Also occas. a blank form to be filled up by the insertion of particulars under the several headings.
With reference to the British Income Tax, ‘Schedule A,’ ‘Schedule B,’ etc., are the official names for the forms of return applicable severally to the various classes into which sources of taxable income are divided.
c1420Hen. V. in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. I. 72 We sende yow closed wiyin yis lettre a Cedule contenyng ye names of certein maistres for owr grete shippes.1429Rolls of Parlt. IV. 346/2 Aftre the fourme and effect of the Cedule annexed to this Bille.1478Bury Wills (Camden) 80 The same cedule is annexid to myn testament.1516Nottingham Rec. III. 349 The cedule of the yerely rentes.1531–2Act 23 Hen. VIII, c. 4 This Acte of Brewers and Coupers whereunto this Cedule is annexed.1560Queen Elizabeth in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. II. 265 We will that you shall from time to time address several Schedules containing the names of all such hable Scholers.1601Shakes. Twel. N. i. v. 263, I will giue out diuers scedules of my beautie. It shalbe Inuentoried and euery particle and vtensile labell'd to my will.1607Cowell Interpr. s.v. Clerk of the extreates, He also maketh ceduls of such summes extreated, as are to be discharged.1625Maldon (Essex) Documents (Bundle 201. no. 2), The trained men within the sayd parish (whose names are specified in a Scedula heerevnto annexed).1626B. Jonson Staple of N. i. vi, Your father..Left it in writing in a Schedule here, To be annexed to his Will; that you..should take [etc.].1735Berkeley Querist §179 Whether there should not be published yearly schedules of our trade.1788J. Powell Devises (1827) II. 277 Certain acts on the part of the insolvent are necessary, as the delivery of a petition and schedule, constituting it a voluntary alienation, as distinguished from a bankruptcy.1803Wellington in Gurw. Desp. (1837) II. 612 Of which territories, etc. a detailed list is given in the accompanying schedule.1803Income Tax Act 43 Geo. III c. 122 s. 1 in Statutes United Kingdom (1804) I. 1012 During the Term herein mentioned, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, throughout Great Britain, the several Duties and Contributions in the Schedules contained in this Act, marked (A) (B) (C) (D) and (E).1824Saunders' K.B. Rep. I. 308 a, note, When an inferior court, in obedience to the writ of certiorari, returns an indictment to the K.B. it is annexed to the caption, then called a schedule, and the caption concludes with stating, that ‘it is presented in manner and form as appears in and by a certain indictment annexed to this schedule’.1831J. Macintosh Sp. Ho. Commons 4 July, Wks. 1846 III. 538 It does not only itself exhibit the principle of the schedules of this Bill, but [etc.].1838Bell Dict. Law Scot. s.v. Schedule of poinding, When a poinding is completed, the messenger or officer who executes it, leaves a schedule for the debtor, of the particulars of the effects taken.1852McCulloch Taxation ii. iii. (ed. 2) 288 The head of settlements in the stamp-duty schedule.1863Kingsley Water-Babies iv, The Chancellor of the Exchequer..jumped at the notion; for he saw in it the one and only plan for abolishing Schedule D.1873Daily News 12 Sept. 4/5 Both schedules show a rapid increase in the number of persons assessed.1882A. Macfarlane Consanguinity 13 He took for the basis of his schedule of questions the Roman method of denoting relationships.1887Live Stock Jrnl. 1 July 21/3 The schedule of the annual [agricultural] show..to be held at Ormskirk on July 20th. has been received.1902Kipling Traffics & Discov. (1904) 29 ‘You'll only be an additional expense to me as a taxpayer. Think of Schedule D,’ he says, ‘and take parole.’1966B. E. V. Sabine Hist. Income Tax ii. 35 The tax was for the first time divided up into the well-known five schedules. Schedule A charged tax on the amount of land and buildings; Schedule B covered farming profits; Schedule C taxed fundholders in respect of annuities payable out of any public revenue... Schedule D was divided into the six cases which are still familiar today and brought into charge various forms of profit and interest..and Schedule E embraced the charge on income from offices and employments of profit and annuities and pensions.1970Money Which? Mar. 4/2 Schedule A. Income from rents and other receipts from property which is unfurnished (formerly Case VIII of Schedule D, but reclassified as Schedule A as from 6 April 1970).
transf. and fig.c1630Donne Serm. ix. (1640) 95 Then the Accuser will be ready to interline the schedules of thy debts, thy sins, and insert false debts.1649Jer. Taylor Great Exemp. i. 118 He gave particular schedules of duty to several states of persons.1653Serm. for Yr. ii. 27 The Devill shall accuse the Brethren..and shall tell..the long schedule of omissions of duty.1654tr. Scudery's Curia Pol. 4 Hedin..desired permission to be inserted in the Schedule of my Triumphs.1659Gentl. Calling (1696) 17 Having given this Schedule of undeniable Priviledges they enjoy.
3. U.S. (See quot.)
1860Bartlett Dict. Amer. (ed. 3), Schedule, in the State of Rhode Island, the printed ‘Acts and Resolves’ of the General Assembly.
4. a. A time-table. Orig. U.S. (but cf. schedule v.). Also transf. and in extended sense, a programme or plan of events, operations, etc. Freq. in phrs. according to schedule, before schedule, behind schedule, on, etc., schedule (time).
In the sense ‘a printed time-table of arrivals and departures of trains, buses, aeroplanes, etc.’, the use remains chiefly N. Amer.
1863O. W. Norton Army Lett. (1903) 282 That is all that ever caused the name to be printed on anything but time⁓tables and schedules of a one-horse railroad.1866C. H. Smith Bill Arp 21 We tried our durndest to comply with your schedule.1873Hale In His Name vi. 47 Halting was not in John of Lugio's schedule for that afternoon.1881A. A. Hayes New Colorado vii. 94 As he [sc. the engineer] rounded the curves in about half of schedule time.1883C. D. Warner Roundabout Journey 2 We travel fast and we reach places at the time named on the schedule.1884J. G. Bourke Snake Dance Moquis i. 6 There was no probability of trains running on schedule time for several days.1891Scribner's Mag. Sept. 270/1 A steamer to-day leaves her wharf at the moment of time set forth in her schedule.1901O. Wister in Lippincott's Monthly Mag. Aug. 193 As a delayed train makes the last few miles high above schedule speed.1902Munsey's Mag. XXVI. 606/2 A regular train schedule was established between Caloocan and Manila.1904Newark Evening News 13 June 6 It is on the schedule for the new Equal Taxation Commission to organize to-morrow.1906‘O. Henry’ Rolling Stones (1912) 22 Tuesday, the day set for the revolution, came around according to schedule.1909Springfield (Mass.) Weekly Republican 19 Aug. 10 The train was running exactly on schedule when the party left it.1911C. E. Persons Labor Laws & their Enforcement 109 Most important of these enforced concessions was the temporary reduction to a ten-hour [factory] schedule at Fall River.1927Daily Tel. 1 Mar. 6/4 The material must be finished on time, routed on schedule, and delivered at exactly the psychological moment.1961Lancet 29 July 230/1 In investigations into new treatment schedules, close co-operation between the clinician and the laboratory is essential.1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 3 Feb. 35/9 The standing in the Metro Junior B Hockey League is beginning to appear like a jig-saw puzzle as the schedule enters its final week.1975M. Russell Murder by Mile ix. 93 How far behind schedule are you now?1977I. Shaw Beggarman, Thief ii. i. 119 He looked up the schedule of the planes flying out of Brussels to New York.1980Nature 24 Apr. 654/1 Preparations for the launch, begun on 2 April, are going ahead on schedule following the arrival of the Lo2 launcher at Kourou.
b. An agreed period of time during which a radio transmission may be made; time allocated to listening for transmissions.
1958‘N. Shute’ Rainbow & Rose i. 9, I should say they've closed down for the night. They'll be speaking on the morning schedule, at seven o' clock.1974D. Kyle Raft of Swords xiii. 143 We'd better watch this six o'clock schedule like hawks.
5. Used to render Sp. cédula and It. cedola:
a. A royal writ or permit;
b. A bond or promissory note. Obs.
1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guz. d'Alf. ii. 357 The Captaine..gaue me leaue to goe at libertie vp and downe the Gally, till his Majesties Royall Scedula should be sent for my absolute discharge.c1645Howell Lett. (1650) I. ii. xiv. 125, I have procur'd a Royal Cedule..by which Cedule I have power to arrest his very person.1668Lond. Gaz. No. 278/2 He presented the Pope with..a Cedule of 7000 Ducats, as a Tribute.1761Ann. Reg. 290/1 Heavy penalties contained in the..royal cedules issued on like occasions in times past.
II. schedule, v.
(ˈʃɛdjuːl, U.S. ˈskɛdjuːl)
[f. prec.]
1. trans. To enter in a schedule or list. In railway use: To enter (a train) in the time-table (cf. schedule n. 4). Hence, in extended uses: to place (something) on a programme of future events; to arrange for (a person or thing) to do something or for an event.
1862Shirley Nugæ Crit. §7. 303 The mind is not incessantly watched; its most flimsy experiences are not officially scheduled.1869Daily News 31 Aug., He was told that he would be scheduled as a briber.1883Act 46 & 47 Vict. c. 52 §122 (10) Any creditor of the debtor..shall be entitled to be scheduled as a creditor of the debtor for the amount of his proof.1887Jessopp Arcady ii. 31 To have one's career in a manner cut short by being scheduled with the infirm, is really too bad.1891Law Times XC. 376/2 The liabilities he had scheduled amounted to nearly {pstlg}2500.1897Daily News 13 Sept. 7/6 Trains which are scheduled to run have to get through some time.1898T. N. Page Red Rock 478 The trial would come off as already scheduled.1904N.Y. Even. Post 30 Sept. 1 The archbishop is scheduled to speak this afternoon at the Academy of Music.1922Joyce Ulysses 313 It was a historic and a hefty battle when Myler and Percy were scheduled to don the gloves for the purse of fifty sovereigns.1931H. F. Pringle Theodore Roosevelt i. xiv. 190 The advance took place as scheduled.1958‘N. Shute’ Rainbow & Rose i. 7 There was a Dakota freighter scheduled to leave for Hobart..at one o'clock.1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 17 Feb. b7 (Advt.), Wanted Masonry Superintendent, to take complete charge of a young masonry construction firm. Must be able to..schedule jobs, assist in bidding etc.1976Columbus (Montana) News 3 June 2/3 Kristy McFarland..is scheduled for back surgery June 4.1976Sunday Times (Lagos) 1 Aug. 22/2 Two top Nigerian lawn tennis players..are scheduled for the Zambian Open Championships.1979Tucson (Arizona) Citizen 20 Sept. 3a/1 A spokesman for St. Paul [Hospital] said an autopsy was scheduled.
2. To affix as a schedule (to an Act of Parliament).
1885J. Pearson in Law Times' Rep. LIII. 385/1 A certain number of these are scheduled to the Act.1908Act 8 Edw. VII, c. 20 §3 (4) The letter addressed by senate of the University to the corporation..which is scheduled in an appendix to this Act.
3. To include (a building, etc.) on a list of buildings that are to be preserved and protected for architectural or historic reasons.
1921Report of Ancient Monuments Advisory Committee 5 The Commissioners of Works are bound to prepare and publish a list of all monuments the preservation of which is reported by any of the three Ancient Monuments Boards to be of national importance, and to inform the owners of their intention to include them and of the penalties herein⁓after mentioned. This is called scheduling a monument.1960Twentieth Century Nov. 480 A decaying polygon..scheduled as being of architectural or historical interest.1971P. Gresswell Environment 23 Ancient Monuments are ‘scheduled’ by the Department of the Environment.




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